
This is the teardown for the original Microsoft Xbox, not the Xbox 360.

  1. cCpQD2Otgn4RbANa
    • Start with your Xbox unplugged and sitting on a flat, stable surface.

  2. IhFXWM2AXhlgpmGM
    • Flip the Xbox over and pry off the rubber feet with a metal spudger.

  3. qwydXbfpOdqeqyD4
    • Peel back both the silver sticker and the white barcode sticker to reveal two additional screws.

    Or use an exacto knife to cut circles out where the two screws are located. First make indentations over the screws with your finger, this to help make it easier to trace the holes before cutting. The end result is often better than trying to peel corners. You can also try removing the stickers using a hair dryer, but it's not easy; if successful, they can potentially be reapplied, however.

    Nathan -

  4. kwDSCThWf2yPYZQG
    • Use a T20 Torx screwdriver to remove the four screws located under the rubber feet you just removed as well as the two screws from beneath the stickers removed in the previous step.

  5. UjoWrLCMxPlwM21b
    • Once the bottom shell is no longer attached, carefully turn the Xbox right-side-up and lift off the top shell.

  6. h6oUKDCEMVcibWgc
    • Move the grey ribbon cable out of the way in order to remove the three 3 mm screws using T10 Torx screwdriver. They are located on the upper right corner, lower right, and lower left corners of disk drive.

    • The screw on the lower left corner of the disk drive is not in the hole that it appears to be in, but rather just closer to the corner.

  7. D6p41bwi262iiRB1
    • Lift the hard drive storage unit out of the Xbox. It should come right out.

    • Take the power cable out of the track around the hard drive so that the unit will come out easier.

  8. NiXEQOD5ewxL1TEc
    • Use a T15 Torx screwdriver to remove four 3.37mm screws from both sides of the hard drive.

    • Remove the plastic housing from the hard drive. It does have some clips on it, but it should come right off.

  9. mpeLaPTAAkRXUZgO
    • Unplug both the ribbon cable and power cable from hard drive.

    • They are in there pretty tightly, so this may take some effort.

    how do i do the wires

    elijah ross -

    that was very hard

    elijah ross -

  10. gS1tj3mRKCafh1Vo
    • Remove the disk drive. It should come right out.

    • Unplug the ribbon cable and yellow cables from back of disk drive.

    It was really challenging. Drive Mad

    chipmunkcot -

  11. 4bfCkjGmsQYYaWvs
    • Pry back the black plastic tabs around the disk drive in order to remove it from its housing. Once removed, set the drive aside.

  12. XVT2qunMr3nXGJLx
    • Unplug the multi-colored power cord from the motherboard. It can be plugged in very tight, so it may take some effort to unplug it.

  13. eyqKZlCdVJDptHcq
    • Using T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two 3mm screws from the power supply board.

  14. pPSl4k1AJURDGomZ
    • Remove the power supply and set it aside. It should lift right out.

  15. fowCTkyCndfjhMgk
    • Unplug the bundle of yellow cables as well as the rainbow cord from the motherboard.

  16. 5ukQPgUaLSfFCHuv
    • Remove eleven 3mm screws from motherboard, using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Refer to the picture to find all eleven.

    • Unplug the power cable attached to the fan.

  17. pGoYUi4cUchmhI3T
    • Remove the motherboard from the Xbox. As long as all of the screws are out and the fan is disconnected, it will lift out easily.

  18. rGQ5hnmYGIsyvce2
    • Pry the plastic fan clips away from the fan base and remove the fan.

    • This may take a little effort, as the clips are pretty stiff. Beware, the fan will be filthy.

  19. PLcfERM4YnTO2iK4
    • Using a T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two 3mm screws from each of two controller sockets.

    • Take the sockets out by pulling back and up at the same time.

  20. YJPnCc6mMRdryjJ1
    • Congratulations, your Xbox is now completely dismembered.

    Thanks made my day i shall put it in a old radio =) Perra

    Perra -

    My Xbox is not completely disassembled. How do I get the front panel and metal shield out of the bottom case so I can wash them?

    Michael J Cotton -

    Same here. I got everything out but the front. Trying to replace the power/eject button

    Joshua Sweeney -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 29/10/09

5327 Reputation


Awesomeness, thanks a lot!

godoyander -

Thanks a million - perfect!

xan_lucky16 -

Heatsink removal?

Matt Russell -

Face plate removal?

Herberth Alvarez -

Did a complete cleanup and refresh of my Xbox thanks to your guide, thank you :)

Mickaël STEMMER -

would you be able to make a guide on how to remove the plastic outer shell from the metal parts inside? i want to clean a dirty shell but i don't know how to get the parts seperated.

Davis Williams -

Looks like I'm not skilled at fixing things, my machine broke right after that.

stickman fighter

LouisPaul -

It was really challenging. Drive Mad

chipmunkcot -