
This guide can be used for repair/refurbishing purposes

DO NOT work on the power supply while it is plugged in or while the white/orange indicator light is on. High voltage capacitors, while charged, can seriously injure or kill you. Exercise caution during this repair.

  1. 1T56mtteRDhAeWkL
    • Remove rubber boots

    • Remove T10 Screws

    • Remove the top shell, flip it over, and place next to lower shell

    • The two halves are connected together via the cooling fan wire. BE GENTLE when separating them

    • In typical Microsoft fashion, they've made it complicated to remove the fan wire. Not only is it wedged between two transistors it's also adhered with an epoxy like substance.

    • Using a craft knife, carefully cut through the epoxy to get the cable free. Work slowly and carefully. The thick substance and awkward angles make this a slightly tedious process

    • Be VERY CAREFUL. You can easily cut the cable here accidentally. If you cut your red/black wires you'll have to patch them. "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast"

  3. FhRfk1uSCPeqYIsG
    • Remove PH2 screws

    • Remove PH1 screws

    • Removal unnecessary

    • Disconnect cooling fan plug

    • Pull wire through

  4. aP5QmlLaBTmBDmA5
    • Remove tape in order to remove fan from its housing unit. This also uncovers a hidden screw.

    • Remove 4 PH0 screws

    • Tape will need to be replaced during reassembly. Electrical or kaptom tape will suffice

    • Take note of the amount of filth collected on this fan. Inadequate cooling could kill your supply, or worse, become a fire hazard

    • Remove fan upper housing plate

    • Gently lift the fan up and over the post

  5. xJMIhmZ4DttaebUv
    • Fan model info in case you need to search out new parts

  6. LVSJ4XuITqQjgfBg
    • The fans +/- wires are covered by a thin protective sleeve.

    • Apply some electrical or kaptom tape to patch it if necessary.

    • Initially I tried to use shrink tubing here but the smallest diameter I could get around the plug was a 3/8" tube which will not properly seal around the cable when heated

    • If you accidentally cut through the entire cable (+/- wires) you'll have to resolder them together and cover with shrink tubing.

  7. KnBBCsplqlxPM3Mb
    • Remove PCB from lower shell and place face down

    • The metal shield must be removed in order to expose the bottom of the power supply PCB

    • To quickly and safely remove I suggest using ChipQuik on the 2 single sided through holes. Alternatively you can use solder wick


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Navy Vet 2015

Member since: 26/06/15

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