Active End: The end of the tie that will be used to tie the knot. This can be either the wide end or narrow end of the tie depending on the tie knot.
Shirt Collar: A band of material around the neck of a shirt that can either be folded or unfolded.
Neck Loop: The loop of the tie that goes around the collar.
The Trinity: A more complicated knot for people with more experience. This knot ends with a shorter, wider end, better suited for people wearing suits or vest.
Wrap the tie around the back of your neck with the wide end on the left side of your body and the narrow end on the right side.
The narrow end of the tie will be your active end.
Wrap the active end down through the neck loop, and pull to the left side, so that it now points left.
Wrap the active end under the right side and up through the neck loop, so that it points up.
Pull the active end down through the wrap you made in step 9 (see picture 2). Then pull the active end so that it points left.
Wrap the active end under the wide tie to the right, so that the active end is pointing right.
Wrap active end over the knot and pull through the diagonal wrap you made in step 11 (see picture 3).
Tighten the neck knot by holding the knot and pulling on the narrow end of the tie away from you.
Tighten the neck loop by pulling down on the wide end of the tie and sliding the knot up toward your neck.
Congratulations! You've successful tied the Trinity knot!