The pictures below are from an Archos 5 or 48 device. Please note that this procedure requires you to be very careful and that it will void your warranty. Also, this document may not apply to your specific device model, so try it at your own risk.
The Back: You can see three rubber pads under which you will find screws. The fourth screw is under the plastic arm. After you removed these four screws, you can easily pop the two plastic pieces on each side of the device.
The sides: There are two screws on each corner (so eight screws in total), indicated by the red arrows on the picture below. The metal contraption on the first picture is the wifi antenna.
After you remove these eight screws, you will be able to pull the screen away from the rest of the device. Tilt the small plastic strip on the connector to release the wire. Separate the screen.
Under the screen you will find the top of the motherboard. There are four screws holding the motherboard and the hard drive together. After you remove those, the back of the device will come off.
What are the sockets called that plug it into the docking station?
Is this device dead when I cant get it recognised by the computer with the repair or format function or any combination of resetting with the pin etc?
do I then HAVE to take the HDD out and try to read it to get my files off it or is there some secret way of accessing the files on the HDD without taking it apart?
Amanda, Yes, the device is dead and you would have to take it apart to get the HDD out. Sometimes this doesn’t work either. I have experienced both.
Bonjour, Sur mon archos 5, malgrés plusieurs reset et tentative de repair Disk, il n’affiche que le logo “Archos Entertainment you way” et boucle la dessus. Que pensez-vous de cette panne? Merci d’avance.