
My partner and I aspired to remove the components which are imbedded within the fan to view and observe the fans segments which allow it to function correctly.

    • The image displayed to the left of the screen portrays a mobile fan in pristine condition.

  2. hdVpGK4aKFIoGFS4
    • The Guard of the fan is detached from its base due to the effectiveness of a screwdriver.

  3. dMuaAGmk4q6joGdR
    • As seen in the photograph to the left, the blade of the fan has been removed from its guard.

  4. H4KIaCd42CgsymLk
    • The image to the left of the screen displays the guard of the fan conspicuously detached from the fans base. Various screws are spread across the canvas due to their removal.

  5. 6mwKbL6SEvbnQcWd
    • We have diverted our focus in disassembling components mainly involved with the fans blade and have begun to focus on "tearing down" the fans motor and shaft.

  6. jOkgn2JOeFPdYoUR
    • The photograph which lays on the left of the screen displays the process of tearing down the initial motor of the mobile fan.

  7. mLDXAieF5fqLbVCL
    • The casing which covered the interior of the motor has now been removed through the use of a screw to gain access to its interior.

  8. WD4UcQQQpIffRQtd
    • Now that the casing has been removed, we have gained access to the motor's circuit board.

  9. kqp6KSvSaeKvcjqs
    • We have removed the circuit board from the shell which enclosed it so we may study it further.

  10. 3TFc6TimEtXB1BWW
    • All components of the fan have been disassembled...your task is now complete.


Member since: 19/10/16

309 Reputation


where did you get the fan?

Anrothan -

I’m looking for a replacement fan blade for a reco(unireco) df-12ch fan, I can’t seem to find a website that has them to order.

Renata Weir -