
If your Epson ET-2760 printer is not printing complete lines and is having trouble printing a full color image, use this procedure to manually unclog the printhead.

The printhead supplies and transfers the ink onto the paper into the correct form for whatever is being printed, so before beginning, perform a head cleaning or a power cleaning to make sure that the issue must be dealt with manually. From here, the guide can be started following the steps below.

All of the following steps are easy to perform and require no prior skills. However, there is a chance that ink could get on one’s hands and clothes, so don't wear your favorite shirt!

  1. lOUfZgEwgIROKtJh
    • Begin a print of any kind, or a nozzle check.

    • Once the print has begun, pull the power cable out mid-print.

  2. eZsJD224OlbYusow
    • Open the printer, then pull out the half-printed paper through the slot.

    • Place a thick paper towel or rag under the printhead.

    Place a thick paper towel or rag under the printhead?

    Assuming the printhead is now freely moveable at this point, DO we first push it to the rightmost docking position THEN place a paper towel? or to the leftmost position as picture indicates?

    Genesis Amadeus -

    Place a thick paper towel or rag under the printhead?

    Assuming the printhead is now freely moveable at this point, DO we first push it to the rightmost docking position THEN place a paper towel? or to the leftmost position as picture indicates?

    Genesis Amadeus -

    If you pulled the power cord mid-print, the printhead should move fairly freely. DO NOT FORCE IT.

    Place a paper towel under the printhead and slide one edge of the paper towel to an outer edge of the printhead. As you progress through this, you will want to move the printhead to a cleaner part of the paper towel.

    drgnrider12 -

    Porqué se introduce un papel y se desconecta a mitad de la impresión y luego se casa completo?

    Mayra Cartagena -

    • Remove the single screw with a Phillips #0 screwdriver.

    • Unclip the two white plastic clips.

    • Lift the top cover off of the printhead.

    You also have to unclip that long clear plastic peace of the side. Note were it will need to be reclipped in. It will hang there to the left while you work.

    Donna Hinkley -

  4. HJpYjJeIkVidtZYO
    • Unclip the four ink cartridges from the printhead by pulling the small tabs on top of the cartridges.

    • Be sure not to disconnect the ink lines from the cartridges. Simply set the connected cartridges to the side of the printhead.

  5. amfRctAbuBgmlFXg
    • Fill a syringe with printhead cleaning solution and place the syringe tip over the holes left by the cartridges.

    Use the little hose that comes with your printhead cleaning solution.

    Donna Hinkley -

  6. l2UCTEdjYvClCqG4
    • Begin to flush the manufacturer's recommended amount of solution through each hole onto the paper towel.

    • If necessary, swap out the paper towel in between flushes to prevent any solution from entering the printer.

    Pull the cleaning solution into the syringe thru the tube. Place other end of the tube securely over the print head.

    Donna Hinkley -

    where can we get the cleaning solution? (brand name) as well as what size tube?

    Lizzy70 -

    • Remove the paper towel from under the printhead.

    Takes about 1/2 paper towel per color. Each color took about 3 mil to flush.

    Donna Hinkley -

    • Reattach each ink cartridge into their original positions.

    • Reattach the two printhead cover clips back onto the printhead.

    • Screw the single screw back into place with a Phillips #0 screwdriver.

    Reclipping everything is the hardest part. Be super careful reattaching screw. The holding is fragile.

    Donna Hinkley -

  9. Q1fZN2B5nZp4FUtv
    • Perform an automatic cleaning to ensure that any ink residue is removed.

    The cleaning solution linked by this article, the seller specifically says "Sorry, this printhead solution cannot be used for Epson ecotank." July 14, 2022.

    drgnrider12 -

    Thank you for your time and efforts

    Richard Goodwin -

    Le he dado 3 head cleaning y la misma cantidad de nozzle check y no ha imprimido nada, segui cada paso según la explicación, es que tengo que esperar algún tiempo luego de la limpieza de los cabezales con el Printhead cleaning kit?

    Mayra Cartagena -


Enjoy your clean printhead!

Jack Buttry

Member since: 27/02/22

343 Reputation


Simple but to the point tutorial that detailed every step including the tools and supplies needed. Photos helped tremendously too. Thank you.

Mark DiRollo -

Where do I find out the "manufacturer's recommended amount of solution" per flush?

Stelios Makrinos -

Usually it's 5ml

Casper Hon -

But it seems that ink isn't even getting to my yellow and blue heads. At least, the test print shows no yellow or blue at all.

How can I get at the exit (valves?) on the ink storage tanks to make sure they're clear -- without breaking the printer?


warble58 -

Me too! No yellow or blue coming through.

Tracy -

I sent a colored page to the printer, it gave me all shades of blue, no yellow, black or magenta. A nozzle check, and print head cleaning gave me black & yellow, 5 days later I have black, yellow & magenta. No blue. IF I get power back tomorrow I’ll be manually cleaning the print head.

Lynn -

Same problem with no Yellow or Blue; cleaning did no help. POWER CLEANING once did the trick.. Thank you for the instructions especially the pictures. Printer was just out of warranty (one year warranty) and only a little over 500 printed sheets when it suddenly failed. Must remember to run a full color print at least once a week ro keep from drying out the heads as I was doing mostly B&W. Ken

Ken -

The most important thing to know is what ID dia in inches is required for the hose?

Jami FIT -

No yellow or blue, I’ve flushed the print heads twice. Any suggestions appreciated

Sandra Jo Stevenson (Sandy) -

I did this and then printed out the test sheet a couple times..... Then my printer completely shut down and now won't come back online..... Tried a new power cord.... Nothing. Help!

Cindy Rotermund -

I did the same thing, did yours ever turn back on?

Whitney Sheridan -

Great pictures and general description. I did add some notes to make it easier for future users. I did flush my magenta twice, as that was the clogged color. After back together, I did a pin head test, followed by a pin head clean, then another test and it looks great!

Donna Hinkley -

The guide is great but it seems likely that the author hasn't actually identified a problem with the yellow.

Looking at the pictures it seems there's very little ink in the ink buffer (the white block that replace the cartridges and feed the printhead). Each of those needs to be at least half full with ink otherwise the printhead is likely to be receiving air instead of ink and producing results that look like a clog when the reality is that the buffers aren't primed properly with enough ink to delivery it.

For reference look at the picture in Step 4 and note the difference in buffer ink levels between the black and the yellow. The black is about right, the yellow is almost empty.

Hope that helps for some of you who are reporting that you aren't getting ink through.

Martin Smallridge -

How do you resolve the problem of not enough ink in the ink buffer? Does that mean there's some kind of clog in the line?

Kentucky_Tim -