
With Hard Reset you can fix some software problems. Attention!!! This will erase all your data!!!

  1. UnXaIrFJLsyRBKUj
    • Turn off the phone. Press and hold at the same time Volume UP,Home and Power keys. When you see Galaxy logo release the Power key but continue to hold the Volume Up key and the Home key.

    I Don't know how reset my phone

    dontewyatt55 -

    In my case, it said "wipe data/factory reset", so check for that.

    Christopher Cha (Chaster2001) -

    when I hold down all 3 buttons and then let got the power button this little green dude doesnt come up, it just restarts the phone.

    Brenda Hawkins -

    thank for helping me, now ive done.

    bfuy62 -

    Ok People, Listen up…….. this was a little more difficult then I first thought however I finally got.. this is what I did… I held the down the home button,the power button, and the down volume button all at the same time, after a few moments I let go of the power button and the phone came to life.. it lit up and said samsung across the screen in all different colors, keep holding down the volume button and the home button for a while longer, the AT&T symbol will come up, keep holding down the buttons and the phone finally reset itself and turned on….. That’s all I did and now the phone works fine…… GOOD LUCK AND DON’T GIVE UP………… IT WILL WORK…… DAVID 01/27/2019

    David Murray -

    It’s unfortunate that the Internet’s usfullness is compromised by websites such as this one. IGNORE the main piece of advice on this pag — that you should choose “wipe cache partition”. DO NOT. The Galaxy S4 phone has an entirely different, and obviously more appropriate option further down that same list you’re looking at. That option is, surprise, surprise: FACTORY RESET.

    Quite why anyone would tell others that the best way to reset this phone is to choose “wipe cache partition” when, in fact, to perform a reset you need to click on the phone’s RESET option as it appears in the drop down menu, is beyond me.

    If this is how I FIX IT goes about fixing stuff, Heaven help us all: utterly, blatantly, useless. I’ve wasted a lot of time scrupulously following the step by step advice on this page, even though my own commonsense kept shrieking at me that what I was reading about “wipe cache partition” was absolute nonsense. Don’t waste your time the way I have mine.

    Phil Tobin -

    • Release them when the Android System Recovery screen appears. Use Volume Up/Down keys for navigation and Power On key for OK. Choose "wipe cache partition", "Yes -- delete all user data", "reboot system now".

    FYI- Before it reboots "system error" will appear under the android. Don't worry, it's fine.

    Khorzho Tyr -

    The "Wipe Cache Partition" didn't work for me I had to use "Reset Factory"

    robinmirandas2014 -

    Same for me - as per the picture, used wipe data/factory reset

    nick.dal-molin -

    should use Wipe data/Factory Reset instead of Wipe cache Partition

    Maruf hasan -

    I did the wipe cache partition and wipe data/factory reset and that did the trick. Thanks for your comments, I would have never figured it out.

    Sue LaNasa -

    I used factory reset and it worked for me. Wipe cache partition did not. Thanks for all the comments.

    Bermadel Hagen -

    I did, but it just write recovery booting on top left of the screen and it stays there forever, what must I do?

    Cecil Mabuyangwa -

    Myne it just write recovery booting on top left corner of the screen and it stays there forever. What must I do?

    Cecil Mabuyangwa -

    It doesn’t get to android system menu? The wallpaper just comes back up…………IDKWTF now what

    Fox Fruit -

    Its not working it keeps on turning on

    Jay Pitta -

    My phone keeps turning on instead

    Jay Pitta -

    Read my comment on step 1 if your having problems…..

    David Murray -

    Brachte leider keinen Erfolg! - Die Funktion “ bestätige "delete all user data" wird nicht angezeigt. Nach einem Reboot sind weiterhin alle Daten vorhanden!

    Dieter Göbel -

    Very good thank you very much !

    Robin Béal -

    • That's all.

    • Did you do it successfully?

    Will this remove the carrier programming? Or is that part of the factory setup? I have an unlocked (according to C-Spire, who was my carrier on the S4) S4 that I'm trying to use with Straight talk. I got the Straight talk sim, and followed all directions...several times! But it still says C-Spire on restart. I'm wondering if this would wipe the C-Spire off the phone. Thanks!

    connie -

    Hi Connie, having the same issue. Did you get it resolved?

    Renae Myers -

    I did delete cache and factory reset…yes, delete all users, then reboot. On reboot it is stuck on the network start up screen. What do I do now?

    Renae Myers -

    Hi, I've done all steps. Now it's asking me to verify my google account! I do not want the same account on this phone. Bt now I cannot proceed without verify the account that was initially on this smartphone. How do I proceed with the reset?

    Mayeshree Govender -

    Did you ever fix this

    gillespieak -

    You need to know first the google account associated to the phone. After turning the phone on, log out the google account and sign in the desired google account that you wanted to use.

    Mark Anthony de Jesus -

    Dua te shkarkoj programe e samsung galaksi s4

    azdren -

    Thank you, "Does what it says on the tin" - Perfect

    johliv -

    Works great! What a relief.

    I was afraid I was going to have to resort to paying someone to unlock this stupid thing. Never marry anyone who can’t recall a password to unlock their own phone, even if they just set it up an hour ago. *eyeroll*

    norelationtoelvis -

    Why do the Wipe Cache Partition? Why not select the Factory Reset option?

    G ronver -

    Worked perfectly. Thank You very much

    nillawafer97123 -

    Not working dec 2019 did everything just says wiped all data and stays on the same screen annoyed

    lukee1986 -

    It didn’t work, it just keeps turning on.

    S. Monique Hurd -

    Hi, are you sure that you did hold the Vol+ button without pushing the Vol- during this procedure, you may also try to put your device in safe mode, please also note that the loop may also be caused by the power button physically hold on due to plastic cover. It might also be due to a swollen battery. I hopes this will help.

    Cajuteq -


This guide does not require resassembly.


Member since: 09/12/13

188120 Reputation


Here my recommendation is a data eraser named Android Data Eraser, which can erase all Android data including contacts, messages, call history, apps, system setting, photo, video, etc. Indeed, Android Data Eraser worth trusting and it makes the work more effective. What you need is a windows computer. One single click and data deletion finish.

yisdddcbrown -

easy to follow instructions but does not work have done it 3 times now and get to a step which requires to do a factory reset. Phone the automatically switches off and loses connection with program and have to start all over again. Goes round in circles with a factory reset the only result - and you can do that without downloading the program.

maser222e -

why would you bother when you can factory reset in 1 min???

rickialison -

Deleted data from samsung phone are recoverable with Coolmuster Samsung Recovery software. But you need to follow special steps as droid phone`s memory is not accessible easily.

Swolsteedd -

Hi Can the software recover my calendar after I mistakenly did a factory wipe?

Helene Zinberg -

If your samsung galaxy freezing,slow,not responsive or forgot passcode then follow this post

xeb me -

your link doesnt work :/

sexee25 -

You can see more information how to wipe and root android phone data.

Wnwinllaa -

this is full tutorial step by step includes your video

Muhammad Abu dheem -

Thank you for this usefull guide. Very easy to follow.

boogaarttaart -

It enables you to recover lost or deleted data files from Galaxy family devices with ease, including messages, contacts, photos, music, video, call history and more. What’s even better, you can get a trial version to check and preview your lost files before recovery.

Creawei -

will this deactivate my service with straight talk

davielvazquez -

Be aware! Samsung's latest software upgrade included an "antitheft requirement" that requires a person to use the ORIGINAL OWNER'S Samsung account ID and PASSWORD to recover from a factory reset. I had the local VERIZON shop try to do this in order to get rid of a persistent virus that my S4 phone had picked up somewhere. Since I had purchased this phone on EBAY, there was no way to get this info. So, unless the original owners of the phones ebay sells divulge their ID / PW (fat chance). these phones are junk once the occasion arises that a factory reset is required...

Bull Schmidt -

Do you know to force reset/hard reset wiko,Zigo,chinese lenovo phone. these formatting methods different from others. I think that this will very help ful you

reset wiko phone

reset Chinese Lenovo phone

reset Lenovo phone

Factory Reset My Zigo phone

Ramal jayaratna -

how do I get my metro pcs sim card to work on it and why is there still a pass code lock

kerri -

This a way to restore factory setting to delete samsung data: SETTINGS --> BACKUP AND RESET --> FACTORY DATA RESET

Android Data Eraser is your ideal choose of wiping data from Android device, such as amsung, HTC, LG, Sony, Motolora, Google, Acer, ZTE, HuaWei and so on. With the help of the Android Data Eraser, you can easily erase existing data or the deleted data from Android with a click, and ensure the erased data 100% can not being recovered.

sherrytaylor114 -

what if when you get to thr roboat and i dont work

rockmediaagency -

software samsung s4 method

nisar -

My phone doesn't go past the Samsung logo even after I did the hard reset. Can someone please help

janeokafor -

I usually use Samsung Data Eraser program to wipe Samsung Galaxy s4 data. It's easy to use and can quickly wipe data without recovery.

Hua -

Samsung Galaxy S4 Data / Factory Reset:Tap on your Galaxy S4,Settings > Accounts > Backup & reset > and scroll down to Factory Data Reset.

But,this way can erase your Samsung data permanently,if you want to Wipe Samsung Data without Restoring,please learn the use guide below:

Note:Before wipe your Samsung data,I recommend you should make your Samsung data backup:

stevenjob -

You can also erase all your samsung galaxy data permanently before selling:

Pudfuen -

No matter you want to selling or clean up android phone ,

Android Data Eraser is created to meet Android users' needs to delete unwanted phone data permanently , if you are going to delete data on android by factory reset , i think it is not good idea , you can delete everything on Android phone totally, including Contacts, Messages, Call History, Facetime, Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Voice Memo, Safari Bookmark. Once you erase them all, there is no worry left for you to give it away.

Lasncons -

Very thank u!

Louis Montanez -

Not sure why tutorial only mentions clearing cache. I cleared the cache then selected the factory reset option, then reboot.

Laura Jameson -

My samsung galaxy S4 any time it heat up small the phone will be off what may be the problem?

Thomas Menkah -

I have trued to reset my Samsung s4 but it is till coming up with the wipe date/factory reset but I don't now why it is keeps coming up near I do but I think I mite need 2 go back in to the Vodafone shop again so I do

Andrea Devlin -

A friend needed a phone to get him through until he got a replacement for one he broke. I spent hours manually wiping my stuff from my old S4 that I would gladly lend him. The I found this and everything was back to clean in about 2 minutes. He now has a “clean” phone to use for the next few days. It’s not that I don’t trust him, just that I couldn’t get everything squeaky clean so that his voice and text would come through properly…

dachare -

i have the same problem with galaxy S4, i have wifi connection at home and work but the automatically turning on of the data roaming is costing me, i have turned it off several time but it keeps coming on after a while, i should be able to do it manually but this thing keeps coming automatically

shabih -

In order to completely wipe data from Samsung Galaxy phone so that data cannot be recovered by any data recovery software.

And you really want your data to be safe and secure, then try Android Data Erase software -

Max Field -