
Performing a force restart should not delete any data, but can be helpful if your iPhone XS Max is frozen or needs troubleshooting.

    • Quickly press and release the volume-up button (1).

    • Quickly press and release the volume-down button (2).

  2. 6wGmc4kFhTBweCv6
    • Finally, press and hold the side button (3) until the Apple logo appears, and then release.

    • The screen will temporarily go dark as the iPhone shuts down and reboots. Keep holding the button until you see the  logo.

    Hello so do I let go of the power button (3) or let go after the apple logo appears? Because step 4 says keep holding the button

    gamalier estrada jr -

    Merci beaucoup

    mimilajolie999 -

    This method does not work on my iPhone XS Max in 2022

    Kumar Desai -

    Ok got it working. Up and down volume press have to be very quick clicks. Click buttons and move on to right hand side. Hold that down. The close screen should appear immediately. Just keep holding and the phone will shut down automatically.

    Kumar Desai -

    Thanks your comment helped me

    Onyebuchi Vivian -

    it works, but then it powers off again.

    Lily Christie -


You're done!


409880 Reputation


Thank you!!! It worked perfectly, other websites made it confusing for such a simple process

mariadagdanova -

Merci enormement j’avais une roue de chargement sur mon iphone xs max avvec un ecran noir j’ai suivi la manip et sa a marché faut vraiment appuyer tres brievement

lelya ouahab -

Excellent. Greatly appreciated.

patryan041669 -

Merci beaucoup !!!

J’étais dans panique totale et déplacement à l’étranger. Vous ne pouvez pas imaginer

Vraiment Merci

Mohamed MOUKASSI -

merci bcp franchement je ne sait pas du tout ce qui s’est passé avec mon télephone ça fessait 10 minutes que mon XS Max m’affichait un écran complètement noir or qu’il est très récent déjà j’ai été rassuré de voir que je n’étais pas la seule. J’ai fais votre manipulation et merci il s’est rallumé mais je ne comprends toujours pas d’où vient ce dysfonctionnement

effectivement il faut vraiment appuyer très brièvement sur le bouton du volume haut puis bas.

merci bcp

Knt -

Bonjour, pour ma part ça n’a pas fonctionné, mon XS MAX m’affiche la pomme Apple depuis des jours… sur fond noir. rien à faire… il m’affiche quand il charge qu’il n’a plus de batterie :(


Hi, I did the exact same steps unfortunately my iphone is still stuck in the apple logo. What else can I do? There’s no service center that is open at this time because we are on strict lockdown due to coronavirus. Your help is much appreciated.

Jammy -

Hey Jammy, I have the same problem! How did you solve it?

tanja.hammerschmidt17 -

my phone keeps bringing up siri and wont power off

KaniyahxKaniyah -

What if my volume buttons are broken?

John’s Tech Hub -

I have apple logo came up and then it froze. Nothing further happening. How to resolve this.

Vinod Shah -

Hmmm, I’m having difficulty with this process. All I get is the slide to turn it off, not a restart. Is there a certain pace or rhythm? I’ve followed the instructions as supplied (thank you BTW) at different speeds, tempo, count, whatever, but it won’t force quit, just “slide to turn off “. Thanks for listening.

sean combs -

Didn’t work. Any other ideas?

trudy.metzger -

Stop lying y’all,it didn’t work ,it keeps calling the emergency number

Babalola Samuel -

Merci cela marche très bien pour le iphone XS max
Un pop s'était affiché sans que je puisse faire quoi que ce soit.


Thanks for the steps. i could reboot my iphone XSmax, when i was thinking i had to take to the repair shop!

Amjad Khan -

Hello, I followed the above steps, and it worked. But then, the Apple Logo just comes and goes and my phone is still off

Lmdd's Pride -