
If you need to replace the film roller, access the inside of the camera using this guide. You may need to replace the roller if the pictures are jammed or if the roller is broken. For this guide you will not need to do any difficult steps, but you will need tweezers.

  1. NpZgwTDPBXMl5BTt
    • Pull the hinge button over to open the camera.

  2. Xs5f2SE5WZqWniaT
    • Remove the left and right springs with a pair of tweezers.

  3. 65akXt31o1h41THY
    • Lift out the top roller. The gold and black pieces will remain attached to the roller.

    how do you put the roller back in? I tried to do it but I dont know what to do with the springs, they are attached only to the roller and they are loose

    darrensupermegafoxyawesomehot -

    Yo! I've lost one of the springs! Any idea what the right kind to replace it is? Polaroid have been no help ??

    heather_roberts -

    What about the bottom roller? Spring are loose in the bottom.

    candacemack -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Abby Boucher

Member since: 10/09/18

784 Reputation


Hi @abbyboucher Thanks a lot for the tutorial! Do you know where can I find the spare parts like the rollers, springs or the small plastics parts that are around?My Onestep+ fell to the ground and I lost some of those small parts.



Joe Var -

Thank you so much for this tutorial! I couldn’t find a place that would fix my camera and I literally just bought it a month ago! Already gutted that I couldn’t bring it on my Christmas holiday, I almost gave up when repair shops told me I would have to contact Polaroid.. thank you so so much!

drummagal7 -

thank you very very muttz

stinka007 -

any tips to put the springs back in place after taking one out?

ekw664 -

also struggling with this. Any tips?

Edward McLaughlin -

Thank you for this!!!! My camera is saved! I called three repair shops and none fix Polaroids. I love my camera, and I am so grateful to have found this post.

Only tip I have for the springs is to get a good grip with those tweezers, believe you can do it, and just keep at it. This part took me the most time, but I got it!

sweetle -

How do I put the springs back on they both came off

brownecheyenne15 -