
Most USB cables consist of four wires: red, black, white, and green. Some newer cables have eight wires, but the same steps apply. If the USB plug itself is damaged, you'll need to remove and replace the whole plug itself. Otherwise, just the damaged portion of the cable can be removed.

  1. yZ62RA4qJG3wkoif
    • Remove the broken portion of the USB cable with the wire cutters.

    • You should now have two pieces of the cable left. If you had to remove the whole USB plug, you'll need a replacement plug.

  2. pfqmsaFDG6gMw5YY
    • Cut the outer cable covering with wire cutters or scissors of both cables and be careful not to cut the wires themselves.

    • Pull off the piece of cover that you've separated from the rest. You should be left with four exposed individual wires.

    • There should be four wires, and occasionally a piece of string too. If there are fewer wires, then you've clipped one off, and you need to start over.

    • If there are more than 4 wires, you probably have a USB 3.0 cable. In this case, make sure that whatever wires you'll be reconnecting are both USB 3.0.

  3. n4EtZUBlV1MYPO5U
    • Strip all the wires out from both cables using a wire stripper. You'll need about three quarters of an inch of exposed copper wire.

    • If you don't have a wire stripper, you can strip the wires the same way as you exposed these wires. Gently cut the outer insulation, then pull off the insulation.

    • When stripping wires, do not cut or damage the copper wires. If you do damage the wire, cut off the damaged portion and try again.

  4. wEIAOrkGOcQlpm2L

    Oftmals sind die Drähte beschichtet und wollen gar kein Lot annehmen. Was sollte man dann machen?

    Lutz -

    Sie können die Beschichtung mit feinem Schleifpapier entfernen.

    Toon Konings -

  5. rlUCGua12NTS2sof
    • Wrap each wire in electrical tape and make sure that there is no exposed copper showing.

    what if the cable snapped out of the mouse

    Keri Houck -

    Gebruik als laatste stap een krimpkous om alles goed in/af te sluiten 🤨

    fietsen met KBO -

    Gebruik als laatste krimpkous om alles goed in/af te sluiten 😎

    fietsen met KBO -

  6. XPnRopUqnTED2Dy4
    • Wrap all the wires and both cables together in electrical tape to connect everything back into one cable and so it lasts longer.

    What if the wire is cut near one of the two ends how do you fix it then?

    Alis Shrestha -

    Instead of going through this, if the cable is wrecked by the end I would get a new cable. $10 will get you a 10' USB to C wire braided cable at Walmart. Good for home use charging phone. For laptop I would get something of better quality. Your office IT Support staff can help you there.

    Neal Jacobsen -

    Thanks Neil, but the whole purpose of this is to save on resources, and learn to be resourceful yourself.

    Every cable that I fix is one that I don't have to buy and $10 I have for something else!

    Robyn Stewardson -

    Heatshrink tubing will give you a more reliable and durable repair, just remember to slide it on before you do the soldering and slide it far enough away that your soldering iron doesn't prematurely shrink it.

    Juan Garcia -


Once your device is assembled and taped up then the repair is done and you can go back and do this multiple times.


Member since: 16/01/13

1024 Reputation


thanks you verb much

obito uchiha -

very i meant

obito uchiha -

What if it has a wire shield around it? Like crazy silver wires wrapped around it?

Bethany Marshall -

Then slowly wnwrap it not to remove it. And when u have repaired wires and taped them re wrap with silver shielding if it does have shielding it best to add a step to the repair and tbats to add a short section of shrink tubeing just big enough to cover spliced section and shielding. Once shielding is wrapped slid tubeing over repaired section and apply heat a hairdryer on high heat will work as well.

kotanwolf -

i tried solding the same wires but it still do not work

Faizan Ali -

Careful, not all USB cables use the same standardized colors. If you Frankenstein different cables together, you could match the wires improperly, causing damage to devices (like when reversing the voltage wires).

Jonathan Haas -

Professionals use heat shrink tubing on each wire, wrap the group with copper shielding tape, and then heat shrink over the group. You measure the tubing and add it to each wire before soldering. And make sure the final layer over the bundle is longer and extends at least ⅛" beyond both ends of the repair.

That will last.

Thank you very much 😊 Hope it helps.

Susan Holiday -