
If you have a Sony VO or VP series U-Matic player that goes into standby when you try to stop or eject a tape, the capstan locking mechanism may be stuck. This guide will show you how to release it and prevent it from getting stuck again.

    • First, remove the top cover. It is held on by four screws, one in each corner.

    • After doing this, you should see something like this photo. What we're interested in is the area inside the red circle.

  2. pYLTmqZ2K2AISOvW
    • This piece of metal you can see here is the tail end of the capstan lock. In this picture, it is in its unlocked position.

  3. eyOQ3PcMcSe1As43
    • In this picture, the capstan lock is hidden under this brace. This is what it looks like in its locked position. This is the position it should be in while playing a tape.

    • If the lock is somewhere in the middle, like this, it is stuck.

    • With the deck powered off, push the end of the lock to the right. It may take a bit of force, but don't use an unreasonable amount.

    • Power the deck back on, and the tape should unthread. You can now eject your tape normally.

  5. fuTcbgMQuQL5JAMr
    • To keep the capstan lock from getting stuck, you just need to oil it.

    • Start by removing the brace by removing this screw.

    • Next, remove the circled end of this spring and the E-clip. A pair of curved tweezers can be handy for the spring.

    • Slide the capstan lock partway up its shaft, and try to get some oil inside the bushing at the bottom of the capstan lock.

    • Do not try to completely remove the lock unless you want to do more disassembly. It is not necessary for this repair anyway.

    • I used common bike chain oil on my machine and it seems to work. I do not know for sure how it will hold up over time though, so if you have better oil to use, go for it.

    • That's it! Assuming all other functions work, you now have a functional U-Matic player.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Timothy Fryer

Member since: 14/10/19

470 Reputation