Take off the cap covering the screwhole in one corner. The cap ensures a better fit of the brewing unit.
Note: some versions of the brewing unit do not have this cap.
Remove the single black Torx T10 screw fixing the opening handle.
Using a certain amount of force pull the opening handle out of the guidance near the red button.
Rotate the handle 90 degrees counterclockwise, then lift it off.
Remove six Torx T15 screws holding together the brewing unit. The screwholes are rather deep.
Lift the upper half of the brewing unit up.
The inside of the brewing unit ist exposed. You can see:
The upper piston and its gasket.
The funnel for the coffee grounds
The lower piston.
Remove the funnel.
Rotate the lower piston counterclockwise and lift it off.
Lift off the upper piston. There ist still a hose connecting the piston to the coffee outlet. In top there ist also the downholder of the brewing unit.
Remove the hose connecting the upper piston and the coffee outlet.
Remove the upper piston.
Remove the Torx T20 screw from the screen of the upper piston.
Take off the cover of the gasket and the gasket.
Replace the gaskets of the upper piston, the coffee outlet and water connector.
Clean thoroughly all parts. Use food-proof silicone grease to lubricate the gaskets.
Remove both screws. Lift off the valve. Inspect it and clean it.
Note: there is another gasket on the shaft of the lower piston. Replacing it is difficult.
Lubricate all sliding parts with food-proof silicone grease. Verify the smooth operating of the brewing unit.
Follow the steps in reverse order to reassemble your device.