Follow this guide to remove the axle and the handle from the India Mark III. You can then replace or repair either component.
Place the spacer collar around the pump rod below the raised chain, with the beveled side down, and the flat side facing up.
Lift the pump handle until the base of the chain comes to rest on the spacer collar, and the chain is slack. Hold the handle in this position while the chain is being detached.
Using the two access holes, place an angled socket wrench on the bolt and nut attaching the chain to the pump handle.
Use a wrench to loosen the nut on the end of the handle axle.
Remove the nut and washer from the end of the axle.
After sliding the pump handle back into the pump head, line up the pump handle bearing with the holes in the side of the pump head.
Insert the axle back into the pump head.
Be sure to support the weight of the handle and line up the holes in the sides of the pump head with the pump handle bearing.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.