
Replace a cracked internal LCD display.

Note: to replace the internal display, you must replace the entire face plate, not just the plastic screen.

  1. 2SVnoHk1DEfdBtIb
    • Using Tweezers, remove 4 rubber screw covers.

    • Remove screws located under rubber plugs using the screwdriver by turning counterclockwise.

    • NOTE: Screws will not come completely out of phone.

  2. OMxeeXb6rTYqLItX
    • Using the iPod Opening Tool, pry the face plate off the front of the phone.

    • NOTE: There will be a significant amount of resistance to removing the face plate from the phone.

  3. Xf2yGnQOleguWWoy
    • Unsnap gold plate from the secondary logic board.

    • Reposition the plate so that it is out of the way for face plate removal.

  4. lTFEcjC1XARyLSuY
    • Twist upper half of face plate in order to release it from the hinge.

    • Using tweezers detach the speaker and the secondary battery from the faceplate, leaving wires attached.

  5. 6GhRDHyfxVgeVpPZ
    • Align new face plate in correct orientation in order to install.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Nichole Shaw

Member since: 13/04/10

1 Reputation