
    • You can remove the side panels with a pry tool.

    • You don't need to remove the rubber. The rubber on this controller was already bad

  2. 1opju56P6EkrT4sb
    • Remove the 5 Torx Security Bit (TR9) screws

    all the T8 screws on my controller have a clear filling in them, WTF?!?!?

    Patrick Henry -

    all my T8 screws have a clear filling in them, WTF?!?!?!

    Patrick Henry -

    I've never seen that, I can't advise much other than scrapping it out with an xacto knife

    EasyAsABC123 -

    My screws have a tiny metal pin in the center. Looks like I need a TR8 bit, not a T8. This might be what you are mistaking for a clear filling.

    Steve McGinn -

    Thanks it might be TR8 i’ll update the guide

    EasyAsABC123 -

    While a TR8 will work, they’re actually TR9 screws on mine (Model 1698, X912908-004).

    Daniel -

    @isbelldl thanks, updated to specify TR9

    EasyAsABC123 -

    TORX TR8 worked form the ifixit kit


    My anolog stick is lagging on my elite 1 controller. Can I remove a anolog module from a normal xbox 1 controller and then put into the elite 1 controller would it be compatible. I have all the soldering irons and stuff. It's only that I dont have any money and wanted to no if thay would work . Thanks guy appreciate your time kris -

  3. 1LhEeI3qiQhNkbHj
    • Pry the panel next to the 3.5mm port

    • Be careful to not rip the ribbon shown in the next step

    • Be careful to not rip the ribbon cable

    • You can pop the connector up to remove the ribbon easily

    • Ribbon Cable

    My connector did not look like this and popping it up broke it

    Amarokstar -

    please post a picture of the connector so we can update this, you also might have a newer revision of the motherboard

    EasyAsABC123 -

    Is there any way to replace that connector bar or maybe an alternative to keeping the contacts down on the ribbon if it’s broken?

    Joe -

    @joe you can try tape, or even hot glue (easy to remove with rubbing alcohol), that might hold it down. I wasn’t able to find the connector but i’m sure if you count the number of pins and measure it you’d be able to locate a replacement connector on something like mouser.

    EasyAsABC123 -

  5. xYndZmGjfDV2tAWL
    • Remove the 2 Torx (T6) screws

  6. o3HhKPLSRfiY6UWQ
    • Desolder the 4 wires on each side, these control the vibrations and the RT LT

    If you are just replacing the main power board there is no need to desolder at this point. The main power board can be removed with the controller board still in place.

    Malc Foy -

  7. RsDGGXPEn1T4VlXm
    • Pull up from the "top" side of the controller on the sister board.


    I would like to know if I could get from you a Motherboard . In case you don' t have it, where could I find one?

    Thank you

    Alejandro Expósito -

    Hi, I have 2 not working controllers (both 1698 and 1708). The 1708 broke the bumper switch, I manage to fix it but as always, postponed. So, can I either swap Xbox One Elite comtroller (1698) into Xbox One (1708) shell/housing or vice versa??

    Or can I mix both motherboard together so I can make one of them working?

    Fitifazrul Rahman -

    It might work…it might damage one of the boards but probably wouldn’t

    EasyAsABC123 -

    I would like to buy a motherboard, can you please stock some up?

    davi_t -

    I don’t work for ifixit, I don’t know if they see comments on a private made guide.

    EasyAsABC123 -

    I decided to toss all this stuff in the trash at this point as I am not going to spend +$50 on equipment and replacement parts to fix a $60 controller. But thanks for the educational manual all the same.


  8. 6YeZJ6NT1ecoGBFH
    • Be Careful to not lose the sync button

    • Pry the middle section up from the home button side.

    • This will also remove the LB and RB which is a single part

  9. HyeZticLYMGSxuBX
    • Unscrew the 6 Torx (T6) screws

    On the 2nd picture: the D-pad dome switches are covered by a clear plastic film: is possible to remove it/reattach that plastic film? I believe there might be something stuck underneath the dome switches that’s interfering with the d-pad buttons working reliably/consistently. I know I could just replace the daughterboard, but I’m trying to avoid doing that if I can just clean it some how/find a way around it

    [deleted] -

    This is just tacom tape :), feel free to buy more and replace

    EasyAsABC123 -

    Hi anyone know of where to find that rubber thing that goes on lb/rb trigger?

    kostas kazlauskas -

    rubber thing? You mean the lb and rb part itself? or the home button section?

    EasyAsABC123 -

    The lb/rb white rubber behind the button supoort rubber i dont know how its called

    kostas kazlauskas -

  10. OEGhgIVF2aHnd3vA
    • Now you can remove the buttons themselves.

    how Is this considered difficult took me 15 mins

    TwiZ Faded -

    Cool it, no need to be like that. You're the one using their tutorial, how about you just say thanks

    Matthew R Dunham -

    Same, also if anyone’s wondering the stick drift I had was just caused by hair and gunk in the mechanisms of the controller, same with the d pad not working, just by simply taking the controller apart and fully cleaning it and bending a few things back into place all issues are gone

    REESES Peanut Butter Cups -

    Rip my ribbon cable

    pedroferraz -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 22/01/10

2273 Reputation


Is there any way I could just do step 8, removing the Home cover? I simply need to fix my USB port so i dont really wanna take it completely apart just for that.

jones_8515 -

Desoldering the rumble motors isn't necessary, nor is removing the first motherboard. Once you get that back panel off, you're golden.

J'Anthony Joseph -

Ya hi i opened my controller and right away i don’t see ether bolt in both handles. 4 i believe to top two bottom.

Suggestions please.

Craig Amyotte -

I found using a TQ5 for the 2 motherboard screws worked the best on my controller not a T6

Mat -

Thanks for the info

EasyAsABC123 -

Awesome guide. After taking mine apart it won’t turn on without plugging it in first. When I plug it in it turns on and I can unplug it and use it like normal but the Xbox button won’t turn the controller on by itself. Have you ever encountered that?

Tim Hogg -

I have never run into this, that is definitely an unusual problem

EasyAsABC123 -

how to glue this sh*ty ribbon? mine also badly removed by itself

senoritavikki -

You probably would want to count the wires in the ribbon and then buy a replacement

EasyAsABC123 -

Anyone have a solution for the incredibly uncommon problem where: maximum input to left analog ↑ forward and depressed (sprint/tactical sprint for Modern Warfare) will be read as a pull or incredibly rapid pulls on the right trigger? Have an elite II that I needed to send in cause of another left stick issue (ridiculous) an I pulled out my old elite 1 that worked perfectly before but suddenly I have this going on. its not a mapping issue and it will stop if I change to another stick attachment but after a minute or so will start again. Change stick, start again, etc. Ready to leave the soldering iron over the middle of the device and go for a long walk…

Jack Kessler -

Unless you are replacing the motherboard, you probably don’t have to de-solder the wires to the rumble motors or triggers. I carefully pulled the trigger wires out of their channels and had plenty of room to move the motherboard out of the way to pull the daughterboard. This allows a lot of replacement without having to solder anything. Note that it helps a lot to tape the rumble motors into their slots since they are just sitting in there and may fall out while you are trying to manipulate the daughterboard.

Scott Gartner -

Mine the right bumper broke a clip or something on the outside part n it will drop or move n get stuck or make the trigger stuck n not work drives me inside is there a fast easy way to say remove it without taking it all apart don't don't do that n I'll map it to the lower ones or something? And do these have a warranty some say it dose jw thanks to any who help or reply to this in advance

Dman d -

I need to fix (or replace it if I can't fix it, not sure what's wrong with it yet) The LB button. Do I need to remove the mother board?

maxmattt -

how would i fix drift on the joysticks

Statesidekarma -