Phillips 00 screwdriver
"Y" screwdriver
small needle nose pliers
small plastic pry tool
plastic spudger
the iFixit Pro Tech tool kit contains all necessary tools for this job
remove the 2 Phillips 00 screws from the bottom
remove the 1 Phillips 00 screws from the side
remove the 2 "Y" screws from the other side
you should have already disconnected the copper ribbon cable and the molex connector with the pink and white wires.
wiggle the view finder gently until it comes lose
there is a small white ribbon cable attached to the battery compartment and the cameras logic board verify that it's disconnected
there is a molex connector with a black wire and a red wire coming from the battery compartment going to the cameras logic board. disconnect this wire from the logic board.
using your plastic pry tool carefully free battery compartment from the camera housing
remove the 2 Phillips screws securing the LCD one is in the upper left corner and the other is on the lower right corner
gently lift the top of the LCD panel towards you
use a plastic pry tool to release the latch that secure the cable to the logic board
gently pull the ribbon cable from the logic board