This guide will walk you through the process of replacing a bad optical drive in a Packard Bell 4x4 desktop.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the three Phillips head screws (circled in red) from the back of the computer.
With both hands on each side of the case, slide the top cover toward you. Lift it off the computer.
Remove the two Philips head screws with your Philips screwdriver. You may have to lubricate these screws as they can be very difficult to remove.
Remove the 1 Philips head screw from the left hand side of the case if there is one. Again, you may need to lubricate this screw.
Once the screws are removed, disconnect all cables from the optical drive, hard drive and floppy drive.
Slide the drive cage back. An easy way to do this is the push on the optical drive from the front.
Remove the 1 Philips head screw with your Phillips screwdriver. There should not be a screw in the right hole.
Slide the optical drive forward and lift it up from the right side, the side closest to the floppy drive.
Remove the 2 Philips head screws with your Philips screwdriver. Put these screws onto your new optical drive.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.