
If you have problems with the OS, forgotten screen lock or you want to erase all your personal data, you can do Factory / Hard Reset.

Nokia Lumia - Icon, 520, 525, 530, 620, 625, 630, 635, 720, 730, 820, 830, 920, 925, 928, 930, 1020, 1320, 1520,

Microsoft Lumia - 430, 435, 532, 535, 540, 550, 640, 950, 1030,

HTC Windows Phone - 8S, 8X

  1. RiCgs6WCdWKZyB5R
    • Turn off the phone.

    • Press and hold the Volume Down and the Power buttons.

    • When you feel a vibration, release only the Power button,

    • or,

    • press and hold the Volume down button and connect the charger.

    • You will see an exclamation mark.

    Dont get exclimation point only nokia label looping

    aleximarymurphy -

    The Gear start turning and then just stop screen goes black then goes back to lock screen

    Phillip Mason -

  2. S6RVVnRJCe5JMitP
    • Press the keys in this order:

    • Volume Up

    • Volume Down

    • Power

    • Volume Down

    • The phone will reset and restart. This may take a few minutes.

    • .

    • Did you do it successfully?

    This does work.

    sherriewatkins12 -

    Worked perfectly. Thanks so much!

    kellykent -

    It worked. Thanks!

    Jose Martin Rosario -

    It doesn't work for mine.

    Sibusiso Dangazela -

    I try to press but com out the Goodbye not the watermark please help me how can I fixed my Nokia phone

    Renansa - worked

    Dennis Bonnah -

    Thanks. Perfectly well!! God Bless.

    tobertmuhairwe -

    Thanks. Perfectly well. God bless.

    tobertmuhairwe -

    Thanks. Perfectly well!! God Bless.

    tobertmuhairwe -

    Can't work on lumia 625

    Palmer Delroy -

    Worked for me too but took a little longer than I expected

    Ian Ingleby -

    Thanks alot

    It has worked out successfully

    Lapolo Joseph Ochora -

    Thank it worked !

    Roberto Ducceschi -

    It worked ! Thanks

    Roberto Ducceschi -

    power button is broken of Nokia Lumia 1320 is there any other way to do it

    Ritesh Shriwas -

    It does not work on my phone

    alstephen2003 -

    GOLD - 2 Thumbs up

    Mark Favetta -

    cok guzel cok mersi

    mcoban184 -

    Wow it really worked great! Easy as 123 Thanks

    bellabellaberrios -

    It worked,am so happy

    Edionwe christabel -

    Thank you so much. Xmas,. Soon.

    Donald Campbell -


If it doesn't work, try the procedure again.


Member since: 09/12/13

188120 Reputation


dint work still asking for password to unlock the phone

Shonna Milam -

i just got my cell second hand i found it on the skytrain it says no sim but its locked how can i us this phone then i need hrlp

Peter Stevens -

Thanks It worked

Dragon Slayer -

It worked....yay

sherriewatkins12 -

It was excellent but I lost all my files so how do I retrieve my file back

Klutse Godson -

Worked great!

Dottie R. D. -

It worked perfectly great thanks a lot I'm glad it helped me out

Victor Mobidyke -

Het werkte prima, dankjewel voor deze gouden tip!

Nirana -

did not work asking reset protection key microsoft lumia640

shafeeksona -

my phone hard reaset after restarting ask reset protection key

shafeeksona -

Phone doesn’t work even after a hard reset. It goes to Nokia logo, Windows logo & then to a grey screen and thats as far as l get. Any help?

Jonathan -

How to set to my website?

Ruth Korth -

Thank You Sir Great

muhammadrafique100 -

did not work for my nokia carl zeiss tessar 2.2 28

nikolai1978 -

how can i get past reset protection code if i dont know it stuck after reset

mr. peabody -

Still did not work

Melissa Alardin -

!&&* Yeh!!! Cheers 4 that. Spot on worked 1st time.

gary preston -

It did not work with the volume down and start button method. But it did work when I tried with the volume down and connect the Charger method. Thanks!

Lyndsey Weeda -

When a factory reset my phone. Now it's calling for a? Recovery key And I can't get into my phone. What do I do?

henrietta lankford -