
To take out and replace the lens assembly, you must first completely remove the central motherboard and all other internal components.

  1. DobvD5cSlHCLciJJ
    • Make sure the surface you place the screen on is clean of debris and dust. Otherwise you risk scratching your screen.

    • Place the camera with the bottom facing you and the lens facing up.

  2. TYmCZueTFrjHYLB1
    • Push down and away from the camera to the left on the indicated indentation in the battery cover. The compartment should slide open as shown.

  3. KOobS1ZrY1lH4RaJ
    • Push the blue tab towards the camera body to the right, while simultaneously pulling out the battery.

    • The battery is not shown here. However, normally the battery would be in the displayed compartment.

    I want to know which typa of battery used in DSC -H1 don't cyber shot

    Stanzin Wangyal -

    Which type of battery used in DSC H1

    Stanzin Wangyal -

  4. VoPULuRXh4WKCEyu
    • Close the battery cover by pushing the cover inwards and sliding it to the left to allow more maneuverability when disassembling other parts of the camera.

  5. plLsiCuGxLxvNrws
    • Unscrew the four #00 4.0 mm Phillips screws on the bottom of the camera.

  6. xdBLyJDox6yHldJM
    • Remove the two #00 4.0 mm Phillips screws shown on the side of the camera.

  7. BZgS12KyZQ54D55S
    • Unscrew the #00 4.0 mm Phillips screw on the top next to the view finder.

  8. xKcA6drnnOS4GmDV
    • Pull open the plastic port covers on the side of the camera.

    • Remove the revealed #00 4.0 mm Phillips screw.

  9. Xs6cKJ51BeIfKOyi
    • Lift the back LCD screen to reveal the back of the camera unit.

    • Unscrew the three #00 4.0 mm Phillips screws at the edge and center of the back camera unit.

  10. 4dZnMxTN1B5GQ4Ao
    • Using the plastic opening tool, pry apart the bottom of the camera at the line between the four removed screws.

    • Place the camera on its lens and use the plastic opening tool to pry at the crack in the case on all four sides of the camera.

    • Apply moderate force to the backside of the camera enclosure until the two pieces separate.

  11. cAWKymNpDLyxCZls
    • Remove the #00 4.0 mm Phillips screw and the #00 6.0 mm Phillips screw holding the motherboard to the front enclosure.

    • Disconnect the eight ribbon cables from their ports on the motherboard.


    It would be nice if the locations of the 4.0 mm & 6.0 mm screws were defined.

    Also, additional step, or steps are needed to show locations of eight ribbon cable ports and how best to go about disconnecting the cables without damaging the port connectors.

    Jim Fogle -

    There's one more screw to remove under the ribbon cable top left.

    Vincent Montariol -

  12. k6Rob2tvZYA1sANM
    • Detach the metal bracket from the enclosure by removing the two #00 4.0 mm Phillips screws.

  13. SAvtS1G2aBZWFYIp
    • If you feel resistance from the board, double check all screws and cables have been removed to avoid damage.

    • Completely remove the motherboard by gently pulling the board away from the camera.

  14. UEphpjmQGXTeKEai
    • Unscrew the #00 6.0 mm Phillips screw on the left side of the lens.

    There's two more screws to remove on the top right and bottom right corners.

    Vincent Montariol -

  15. efUBMHXWHhWkl2EC
    • The lens assembly contains exposed leads to capacitors. Be very careful to avoid contact or discharge capacitors before handling as touching the capacitors could lead to electric shock.

    • Gently slide the lens assembly out of the front camera housing and remove completely.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Brianna Greenlaw

Member since: 06/04/15

1100 Reputation



Very good tutorial, thanks a lot.

I have a question : after reassembling the device, do you need to do some kind of adjustment or is it "simply plug-and-play"?

Best regards,


Marin Aymon -

Muy bueno el tutorial felicitaciones, sin embargo faltaron tornillos por nombrar, saludos

Cesar Carrillo -