Quick guide on how to completely disassemble iRobot's Roomba 650 wheel module in order to clean all the internal dust/fiber buildup. The module was not designed to be easily cleaned. This guide involves some force and possibly even damaging the wheel housing
With the Roomba upside down and turned off, use the Phillip's 02 screwdriver to remove the one 3.5 mm screw from the center of the side-brush.
Set the screw aside and pull the brush out.
Unscrew the four screws that hold the bottom panel using the Phillips 02 screwdriver.
Once you are sure that all the screws have been loosened as much as possible, then lift the bottom panel up off the Roomba.
Unscrew the six 12mm screws holding the side wheels on using a Phillips 00 screwdriver. There should be 3 on each side.
Remove the wheels by pulling them out.
Push the pin that acts as the pivot point for the suspension. I got away with just pushing with a screwdriver
Use pliers to pull from the other end to remove the pin completely
Unscrew all the remaining bolts
Unscrew the housing bolts
Unscrew the two bolts that keep the motor in place
Remove the plastic stopper that keeps the motor wires in place
You should be able to take the motor out now
With the motor out of the equation, try to move the wheel. If it's still stuck, than the problem is most likely the fibre buildup inside the wheel housing - as expected
All the gears should slide right off. Except the last one - the one that actually drives the wheel.
Remove the main gear using a flathead screwdriver. This is the most difficult step - unfortunately the part was definitely not designed to be serviceable.
With the main gear out of the way the wheel should slide right off. In my case I had to wiggle it around a bit due to the fibre buildup
Much better! As you can see the only thing that keeps the wheel in place is the main gear. there is no problem of the gear slipping because the axle is splined. If you want you can use some threadlock to help securing the gear.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
I could not get the hinge pin to slide out at all on the 650, so I just disassembled the plastic bits around the wheel enough to get at all the screws on the gear housing.
If you are wondering if this will solve your problem: I confirmed that this was causing a problem because I saw that the metal axle at the center of the wheel was recessed back from being flush the surface of the wheel “hub”. The hair and plastic tag strings had slowly forced the wheel off that shaft so it was rubbing against the side of it’s space and wouldn’t turn properly.
Same here. The hair had slowly pushed the pin out and the wheel was rubbing and getting stuck.
laurent -
Same here also. Easy enough fix!
Do you know where to fond replacement gears? Th
Cody -
This guide 100% pass for Roomba 681.
Thank you!
step 9 was more difficult than 8!