
This guide will walk you through the process of replacing the truck circuit board in a Maisto Rock Crawler.

  1. JTPsTC2jD6LcwZol
    • Flip the R/C truck over.

    • To take off the R/C truck top, use the driver and bit PH2 and remove the four 7.7mm Philips screws highlighted.

  2. YQuKUlDPOTplchpr
    • Half way remove the truck top so you can unhinge the antenna from the clips.

    • Remove the R/C truck top completely.

  3. 5OULh1ZUuKR6IqFs
    • Use the Driver and bit J1 to remove the top under-body plate by unscrewing the eight 9.5mm Philips screws.

  4. p1yuV52ZnGclQkDo
    • Use the driver and bit J1 and remove the 7.7mm Philips screw highlighted.

  5. WcKvLcRhhENW4HeT
    • Take note of which wire is connected at which pin before desoldering. It might help to mark the wires and take a picture.

    • It would be easier to desolder and resolder only one component at a time.

    • Use the soldering iron to desolder all the wires connected to the circuit board.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 10/02/16

874 Reputation


Can you do anything to it to make it stronger are powerful

Matt John -

Yes put a board from a nikko or ez tec in it. The 9.6 volt is the one to find and wire the motors to the single motor output. I think u have to wire one backwards to get both going right way

Mike -

My rc car is not responding to left or right signals from remote.

CAN I got any help on this

pankaj kapatia -

Can any one help as my rc rock crawler is not turning left or right

pankaj kapatia -

did you use biger voltage than normal? because it sound like that. i think your’s car has brokened ic-component.

mattilajanne -

What is p/n of Maisto Rock Crawler Truck Circuit Board?

Jiri Vitek -

Hola se conecto batería con sus polo al revés y dejo de funcionar me gustaría saber que parte de la placa se daño

Sergio Rodriguez -

good afternoon my circuit burned the q17 component i can't read the nomenclature to replace it, you could send me a picture i can only read the first 2 characters BH grazie.

marciobarpp -