
Follow the steps in this guide to Force Restart an iPhone 7.

  1. ltw6dN2UJHVIdgXY
    • To force restart your device, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Volume Down buttons for at least ten seconds.

    • This Force Restart procedure is different from previous model years since the iPhone 7 series does not have a physical Home Button to press down.

    The iPhone 7 most definitely does still have a physical home button

    Mike Weinand -

  2. aOWxW1munKKDAqww
    • Continue holding both buttons for about 10 seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

  3. WaRNiJlbogx2em2v
    • Once the Apple logo appears, release both buttons and your iPhone will restart.

    my phones not yet starting its showing only battery logo n not apple logo

    Jyoti Walia -

    super merci mon iphone7 bloqué alors qu’il faisait la mise à jour iOS 15.02

    Bernard ROBERT -

    Great job teach us how fix our storage on iPhone 7

    Samed Zakariya -


You have successfully restarted your iPhone 7.

Chris Mason

Member since: 31/01/16

4872 Reputation


Thanks a million, I couldn't figure out why the old technique didn't work.

sinwillett -

It's my pleasure Sinwillett

Chris Mason -

You can learn something new everyday!

Andrew Bucknell -

Happy to help, Andrew :)

Chris Mason -

Hello, I am an issue with my iPhone 7 . After submerged it in water for a few second . It’s started freezing and taking longer time to boot . Then the internal an external speaker stopped working . Please what do I do

Ovie Brume -

thank you very much ! My iPhone 7 crashed and the ominous blues screen appeared… I couldn’t do anything, not even turn off the iPhone (pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button didn’t work; I tried doing the same with Sleep/Wake and Home button simultaneously, it didn’t work either). I was already going to do the reset of the iPhone connecting it to iTunes, then I found your website while looking for “how to change iPhone battery by yourself” instructions … Luckily it was not necessary !

Lorenzo -

thank you very much ! My iPhone7 crashed, and the ominous “blue screen” appeared. I couldn’t do anything, not even turning off the mobile (pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button didn’t work, nor doing the same with Sleep/Wake and Home button).

I was already going to reset the iPhone connecting it to iTunes, then I found your website (thinking of turning off the iPhone by removing the battery, I was looking for instructions on how to remove it). I could turn off the iPhone, the apple logo appeared and now everything is ok..

Thanks again !

Lorenzo -

hello, i have an issue with my iphone 7. it has of use less than a year and one day it stop working. I Try everything to get it out of the locked screen but it's impossible, I don t know what else to do. I also try to force the restart but nothing, the screen is still balck

does anyone kow what else i can do

maria -

My phone isn’t powered on so this doesn’t even work since the link that sent me here was called “iPhone is Charging but Won't Turn On” so they knew my phone couldn’t turn on.

rael -