
This guide will teach you how to diagnose, locate, remove, and repair the Main Relay in a 1999 Honda Accord LX 4 cyl.

--->There has been a recall on Honda Accords from 1999-2002 due to the ignition switch wearing prematurely this may cause the same engine behavior as a faulty main relay. Call your nearest Honda dealership and inquire about a free ignition switch replacement.<---


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Nick Miller

Member since: 20/08/15

447 Reputation


I have replace my main relay my ecm the coil but my cr still not running it sound as if it had no gas but the injectors are working and the fuel pump. Before my car stop working. It would be running just find till I turn it off. Then I have to wait till it would cool down to start again can anyone help?

Miguel -

Is there a gas smell in your oil if so give it a complete oil change.

Chyna Redd -

Um, how about finishing this?

Wade Rackley -

Cm for camshaft codes or cranksensor code orno1 cylindercodes replace distributor

Pedro LaCourt -

While Miguel's is an old post waiting for an engine to cool are signs of electrical breakdown, which is the coil works while cool and quits when it warms up and maybe the crankshaft sensor falls in the same category. I don't know where this was headed but there are Yuo Tube videos of repairing the main relay, pull open it and look at the solder joints checking for cracks.

Thomas Loecken -

I’ve changed the battery and the alternator but it won’t stay running. It’s acting like when your ltenator goes out all the instrument panel goes haywire and it dies any ideas why

Benjamin Todd -

My 01 Honda Accord LX 2.3 has 186k on it . About 800 miles ago I had timing belt water pump, starter, V-Tec solenoid replaced. I know you guys have many issues with the transmission? Easy 20min fix remove your old solenoid and clean the garbage out that is trapped in the screen. My Question is my car is running high RPMs like 3 rps at 60. Could it be the EMF, or my mechanic going back and resetting the timing ( and these cars are specific timing belts replacement) now I replaced a stereo on my car and let's just wondering your opinion?

Chad Polito -

I have a 01 honda accord. I was driving and went to stop and had no brakes. Brought car home replaced Master cylinder and booster, abs pump and can't get them to bleed. Also Bench bled it. I am at a loss for what I'm missing or what is going on with this thing. Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it. I would more than greatly appreciate any info. Thank you Alicia

Alicia Cyrus -

you need a scan tool that activates the ABS Solenoids to bleed the system entirely. You may have to take it to a dealer to have factory diag tool connected and the system bled.

Doug Landsdown -