
    • Logitech Cube Mouse Battery Replacement/Removal

  2. CqSph5RTP6sMv3tB
    • Peel the touch pad up from the support plate to make a 1 CM space.

  3. hjjeRQvkWshBvTFx
    • Use a small thin object to pry outwards between the black plastic and white plastic to release two clips under the support plate.

  4. SRZwV6DE6lNxiGpr
    • After slowly releasing the two clips hinge up the touch panel 1 inch.

  5. NqZgGPS3hZkPLLqK
    • Slide the touch panel towards the back of the mouse 1CM.

  6. SuEYHlqPpVvUPrqJ
    • Lift the touch panel and support plate.

  7. cT6LejcvLtKoRBwI
    • Lift and rotate touch panel and support plate. Disconnect the touch panel connector, the other cable helps to sense touch.

  8. yhFDrUTWVAWgriAT
    • Remove battery, battery plug from board connection, metal plate, and two screws. A notch in the plate matches a groove on the inside, removal at a angle is required.

  9. AWOuvbo5dNgjaO3F
    • Find another battery. Original is 533-000071 3.7v 240mAh 0.63IN x 1.18IN x 0.21IN or 16.002MM X 29.972MM X 5.334MM. There is some room for different lengths and widths, but height looks to be about 5.334MM. Due to my battery's width I had to bend a tab flat on the plate and only use 1 screw.

  10. rpOCGtL6syAg3RlY
    • Press the touch pad and support plate together to undo slightly peeling them apart. Attach the battery to the plate, Install plate/ battery in mouse. Plug in battery and touch panel cables, rotate touch panel and support plate back into place. Place the front tab in its slot and press the back down to attach the clips to the bar.


Unless the chosen battery is different, reassembly is in reverse order.


Member since: 17/12/21

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