
This is definitely a destructive teardown. Hopefully it will help to show how the adapter was put together. Also that it does have a DAC on the adapter, not the lightning connector on the idevice.

  1. rV26ba4ZHV5hWdpD
    • Typical Apple product packaging. Simple yet elegant

    • Backside of the package

    • Bottom of the package describes the adapter as a A1749

    • Again, nice packaging for the adapter.

    • The total length of the adapter is 3 1/8 inches or 8cm. One side with the lightning connector and the other end is the 3.5mm headphone jack.

    • Checked to see if there was any way to remove the outside of the adapter by slipping some thin tools in between. No way on that.

  3. mZTk6QtUKg2iPa12
    • This is the business end that requires the removal of the covering.

    • The only way to do that is by cutting into it. Using a good scalpel does cut it with relative ease.

    • Careful while using a sharp instrument, not much room to hold onto the connector.

  4. BUH6sOTUX3JieCrj
    • Cutting length wise on one side

    • as well as the opposite site

    • Then flipping the two halves that were created by the cuts.

  5. oY2QMUP2XNeRkept
    • This makes for an easy removal.

    • The next thing to be removed is the ground shield.

    • Using a pair of small side cutters that shield is easily removed as well.

  6. E2pMqhFZlLfZKjHL
    • Just a matter of using the cutters on one end

    • and rolling it around the connector.

    • This shows the destructive nature of this teardown

  7. 4vePrBcnDFQrjLQV
    • The connector is now left with another plastic covering.

    • Luckily the removal of the ground shield seems to have open slots lengthwise in the plastic covering.

    • Using these slots, the plastic needs to be carefully pulled away from the circuit board.

  8. IiMMPFDrwtVSvsEu
    • Here is the business end with the cover removed.

    • This side shows what appears to be the DAC inside this adapter

    • Close-up of the circuit board shows Apple's fascination with adhesive and other sticky substances. Both sides of the circuit board are covered with it.

  9. eQsT3fwDDOPaKMwW
    • A bit more of a close up of one side

    • as well as the other. As more information becomes available about the DAC this teardown will be edited to reflect those.

    • Here are the markings on the DAC 338S00140 A0SM1624 TW

    Do you happen to have a picture of the other side of the PCB? If you post it that would be very nice. Thank you.

    appleCakes -

    Can I have the pin assign of this?

    Kevk -

  10. WLOIxixJ4BOFWRou
    • Carefully slice down the headphone jack connector with a sharp knife, being careful to not cut yourself.

  11. W6jkdKkmfJghftMN
    • Insert wisdom here.

    Nice job, been waiting for this!

    Ethan Chow -

    For me, the last two pictures are not instructive enough.

    Showing the colors of the dreads inside the lightning adapter presumes the same in the 3.5 mm 4p female adapter.... Which pin of lightning is which ring in the male/female plug ?

    Fritz Toben -

    Actually, none of those pins go directly to the headphone. The lightning connector interfaces with a DAC housed in the body for the male end of the connector, and on the PCB itself, outside of the DAC, those interface with the female end of the connector. The lightning connector still only outputs data. -

    Actually, none of those pins on the lightning connector itself directly interfaces to the female end of the connector. The lightning connector only interfaces to the DAC housed in the body of the lightning connector housing. From the DAC comes the analog output, which then goes to the female end of the connector. The lightning port is still only responsible for data/power I/O. -

    Oh you just stopped at the point that remains unanswered. Is that a 4-port or 3-port ? 3 is conventional stereo, 4 would mean support for a mic + headphones or handsfree. Plugging in a 3 port headphone into a 4 port adapter is not ideal. Would be good to keep cutting to see how many skinny wires go from the dac to that adapter. There is 4 to (3 port +1 )splitters on the market then you connect headphones to 3-port part.

    mytubbie67 -

    I only see the wiring for TRS (3 port as you call it), but I do see the metal bands for 2 rings (meaning that the connector is TRRS or 4 port). The exposed copper wire is connected to a spring going down to where the tip would be. Below that wire you can see 2 solder joints. One goes to the ring and the other is connected to the metal plate which would make contact with the sleeve. It is likely that there is a 4th solder joint on the other side of the connector that connects to the second "ring" of the jack. Ignore my previous post. I tried to edit it but took to long and it wouldn't let me

    russell wilder -

    The X-RAY photo shows that the short cable leading to the 3.5mm end is already analog, so it’s not part of any lightning data connection. Kudos to apple for fitting it into a Lightning connector shell though!

    Peter Shen -

    • Repairability score: 0 out of 10

    • The device is clearly not meant to be opened or repaired in any way.

    • It is impossible to open the adapter without destroying it.


Member since: 29/09/10

733558 Reputation


There seem to be a lot more wires than necessary going to the 3.5mm connector. By my count there appear to be 7 or 8 discrete wires?

At most there should be 4, TRRS, and maybe a shield ground. How are the other wires used here?

Mac 128 -

Mac 128 excellent question and I will try and take the jack end off as well asap. There is a total of 7 wires....

oldturkey03 -

Perhaps it supports both standard pinout methods for mics/remotes, rather than just Apples flipped data/ground pin standard?

tipoo -

I am currently looking into modyfying an Apple TRRS connector so I can take some readings on what is what and how it may function. Only hold-up is that I do work for a living:-) so time is always an issue.

oldturkey03 -

Mac 128 mystery already solved. Check this teardown by Mason Dowell Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic (Lightning Edition) Teardown. It'll explain what each wire does.

oldturkey03 -

There might be 7 wires on the earphone side, but remember, it has to interface to the 4 pins of the 3.5mm plug.

The socket will have a switch in it to detect if there is a plug inserted. That could account for 1-3 of the wires, depending on how it's wired up.

Ian Howson -

@oldturkey03 -- thanks for the link. That does help explain what's happening. But they still have to be resolved onto four conductors of the TRRS jack of the adapter. So that means that of the four conductors, L, R, Mic, & Ground, only the L, R & Mic are discreet. The ground sleeve is where the L-, R-, & Mic-, must converge. So essentially 3 out of 7 wires are common ground in this adapter?

It seems like the EarPods maintain discreet ground wires for all 3 signal lines out of the amp, as well as the common ground, but combines them for any headphones plugged into the adapter jack. Does this mean the Lightning EarPods are providing balanced lines throughout? Whereas the adaptor is an unbalanced converter?

Mac 128 -

I couldn't edit this after 5 minutes, but I see a typo ... 4 out of the 7 discrete wires are common ground in the adapter.

Mac 128 -

We sure that's a DAC and not the usual Lightning signaling chip?

tipoo -

thought about that as well. Seems to be way different from the privous one to be the "signalling" chip. It would be kind of like reinventing the wheel for Apple. That in itself would bot be uncommon, but doubtful. I think that chip would be the one on the opposite end. I will try and get more information on all the components on that board.

oldturkey03 -

The lightning auth chip is much smaller, this big chip is obviously for audio.

Tom Chai -

I have completed a teardown of the Lightning headphones. I can confirm that the red and red/orange stripe wires are for the right speaker/driver, the green and green/orange strip wires are for the left speaker/driver, and the three others (red, green, orange) are what drive commands for the in-line volume control/mic. I will post pics if anyone is interested in seeing for themselves

Mason Dowell -

@masongdowell would be great if you make a quick teardown and post it. Use this to post it as a teardown

oldturkey03 -

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic (Lightning Edition) Teardown

For your viewing pleasure! Sorry for the picture quality...I did not take them apart for the purpose of making a teardown post. If more photos are required, feel free to message me.

Mason Dowell -

Thanks for this! I've been super curious to see what the DAC looked like and how they squeezed it all into that tiny connector

quinnmiller1997 -

Hi guys, do any of you know what wires goes to what pin on the lightninghead?

augustlacour -


Does anyone know the wire colour pinout for the wires going to the 3.5mm socket? I seem to have 7 conductors and 4 connections.


Tim -

Can I somehow replace the lightning pin with a mini USB / USB pin, and expect the DAC to do its thing with an Android, perhaps? :)) :dteamy:

Shashank Verma -

:dreamy: *

Dumb keyboard

Shashank Verma -

iOS recognizes the adapter as USB audio device; that's why if you have older headphones the wire-remote controls do not work!

Peter Shen -

Hi. My Earpods' lightning connector is bent and doesn't register a connection anymore. I want to just solder the cables into a standard 3.5mm 4-pole plug, as per this video:

I want to know if the wires are identical between the 3.5mm Earpods and the Lightning Earpods, and whether simply cutting off the Lightning connector and soldering the wires to the 3.5mm plug would work. Thanks!

AG Lim -

Interesting teardown ! However, the last two pictures are not instructive enough.

Showing the colors of the dreads inside the lightning adapter presumes the same in the 3.5 mm 4p female adapter.... Which pin of lightning is which ring in the male/female plug ?

Fritz Toben -

Any chance on doing the HTC U11 adapter?

Paul Campbell -

Is that one is similar to yours? Lightning 2-in-1 adapter for iphone 8 or iPhone X

Albertos -

can i get a scematic? that is something I noticed that does not get posted

SeeGreatness -

++SeeGreatness++ schematics, even if available, are copyrighted. You cannot post copyrighted material on here.

oldturkey03 -

A thought… this could be a cheap way of getting an old 30 pin dock to work with a lightning connector right? The apple 30pin to lightning connector with DAC is expensive.

kevned -

The cable is often broken in this adapter.

It will be a good idea to remove the cable and solder the plugs together directly.

bether -

Thank you! Very nice teardown.

Aaron Alpar -

there are six wires but eight pins in the lightning connector which of those wires go to which pin

Marcelo Perez -

Perfekt eine super Beschreibung vielen Dank

Hein mück -