
This guide is meant for repair professionals.

Back Glass Separating is the first step of Back Glass Refurbishing. We’ll take iPhone XS Max as an example to show you how to efficiently refurbish the broken back glass without disassembling the phone with the help of the Laser Machine.

  1. JpGVuhI3YMkhHTYO
    • Here we have an iPhone XS Max with broken back glass. Run function test first. All going well. Test wireless charging - nothing goes wrong.

  2. pD2wKXUshqdNQXoV
    • Next, let’s scan the back glass with the Laser Machine.

    • Turn the phone off and place it upside down under the focus positioning probe. Press the ‘auto focus’ button on the panel.

    • With the focus length indicator on, place the phone upside down on the operating panel.

  3. Nve2fTUNyWMnFChH
    • Run the matching program. Choose corresponding model and drawing. Get all parameters set.

    • Click ‘Red Light’ to turn on laser aiming function. Click ‘Mark’ to scan the back glass with the laser light.

    • Note: there will be smog when the laser light is scanning. So we need to switch on the Air Purifier.

  4. RNPwCf26KgmRIEOJ
    • Once finished, the back glass becomes transparent.

    • Again, let’s turn on the phone and run function test. All going well. Wireless charging also goes well.

  5. O5ywpUck3jePqlM3
    • Next, let’s separate the back glass from the mid-frame. The scanned back glass can be separated easily.

    • Insert the metal pry piece into the gap between the back glass and the mid-frame. Slide back and forth to separate the back glass from the mid-frame.

  6. b1c2NiyKiLQQoUBI
    • Once the back glass has been separated completely, scan with the laser light to remove residual glue on the mid-frame.

  7. JiyABqyBKpH1E6SW
    • Once done, clean the mid-frame thoroughly.

    • Apply some B7000 glue to the mid-frame. Get the new big hole back glass in position and adhere with proper force.

    • Once done, clip the four sides of the phone with clamps and wait several minutes for the glue to dry out.


Member since: 18/11/19

18827 Reputation


Yeah, like I have a laser machine.

Gregg Stanley -

Thanks for the turorial. Like a laser machine can be found hanging around like a regular tool.

Franklin -

The actual !&&*? Is this a joke? TF is this doing here? Is that machine include with every iPhone?

Admer Bits -

This is the reason, why there is a note at the very top of this tutorial: This guide is meant for repair professionals.

There is a german saying: “Who can read has a huge benefit.” Just kidding … ;-)

BenZ78 -

i want to buy iphone xs max back panel (back glass)


You need a professional equipment to replace it

Daniele Carminati -

Ich brauche dringend guten Rat. Auf der Suche nach einer Lösung bin ich auf euch gestoßen und mir scheint, als wüsstet ihr was ihr da tut. Ich habe einige XS Max Back Gläser getauscht und bei einigen Geräten geht es nach dem Lasern einfach aus. So ca alle 5 Minuten. So lässt sich das iPhone nicht nutzen. Ich bin schon so weit, dass ich vor dem Lasern alles Leben aus dem iPhone ausbaue und auch die Schablone/Maske habe ich an jedem Teil vergrößert um eventuelle Fehlstellung zu vermeiden.

Habt ihr eine Idee?

Vielen Dank im Voraus

Ersin Gücoglu -

Yo where can I get the laser?

Monica Jerkic -

looks so easy. Just need a laser machine hmp if keen to help a sister out

Monica Jerkic -

I have a laser what is the software called?

Mike gonzalez -

I just need to find someone who will do it for me for a reasonable price.

hhandh -