
Prereq only

  1. lDQoI31oYTtPrPK4
    • Before disconnecting the thermal sensor cable, take note of its orientation. It is extremely important to reinstall the connector in the current orientation so the fans will not run at full speed. If you have multiple pins on your replacement hard drive, put the connector closest to the SATA connections and closest to the PCB board.

    • Disconnect the thermal sensor, SATA power, and SATA data cables by pulling their connectors away from the sockets on the hard drive.

    To avoid a crazy spinning Fan, if you replace the HD by a SSD, without the fancy kit, just shortwire the plug. I used a copper from a CAT5 ethernet cable. Warning: you override the temperature sensor! I never had any trouble with that.

    it4art -


    What does that mean, to shortwire the plug ? I’m planning to put a SSD into an old iMac soon.

    Novak -

    The thermal sensor cable is just two wires - it4art is suggesting plugging a tiny wire jumper between the two holes in the cable to create a short-circuit. I do not know how this impacts the system. I tend to use “Macs Fan Control” for these types of things.

    johann beda -

    The thermal sensor cable has just two wires, grey and black. Grey face top and black face bottom of my screen. Or grey is closest to SATA Connector. my new Seagate SSHD connector has 4 pins and different connector so could not connect thermal sensor cable due to size difference. However easily cut piece off cable connector to fit(with mini hacksaw holding with pliers). Instruction says if multiple pins the grey should be close to SATA connector. This did not work for me. google the correct connector cable for your new drive and you will see where the black and grey wires should connect to. Mine are the two pins furthest from SATA connector. Black bottom and grey top again. You don’t need to buy the new/correct cable! This whole procedure has worked a treat and my 2010 mac is now incredible fast. Thanks so much!

    Kieran Hobbs -

    I always find that it helps me when I reassemble all this computer electronics if I photograph the connectors as they are when I find them with my cell phone so I can see where and how they were originally installed. My memory is awful but the photos really help. I also put a little bit of blue masking tape at each port and on the part of the plug that is facing up.

    peter -

    Unfortunately the Seagate Barracuda drive has a completely different set of connections for the thermal sensor compared to the old drive, so I’ve just had to leave it disconnected for now.

    Paul Guinnessy -

  2. ejmn3R3huJSHDD2e
    • Remove the two T10 Torx screws securing the upper hard drive bracket to the outer case.

  3. mSNNXEeqcbyJx3sy
    • Slightly rotate the hard drive away from the outer case.

    • Lift the hard drive off its two lower positioning pins and remove it from the outer case.

  4. 24oyHuf51DnLMKg5
    • Remove the two T8 Torx screws securing the upper bracket to the hard drive.

    • Remove the upper bracket from the hard drive.

  5. IM3jnlictDM5ikMk
    • Remove the two T8 Torx pins from the other side of the hard drive.

    • Carefully peel off the piece of EMI foam attached to the front of the hard drive.

    • Don't forget to transfer this to your new hard drive.

    What if the EMI foam has lost its adhesiveness? What happens if it is not reapplied?

    Chris Robb -

    I am using the ifixit kit to upgrade to a solid state drive and the drive is now in a full casing. The drive is now facing up towards the LCD. I don’t think it’s needed any longer.

    Chris Robb -

    The critical part is transferring the data from the old drive to the new one, which typically involves configuring a thumb drive with the OS so that the iMac can be restarted before the data is transferred from old HD. Where can I find instructions on this part of the process?

    Gary Pope -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Andrew Bookholt

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