Use this guide to remove, replace, or upgrade the RAM in your iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display.
Before beginning any work on your iMac: Unplug the computer and press and hold the power button for ten seconds to discharge the power supply's capacitors.
While holding the display steady, use the flat end of a spudger to press in on the RAM door release button, located just above the power port.
Use your thumbs or index fingers to unlock the tray by pushing the tabs outward, away from the RAM.
Pull the tabs out and down, swinging the RAM tray down to a near-horizontal position.
Remove a stick of RAM by grabbing it with two hands and pulling straight out of the RAM tray.
To install a new module, insert the module into the desired slot in the tray and press it firmly in place. Push the tray back up until it locks in place.
Re-insert the RAM access door back into its place.
To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.
Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.
Repair didn’t go as planned? Check out our Answers community for troubleshooting help.
Saludos, alguien me pudiera decir cuanto soporta de máximo de memoria RAM que soporta?, en Crucial dice que 64Gb de RAM, pero en Apple dice que el procesador 3.0Ghz (que es el que tiene el equipo que se quiere aumentar la memoria) solo 32Gb, por experiencia en otros equipos creo si soporta los 64Gb pero si me gustaría tener la seguridad para hacer la compra, gracias.
Hi. I ordered 2x32GB Crucial mac memories for my iMac 27, 2019 3,1GHz.
It starts with these Crucial memories, but very very slowly. The startup takes 10 minutes with a dual channel mode.
Has somebody had the same problem?
Yes! I bought 4 x 8GB and found out that I had to change two and two of the RAM cards. I had to go through a long list of variables ways to put the cards back in. (Ex. only change spot no 1 and 3, only change spot 2 and 3, etc....) After a while I hit it, and the iMac started if I pressed R+P+control+command while starting up. I got to know that the iMac needed to get to know the new cards..... (sounds really weird). After using only 2 of the new cards for several months (4-5) I tried to change the 2 next. So now I have all the 4 new RAM cards in, and the iMac WONT START. I have tried all kinds of variants of starting it, and moved around the cards. Still black. I ended up buying a Mac Book Pro, as a result of frustration. I still would like to be able to start my iMac 2019. Anyone?
Aagotart -
Have the same problem for the past two days.
Having four identical apple OEM rams but the system won't turn on with all four slots installed. It will with 3, with 2 but not with 4. Also, it doesn't matter which order you put or which ram of the four one you installed. All of them are working in pair of 3s or 2s but not all together.
I am really bamboozled.
Greg Pap -
Buenos días!!!
Cómo le hago si mi iMac no tiene puertita!!! Se tiene que despegar la Pantalla???
alterego69 -
Hello! The procedure depends on the iMac's model. Find the exact iMac for the proper guide.
¡Hola! El procedimiento depende del modelo de iMac. Encuentra el iMac exacto para la guía adecuada.
Arthur Shi -
No hay que despegar la pantalla para este tipo de reparación. Si no encuentras el compartimento entonces puede que estes mirando al imac equivocado o quizas un monitor.
overdas -