Are your shoes dull, faded, scuffed or stained? Have you tried every cleaning product safe for canvas shoes or even decided to stop wearing them to keep them looking fresh, clean and in mint condition? What if we told you that it was as easy as tie-dye. With this step-by-step guide, your canvas shoes will look like you just pulled them from the box. It might even spark some creativity if you want to try a new color or design to spice up those old shoes.
Heat a pot of water just below boiling point.
Pour the water in a container large enough to hold your shoes.
Completely submerge your shoes with the soles facing upwards into the container with the dye.
Leave them to soak for 10 minutes to 1 hour.
Remove your shoes and wash them with cool water and a mild detergent to remove the excess ink.
Make sure your footwear was properly washed and remove any excess dye, then simply let them dry before using them.
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