
Follow this guide to upgrade your iMac's hard drive with an SSD using an updated 2.5” to 3.5” metal enclosure. The guide includes steps to install the temperature sensor so that the Mac's fans will operate at the correct speed.

This is a prerequisite only guide and should not be used alone. This guide is a part of the iMac HDD replacement guides.

  1. HKQbp12ZISQhNfAv
    • Follow the remaining steps if you are replacing your hard drive with an SSD kit.

    • If your SSD enclosure looks like the first image, follow this guide instead.

    • Line up the SSD connectors with the metal enclosure's sockets.

    • Press the drive against the enclosure sockets until the SSD is firmly seated.

    • The SSD connects with the enclosure in only one direction. If the connectors don't line up, rotate the SSD and try again.

    what if I’m installing a hard drive?

    Troy Garcia -

    Didn’t bother with the SSD caddy. Some 3M sticky pads did the trick!

    James Clive -

    Two thoughts on SSD replacement/upgrade:

    1) It would help if some references were made to help us determine what we need in terms form factors. I’ve never used an SSD and see a 2.5” one that would work, but I don’t know if 2.5” SSDs are different (in form factor) from 2.5” HDs. A lot of us are still learning about SSDs and isn’t that what this site is about? (Learning new things about hardware and using hardware?)

    2) I’m not clear if I definitely need a new temperature sensor if I put in an SSD or if

    Hal Vaughan -

    Can I buy the kit without the SSD. I'm thinking of replacing my 3TB hard drive with a 4TB SSD.

    Also, would you happen to know what the maximum hard drive dimension that can fit inside of this iMac? I may try a 14TB hard drive instead.

    Larry -

  2. FtBOnUuDYZJTjvey
    • Use a Phillips screwdriver to install the four silver screws (two on each side) along the edges of the SSD to secure it to the enclosure.

  3. quopgXjU6RgRFYYW
    • Plug the included sensor-enabled combo cable into the enclosure's port.

    • The cable is keyed to connect in only one orientation. If you can't connect the cable, rotate it 180° and try again.

    Is the thermal sensor needed? I fitted a replacement SSD and it’s all back together and the iMac’s fans are fine. They don’t go into full max speed mode.

    James Clive -

    If you have a problem with the fans, you can always use Macs Fan Control (free) to set the speed. The sensor is not needed.

    maccentric -

    • Peel the white liner off the back of the small temperature sensor board in order to expose the adhesive.

    • Adhere the temperature sensor board to an exposed, metal surface of the SSD, close to the SATA connector.

    • Fold the excess temperature sensor wires so that they are out of the way while you install the enclosure.

    Great pics ! Is that “temp sensor board” is already on my HDD IMAC ?? Or must I buy one ?

    kenclark200 -

    Don’t bother with the thermal sensor. I didn’t fit one and the iMac is working fine and no fans are kicking in.

    James Clive -

    Instructions say to attach sensor to the SSD, but all pictures show it being attached to the SSD carrier. This may not represent accurate SSD temp as much of the carrier dissipates the heat absorbed from the SSD

    chris byrne -

    Confirmed, no need for the extra temp sensor on Mid-2015 iMac. (EMC 2806, Mid-2015 27" iMac). Just changed the old 1TB HDD to SSD, no extra fan RPM after power on.

    Laszlo Nyirfa -

    The adhesive on the sensor is very weak. My sensor fell off after a couple of days. Is there a safe glue to use to adhere it to the SSD? Super glue?

    estyle18 -

    FWIW I bought a 4TB Western Digital Blue SSD. The entire case of the SSD is plastic- there is no metal. Hoping the temp sensor adheres to it okay.

    Kupe -

  5. TB3g2BfZthZmgZof
    • Use a T8 driver to install the mounting pins from the old hard drive onto the sides of the enclosure.

  6. KBSB2H5m4afo1XQb
    • Attach any mounting brackets removed from the old hard drive onto the enclosure.

  7. SldWU16exyqkJemL
    • Connect the iMac's combo cable to the new temperature-enabled combo cable.

  8. YJqasivdZRKDWMjy
    • The images used in this step come from a 2017 iMac. Your cables may look slightly different, but the procedure remains the same.

    • Slide the SSD enclosure into the space previously occupied by the hard drive.

    • Route the cables so that they will not interfere with any other components.

    • Try to keep the cables free from any sharp bends, and route them such that they are not pinched.

    The SATA cable on my Late 2012 was not long enough to comfortably attach to the end of the temperature sensor array after it was plugged into the new SSD. I had to fold the array and slide it under the SSD and housing. There was much resistance to the folding so I took it slowly to let the wires adjust gradually to the fold so they would not break.

    Bob Enders -

    Unfortunately, the adapter that comes with it isn't long enough to avoid pushing against the screen in the front. One week after upgrading to SSD my screen fell off shattering and breaking the power connector on the systems board. A new screen is ordered but I'm hoping the power connector isn't damaged beyond repair. I'm going to try to adhere the HD adapter to the back inside of the case with 3m adhesive to avoid pressure against the screen.

    Erik Johnson -

    As a newbie, the only other upgrade I have done is to replace my iPhone 7 battery. I had trouble on reassembly.

    This is a great upgrade guide, but it would be important to me to see the reassembly instructions including the cautions.

    For example, I had issues with reattaching the plugs in the phone. I could see having an issue with them here, as well as repositioning the display back into the cabinet.

    I do PCB board repair work and repair pinball machines. But I won’t try this.

    Larry Hamm -

    how do i glue on the new screen? which glue is used?

    Marc Seeh -

    Try 3m double sided tape from Amazon, it available in 3mm width which is ideal for iMac screen. It has a very thin foam and is much better quality than the cheap Chinese kits available on Amazon. You will have to trim it to size with a sharp craft blade as you fit. Don’t risk your screen falling off from using cheap tape in the so called fitting kits!

    Tony Street -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Arthur Shi

Member since: 03/01/18

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