
Here I fix a microwave oven. Never tried it before, but ended up with a successful fix. So anyone with some common sense and a 'go do it' attitude can do the same.

The video goes through diagnosing and testing the likely parts that might fail in a microwave oven and then replacing them.

  1. KfNrZCbIOc3yiSrO
    • Don't forget to read the video description on YouTube here:

    • Be sensible! Take precautions like not powering it up uncovered, allowing time for high voltages to discharge. See the video description on YouTube and take note of safety advice. Don't be afraid, but just be sensible.


A standard microwave oven is actually a simple device comprising of a transformer, diode, capacitor, a fuse and the magnetron valve. All can be tested and replaced to fix a non heating oven. Watch the video.


Member since: 15/05/16

2721 Reputation


Very simple,that mean very good

eugen -

My Whirlpool over the counter microwave which is giving me no problems at all it is only 2 years old. As I was heating up my dinner it worked fine I heated Something else up then all of a sudden it tells me to close the door and push start and when I push start it just clicks and does nothing else everything else on the microwave seems to be working

mddixiedarlin -

How about replacing a wave guide with a hole burned through it? (arcing)

Whirlpool small microwave.

Hank -

That star screw head is actually called a Torx security screw, the pin in the middle is what makes it a security screw. A mating Torx bit or driver of the appropriate size. You can buy a set of them or a combination set with standard from GearBest from the UK. They are fairly common in the U.S. In Dollars, they cost around 8.00-20.00. eBay is a good source, also. Thank you for enlightening me on what to look for and expect. My 15-year-old Panasonic has been flawless, until tonight.

Ron LHeureux -

Lg convection microven some times re start after 2 seconds 10 seconds

Manas Guchait -

My microwave is running for only 3 seconds then it stops, but the on light will be on.

When you press start again it starts running, and runs for only 3 seconds again.

What are the possible causes?

Fortune Chekure -

My microwave gets really hot on the outside of it… why?

Magen wilson -

Kicks the circuit breaker

Bil Rounds -

My microwave is tripping my breaker . The time lights up then I put in the minutes , hit start and it blows the breaker ?? Any suggestion?

amh1968 -

I have no tools and only want to give a non-functioning LG microwave oven to someone who will fix it and resell it. I have bought a new Whirlpool. I in San Luis Obispo, CA. Model number LMV2031ST.

It is only 3 years old and had light duty.

Once before there was a loose connector and that cost $100 to repair. Labor charges are more now.....ugh.

Jim hofman -

What can be wrong with a microwave if it doesn’t turn off when the door opens

Mary Parkinson -

Glass pirex pie plate cracked in 100 pieces, burnt hole in the floors white coding in size of nickel 5Cents. Can that damage be repaired since this microwave oven was just installed in July 2022. If so can I use Rust-oleum ; Appliance Epoxy ?

Anna Goss -