
A guide showing how to replace the display unit for the Samsung A3 2015 model

  1. dbYiQaECILVAcCiP
    • Heat up the edges of the display with a heat gun or iPad opener.

  2. keBbQROGNMAvOpl2
    • Using a pick or slim plastic tool, work around the edge of the frame to loosen the glass.

    • Watch out for the ear speaker, camera and light sensor on the top of the phone.

    • When working the glass free around the bottom of the phone, slide the tool out to avoid damaging the left and right home buttons (as shown in picture 2).

    • NOTE: The LCD is also glued to the frame and will most likely break when removing the display.

  3. dTrceNhxiYYywUEf
    • Once the display has been disconnected, lift the top of the display away from the phone to expose the home buttons (Shown in green)

    • Pry the contacts gently off the underside of the glass and push them back into the recesses on the phone (shown in yellow).

    • Connect the new display and seat it in the phone, without removing the plastic for the adhesive.

    • Turn the phone on to make sure the display and home buttons work. If you glue the display without testing it first, it's a pain to take it off again once it has been glued and runs the risk of the display breaking.

    • If the display works, remove the plastic covering the adhesive and seat the display in the phone. Push gently around the edges to ensure a good seal


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Do not attempt this while driving or lovemaking :)


Member since: 15/02/16

4752 Reputation


The lcd on my phone was physically glued to the inside of the phone so it broke when trying to remove it (which wasn't a problem as it was dead anyway) but this needs to be mentioned as it isn't!

Clems -

It’s been mentioned in step 2

Siamak -

nice man really cool staff

Shelton Chiuswa -

Is the concept the same with newer models of the Samsung Galaxy A3?

Frederik Novak Jansen -

The 2016 Model is different, so I would look for the model specific repair information:

Samsung A3 2016 Model - A310F Display / LCD Replacement

Samsung A3 2016 Model - A310F Display / LCD Replacement

This is a guide I wrote for the 2016 model...Hope it helps!

Harvey -

Hi great instructions. I tried and failed. I was using a cheap China one and it seemed that a chip on the back was holding it up and the screen was pivoting on it. Was it the wrong size or do i need a gasket type sealent around. Anybody can advise me. Thank you


johnorjoy -