
Apple doesn’t offer much creativity when it comes to watch faces on the Apple Watch, but they do allow you to use your own photos as wallpaper. This makes for the perfect opportunity to install our Apple Watch teardown wallpapers! Here’s how it’s done.

Note: This guide assumes you already have the wallpaper image on your iPhone in the Photos app.

    • To begin, open the Photos app on your iPhone and select the "Recents" albums.

    • Tap on the photo you want as your Apple Watch wallpaper, and then tap on the heart icon at the bottom to flag it as a "Favorite."

    • By default, your Apple Watch syncs photos from your Favorites. If you changed it to a different album, be sure to add the photo to that album in the Photos app instead.

    • If you want your Apple Watch to cycle through different photos as your wallpaper (instead of showing just a single photo), you can Favorite as many photos as you want.

    • Open up the Watch app on your iPhone and tap on the "Face Gallery" tab at the bottom.

    • Scroll down and select the "Photos" watch face.

    • Tap on "Add" to add the watch face to your Apple Watch.

  3. mMR3FphIX5GOyHjQ
    • That's it! Your new watch face will automatically appear on your Apple Watch.

    • If you'd like, you can go back into the Watch app (where you tapped "Add") and customize the location of the time and add complications.

Craig Lloyd

Member since: 10/02/16

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