This partial teardown will show you how to disassemble the Exilim EX-Z70 up until the lens.
Remove the two screws visible on each end of the camera.
You should be left with four blue tipped screws.
Take the thin panels off each side now that the screws no longer hold them to the camera.
With the panels off, remove the two screws underneath it from each side. These should be red-orange tipped.
Pry the casing off of each side where the seam runs through. It should pop off when some force is applied.
There is a piece with labeling on it. Slide it away from the lens and it will open to reveal the slot that the battery goes into.
Remove this screw to take off the red plastic piece on the bottom of the camera. This is a red-orange tipped screw but is a smaller size than all the other ones.
This plastic piece will only be connected to the camera itself by two red and black wires.
While removing the lens, two red and black wires will be in the way. Use a pair of tweezers and pull them away.
The lens will be held in place by two black tabs, pry them away to free the lens.
After this, the lens will be held to the camera with two orange strips. Pull these strips out of the film ports to remove the lens.