
If the nozzle of your Braava Jet 240 is faulty, use this guide to replace it. You will only need a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

The nozzle is used to spray water onto the ground for the robot to mop up. Sometimes debris can get into the nozzle and cause it to spray in an abnormal pattern, or not at all. If this happens, it will need to be replaced.

  1. 1VJeBEuwYIIOhnKH
    • Turn the device off.

  2. QDu4pDJINBnNxiKw
    • Use your fingers to gently pop out the battery.

  3. FhefEuKIKyYXQ52H
    • Lift up the handle to reveal the eject button.

  4. ZNE3XxLkVdrGedOb
    • Use your finger to push the eject button forward.

  5. fZsDCaksaSDPkpbt
    • Tilt the robot on its side and let the mop pad slide out.

  6. 1DBcLyOpwWnvBHKa
    • Remove the two 22.0 mm screws on the bottom-front of the robot using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    These screws have a non-threaded top. So they’ll move after unscrewing but not come out.

    At this stage it’s best to lift them and continue to unscrew until they’re removed as this makes removing the cover easier.

    Same for the other two 15mm screws.

    Justin Howard -

  7. DV6hdVFXOnePCA2T
    • Use a Phillips #1 screwdriver and an iFixit opening tool to remove the two 15.0 mm screws on the front sides of the robot.

  8. 1FMxi6Cr1fYfvcGZ
    • Carefully pull back on the front shell to remove it from the robot.

  9. LnwNJUMbddHofDZF
    • Pull the nozzle assembly away from the body of the robot.

  10. ZfphjewmIA5GNYn6
    • Using a Phillips #1 screwdriver, remove the 16 mm screw that holds the nozzle in place.

  11. Yh1uhqLkUHeml3ww
    • Continue unscrewing the 16 mm screw until it comes out of the nozzle.

  12. CMbQKvmlbMO3suKx
    • Gently remove the tube from the nozzle.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Claire Franz

Member since: 10/02/20

2727 Reputation


Hi Claire! I have a guide for unclogging the pump after a prolonged storage duration, and I wish to use your photos and guide for the first half of the guide. Shall we collaborate on writing that guide?


Matt S -

Hi Matt! That’s a great idea. It sounds like you’re wanting to use this Nozzle Replacement guide as a prerequisite guide for your guide on the pump, is that correct?

Claire Franz -

If you’re like me and you have issues with the pump after a long duration in deep storage, there could be an issue with the tube within the pump where the pump would clog itself.

Follow all the steps to this guide, then look for the clear tube connected to the nozzle tube. You will see a circular black disk, with two metal pins and 2 metal wires on it. In the middle, there should be a Philips head screw. Use your #1 Screwdriver to unscrew the screw,

Next, carefully pull up on that black disk assembly. You will slowly pull up the tube. Be careful not to pull it too hard and puncture the tube.

Look at the clear tube. If you have stored it for too long, it is highly likely that the two white rollers on the black disk assembly have caused indents on the tube, causing a clog. Remedying that clog should be easy, gently press down on the tube on where the clog is, perpendicular to the clog. You should hear a little pop once the clog is unblocked. Repeat for the second clog, if required.

Matt S -

Following that, reassemble the machine going in reverse.

This problem should be a known issue for most Braava Jet 240s. There is no safe parking location for the pump for long storage, and the prolonged pressure on the clear tube will cause it to clog eventually.

Hope this helped and saved you from buying another Braava Jet.

Matt S -

IRobot doesn’t sell nozzle replacement.

Hiroko Takikita -

Where do I buy the nozzle??

James McClure -

Where i can bay nozzle for brava jet m6?

Marius Martinaitis -

Any tips on where to get a new nozzle?

Alvaro Acosta -

Your guide is GREAT! And I already have the tools.

BUT - where? how? do you find/get a replacement nozzle???

Dennis N. -

Is it possible to blow into the filler or jet to unclog the tube?

Luc Chase -

Do you have a place to buy this nozzle replacement? I’m having trouble finding it

Nick Dudley -

iRobot does not sell a replacement. I bought a broken As-Is unit from eBay to scavenge its nozzle. Turned out that the reason that one failed was also the nozzle :-( Then I found another guy who had several non working units and convinced him to scavenge the nozzles and sell them all to me. Now I have two working units. BTW after the first nozzle clogged I started running them using only distilled water and haven't had a nozzle fail since.

William Fickas -