
This is a brief guide for the Li-ion battery replacement of Sony Vaio Duo 13.

In this guide, a swollen Li-ion battery is replaced with a new one as a demonstration.

Replacing the old or damaged Li-ion battery is not only improves the performance of the laptop, but also keeps the battery in a healthy state for safety, avoiding the risk of thermal runaway.

Step descriptions:

  1. Step 1: Check the appearance of the laptop before replacement
  2. Step 2: Check the status of the battery before replacement (optional)
  3. Step 3~11: Teardown the laptop until the Li-ion battery appears
  4. Step 12~13: Remove the old or damaged Li-ion battery
  5. Step 14~15: Replace the old double-sided tapes (optional)
  6. Step 16: Install new Li-ion battery
  7. Step 17~18: Stick back the plastic sheet and double-sided tape
  8. Step 19: Spacing fixing (optional)
  9. Step 20: Check the laptop after replacing the battery
  10. Step 21: Check the status of the battery after replacement (optional)


  1. There is a "destructive" teardown that cannot be restored to its original state in step 9.
  2. Steps 2 and 21 can be skipped when users don't want to know the status of the battery or don't have the software.
  3. Steps 14~15 and 19 can be skipped when old double-sided tapes still provide sufficient stickiness.
  1. WgsYRd3HMxiRN6ZB
    • Please check the appearance before fixing the laptop. For example: The laptop has been spread by the battery inside (up to 5 mm).

  2. lhuPXubyBbXgvLLr
    • This is an optional step. This step can be skipped when users don't want to know the battery status or don't have the software.

    • Check the "cycle times" by battery software.

    • Suggested software: (1) BatteryInfoView, (2) BatteryMon.

    • Background: The number of "cycle times" depends on battery usage. It usually > 0. A Li-ion battery usually has "cycle times" about 500~1000. REF:

    • For example: BatteryInfoView shows that "Number of charge/discharge cycles" is 306 (red box). BatteryMon shows that "Charge cycles" is 306 (blue box).

  3. SHmAJcijFv6FNDtp
    • Go to the back side of the laptop.

    • Remove the screw with a "+" screwdriver (the red circle).

    • Number of screws: 1

  4. r5HS2pVK6WMVXWyy
    • Go to the front side of the laptop. Behind the LCD monitor.

    • Remove the screw with a "+" screwdriver (the red circle).

    • Move to the other side and remove the screw with a "+" screwdriver (not shown).

    • Number of screws: 2

  5. DNY5S1wYOZvVyVaT
    • Go to the back side of the laptop.

    • Lever the plastic part by crowbar gently.

    • Suggested tools: (1) Crowbar, (2) "-" screwdriver.

  6. n4UXNrqjmX1Zvo1H
    • Rotate the laptop 180°.

    • Remove the screws with a "+" screwdriver (red circles).

    • Number of screws: 4

  7. 6q1YitcHBUhYDcti
    • Remove the "NFC cover" with a lever gently. Do not break the retaining buckle.

    • Suggested tools: (1) fingernail, (2) "-" screwdriver.

    • NOTE: Do not break the retaining buckle.

  8. Lj5oZ1IiVoYRoCwQ
    • Remove the screws with a "+" screwdriver (red circles).

    • Number of screws: 4

    • NOTE: If the battery is severely swollen, you will see the back of the laptop stretched open after the screws are removed.

  9. mIUC6NwoqpxVUeec
    • Rotate the laptop 180°.

    • Tear off the plastic sheet (silver) and double-sided tape (black). The main thing is to let the screws hidden underneath show up.

    • NOTE: It is difficult to remove the double-sided tape completely, and some remain on the surface, but it does not affect entire the repair process.

    • CAUTION: This step is a "destructive" teardown and cannot be restored to its original state.

  10. rQWNHYuy3AkSKbhY
    • Remove the screws with a "+" screwdriver (red circles).

    • Number of screws: 6

  11. MQOHF1tXJgW15sxr
    • Rotate the laptop 180°.

    • Follow the direction of the red arrow and open the backside of the laptop from the open side, where the cooling cooper tube can be obviously been seen.

    • The swollen Li-ion battery appears (the white package).

    • CAUTION: If the backside is opened from other directions, the flat cable may be broken or the plug may be damaged (the red circle).

  12. LQNZbUipJ54fVFfl
    • Remove the screws with a "+" screwdriver (red circles).

    • Number of screws: 7

    • NOTE: Please avoid flat cables when removing screws. For example: see the red box.

    • CAUTION: Don't damage the Li-ion battery or something bad will happen, such as gas leakage, electrolyte leakage, fire, and explosion. REF:

  13. BXyROvcsa6v2mkS6
    • Lift the Li-ion battery gently.

    • Pull out the flat cable gently and then remove the Li-ion battery completely.

    • Background: About the flat cable. Generally speaking, the red thick line is the "+" power line; the black thick line is the "-" power line; other thin lines are signal lines.

    • CAUTION: Don't damage the Li-ion battery or something bad will happen, such as gas leakage, electrolyte leakage, fire, and explosion. REF:

  14. Wdt3bjAApJtYhr5O
    • Condition: The double-sided tape of the plastic part is degummed and has lost its stickiness. The plastic part clearly leaves the surface.

    • Remove the double-sided tape that has lost its stickiness.

  15. oQ4VWqKxjk6VwKJC
    • Use new double-sided tape.

    • Paste the plastic part back to its original position.

    • Do the same on the other side if necessary.

    • Suggestion: Do the same on the other side even though the plastic part sticks right on the surface. Because the old double-sided tape might not provide sufficient stickiness.

    • Other methods: The epoxy AB glue can replace the double-sided tape.

  16. skggNcMJrVCEFMPQ
    • Plug the cable into the new Li-ion battery gently and tightly.

    • To reassemble the laptop, follow steps 3~11 in reverse order. Some possible conditions and how to handle them will be described in the following steps.

    • NOTE: Make sure the cable is firmly inserted (the red box).

    • CAUTION: If the cable is not firmly inserted. Several worse conditions might happen. (1) Power failure (No electricity) and (2) Unstable connection cause an electric arc, fire, and explosion.

    • NOTE: Make sure the cable is securely fastened (red circles).

    • CAUTION: If the cable is not securely fastened. The cable might be squeezed by other parts, causing an unstable power supply and even safety issues (arc, fire, and explosion). REF:

  17. U6NllY2NFrGWeQ2R
    • Condition: The stickiness of the old double-sided tape (black) is not sufficient to stick back the plastic sheet (silver).

    • Use new double-sided tape (white) to stick the plastic sheet and the old double-sided tape.

    • NOTE: The new double-sided tape should avoid the soundhole (red box).

  18. a5Gy2AZBE11ZQMZi
    • Condition: The damaged plastic sheet (silver) is caused by the "destructive" teardown in step 9.

  19. tVJi2BPii4E6Nnwv
    • Condition: If the stickiness of the double-sided tape is not sufficient, causing a spacing.

    • Suggested method: Repeat steps 14 and 15.

    • Other methods: Use tape to fix the problem. In this case, the yellow tapes are used for the clear demonstration. Users can use other color tapes.

  20. vhpAJJrTHR1nvU6L
    • After replacing the battery, please check the appearance of the laptop.

    • Please turn on the laptop and unplug the AC power line to check the functionality of the battery.

  21. FNrJAx34Qt1fybdv
    • This is an optional step. This step can be skipped when users don't want to know the battery status or don't have the software.

    • Check the "cycle times" by battery software.

    • Suggested software: (1) BatteryInfoView, (2) BatteryMon.

    • For example: BatteryInfoView shows that "Number of charge/discharge cycles" is 0 (red box), indicating that the laptop treats the battery as a new one.


This brief guide provides a simple Li-ion battery replacement procedure for Sony Vaio Duo 13.

Hsien-Ching Chung

Member since: 02/02/22

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