
If you have a legacy system with Windows XP or Vista, these operating systems are end of life and should not be used on the Internet. This guide will show you how to replace these operating systems with something that is safer to use.

These operating systems can be replaced with GNU/Linux, especially if the system is older and you do not feel that buying a new Windows license is worth it but the hardware still works.

Read me: Some really old systems will not run anything well, including Linux. It is still worth trying to run Linux on these systems but you should not expect it to run as well as a more capable legacy system.

    • If you attempt to boot a 64-bit system on a 32-bit system, the system will halt and you will need the correct media.

    • For many older systems, there are very few resources available. Lubuntu is the best distro for many of these systems, due to the low RAM requirements.

    • Go to the Lubuntu website and find Download. Click on Desktop.

    • For all intents and purposes, most of these systems only support 32-bit distros. For systems with <3GB of RAM, download the 32-bit version. For systems with >3GB or more, download 64-bit (if your processor supports this).

    • This step will erase the USB drive you use. Use a new one or make a backup first!

    • Go to and download win32diskimager.

    • Select the lubuntu ISO file that you downloaded previously.

    • select your USB flash drive and click Write.

    • If you choose to make Linux the only operating system you use, make a backup. You will lose all of your data if you do not multiboot your system!

    • The HP BIOS (F.0F) is from 2004. It is out of date due to a lack of working DOS update mechanism. There may be variations in more current revisions.

    • Reboot your computer and access the BIOS. To do this, press F2 or DEL. Note: Press F12 on Dell computers to access the one time boot menu.

    • Select (or change the boot order) to boot from your USB flash drive. Let the system boot.

    • Even if you do not plan on multibooting your system, make a backup or you may lose your data!

    • If you notice any hardware issues that cannot be corrected, you will need to replace components in your system. Your options may be limited by problems like a WiFi whitelist, commonly found on HP and Lenovo laptops.

    • Before installing Linux, test drive the distro and make sure everything works.

Jesper Bak

Member since: 29/01/18

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