
With the lightning pace of tech releases, it's hard to believe nearly two years have passed since our first Vive teardown. Today HTC brings you the first headset in what's bound to be VR's v2.0, and we're bringing you the pieces. Drop your wands and grab your spudgers—it's time for a teardown.

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  1. 1oLe4QWlkEPlNSb4
    • The Vive Pro seems to come equipped with some new spectacles. What other specs is it packing?

    • Two 1440p AMOLED displays for a combined resolution of 2880 × 1600

    • 90 Hz refresh rate

    • Built-in dual front-facing cameras, dual microphones, and headphones

    • Accelerometer, proximity, gyroscope, and IPD sensors

    • 360-degree headset tracking via up to four Lighthouse 2.0 base station IR emitters

    • Wireless capability with the not-yet-released Vive Wireless Adapter

    • We kick things off with an epic X-ray overview of the entire headset, courtesy of the magicians at Creative Electron. This is our roadmap for the teardown ahead.

    • The original Vive impressed us with its ease of disassembly, and we have high hopes for the Pro model.

    • Though the Pro looks a lot like the original Vive, we're noticing some important differences right away.

    • The resolution isn't the only thing that increased—the Pro doubles the number of microphones and front cameras.

    • Looks like HTC borrowed some strap adjusting tech from Sony, but did away with the button, using just a dial to tighten or loosen the headgear.

    the adjustment dial on the back was inherited from their DAS?

    Superman 10 -

  3. DVmOdmrSC6Z6lBpA
    • We haven't even started disassembly, and already we're seeing some repair-friendly features!

    • Spring contacts and standard Phillips screws connect the modular headphones to the headset, making for easy removal and replacement.

    • And the best part is that HTC even tells you how to remove them!

    • We peel off a couple foam pads and unsnap a plastic compartment cover to find the end of the Vive Pro's fancy custom cable.

    • Though a completely wire-free experience is not yet available, HTC managed to fit all the power and data lines for the Vive into a single cable that routes neatly up and over your left ear—a big improvement from the heavy multi-cable ponytail that dangled from the original.

    a big improvement from the heavy multi-cable ponytail that dangled from the original.

    and a huge drawback as that proprietary cable replacement costs a ton of money

    Alexey Peshin -

  4. wlN6NAt4SjIUjjey
    • These audio cables connect to the twin headphone contact boards via a standard connector—another bonus for non-destructive disassembly.

    • After unthreading the headphone cables and removing a couple Torx screws, the strap lifts off the headset like a hat. Or maybe a helmet?

    • While pulling off the headband we happen to notice the model number: 2Q29100.

    Can you tell me what the standard connector type is? I have a headset with a broken audio cable connector and do not know what kind of connector this is. Thanks.

    Teresa -

  5. qHQ2CkwbUXFMsgcp
    • Wading through the sea of divots in the front cover, we find a couple (or four) that actually hide Torx screws!

    • While we're not huge fans of hidden or tamper-evident screws, they're a much better option than glue or proprietary heads.

    • After a bit of fancy work with an opening pick to pop the hidden clips free, the outer shell splits down the middle and slides off.

    • The Vive Pro's unsettling new gaze makes us feel a little bad about peeling its face off—sorry, Johnny Vive Five.

    T6 Screws by the way.

    AdminAnonymous -

    • Inside the covers, we spot familiar IR-friendly windows. All these purply dots are a bit like sunglasses for the IR sensors underneath—helping to filter out visible light so the sensors can more easily spot the IR beams from the Lighthouse base stations.

    • Much like on the original Vive, there's a spiderweb of photodiodes lying just under the sleek surface of the Pro—32 of them in total.

    • Unlike the Oculus Rift, this headset is looking for IR light—not emitting it.

    • Some day, someone wearing a Vive will bump into someone wearing a Rift, creating an inescapable vortex of recursive IR signals.

    • A couple more screws and we have faceplate liftoff—IR sensor array separation complete.

    Nope didn’t happen or even confuse either headset.

    All Things 3D -

  7. J2Hw4SZxuDf2IlEs
    • First component on the menu: the dual microphone assembly near the bottom of the face plate.

    • It takes some heat and careful spudgering to remove these cleanly. Fortunately, there's no need for this unless you're replacing broken mics, so the risk of collateral damage is low.

    • Where the original Vive got by with a single mic, the Pro's twin mics offer improved noise cancellation during online play.

    • Next we snag the faceplate-mounted mainboard, which wrangles signals from the IR sensor arrays, cameras, and microphones.

    • Beneath the board, we find a hefty slab of copper foil, likely used for EMI shielding as well as keeping things cool. (Passive cooling would be the way to go, to keep this device lightweight and quiet enough to wear on your face!)

    • And under that we find the cameras! Two separate units with no identifiable markings. HTC says the additional camera makes for an improved Chaperone feature, as well as some basic hand tracking.

    • Scan complete—chips identified:

    • Two Nordic Semiconductor NRF24LU1P Ultra Low Power 2.4 GHz RF SoC

    • Atmel SAM G55J 32-bit microcontroller

    • Two Winbond 25Q32JV1Q 4 MB flash memory

    • Alpha Imaging Technology AIT8589D—likely an updated version of the Image Signal Processor we saw in the first Vive

    • Lattice Semiconductor iCE40HX8K Ultra Low Power FPGA

    • TDK (formerly Invensense) MPU-6500 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope

    • In the third image: A Triad Semiconductor TS4231 Light-to-Digital Converter IC nestles close to each IR sensor, ready to convert IR light pulses into digital signals.

  9. rN4siDEZDcC6XLT1
    • After that brief board break, we continue our journey into the headset.

    • Now tethered by just two headphone interconnect cables, the headset is easily lifted away and set aside.

    • Where the original Vive kept nearly all its onboard silicon clustered onto a single board, the sequel uses two smaller boards. This daughterboard services the displays, I/O, and one or two other things we'll show you in just a moment.

    • While we are excited about the chips, we're a little bummed that the ports are still soldered to a board. Non-modular, high-stress components like ports can be a pricey repair.

    • This board also hosts the little linear potentiometer that formerly lived on its own FPC. That small slider tracks where you position the displays when making IPD adjustments.

  10. rxA42VbNNMtiZYAU
    • We been hearing this headset is overpriced, but maybe we'll strike gold amongst all this silicon?

    • Analogix ANX7530 Slimport (4K Ultra-HD) Receiver

    • Cirrus Logic CS43130 High Performance DAC

    • Cmedia CM6530N USB 2.0 Full Speed Audio Chip

    • Texas Instruments TPS54541 Step-Down DC Converter

    • ON Semiconductor FSA2275UMX audio analog switches

    • ON Semiconductor FSA4476UCX and FUSB340TMX USB analog switches

    • Texas Instruments TXB0104 4-bit voltage-level shifter

  11. YACoYwxYVrNeSxZk

    Is that HDMI on the far right side?

    Sipz -

    On the main connector (input) it is written TE Y181224D1.

    I cannot find this ref on TE website. Do you know more about this connector?


    Renaud_Labo4 -

  12. HOSdga1c3YcmGhBS
    • Trying to get a look at those fancy displays, we hinge the whole optics assembly out of the midframe.

    • These lenses have the same concentric rings as the standard Vive, and are likely the same Fresnel design.

    • We get our greedy hands on one of the lens/display assemblies and carefully thread the display cable out.

    • The display is a Samsung AMS350MU04 AMOLED panel, reportedly the very same that Samsung uses in their own Odyssey mixed reality headset.

    • The display flex cable features a Texas Instruments TPS65633B AMOLED display power supply and a Winbond W25Q40EWUXJE 4 Mb serial NOR flash memory.

  13. 5ySRNXw2PVVuFcGh
    • But wait—there's more!

    • We didn't take apart the earphones, but our pals at Creative Electron got us a glimpse of the innards and we wanted to share. Feast your eyes.

    • Bonus round: a closeup of the reassembled HMD, and the controller—which we tore down for you last time.

    X-ray is awesome!

    John clark -

    Does anyone know how to open the earphone?

    Lu Yang -

  14. KQEufvFImKZ5shZo
    • Please, put on your 3D glasses now.

    • That's how the the VR crumbles! Time to give this device a score, and then put it back together for some playtime.

    • Thanks for taking a Visual Reality teardown tour with us! We hope to see you later!

    Stick with teardowns.

    The stereo image is pretty poor. Was this actually taken with stereo offset camera sensors, or one camera you shifted the image in photoshop?

    All Things 3D -

    @allthings3d Just a quick Photoshop job we threw together because we thought it was fun. Sorry if we got your hopes up for something more sophisticated :)

    Jeff Suovanen -

  15. rZxvloT1RkRahYes
    • The HTC Vive Pro earns an 8 out of 10 on our repairability scale (10 is easiest to repair):

    • Disassembly with standard tools is straightforward, nondestructive, and free of booby-traps.

    • Newly added earphones are completely modular and come with instructions for removal and installation.

    • Standard Phillips and Torx screws secure most components. High-wear comfort pads are secured with Velcro.

    • Compatibility with existing controllers and base stations means you may already know how to repair the required accessories.

    • Adhesive is used very sparingly, securing the lenses, microphone, and sensor arrays.

    • This is an unusually complex device with a lot of delicate bits, and the manufacturer does not provide a service manual—so use extra caution if attempting a repair.

Adam O'Camb

Member since: 11/04/15

178568 Reputation


Any idea whether the headstrap to the original VIVE could be put on the Pro? I’m a minority, I’m sure, but I hate the deluxe audio strap. There’s a ton more plastic and it feels like my head is suffocating when I tighten it enough to keep it firmly in place. It’s harder to put on and take off. I’d love to remove it and put on the strap from the original.

I K -


edomae -

Now, i want to see the scenario with the Vive and the Oculus happen.

EXE167 -

Where’s the pictures of the back of the board in Step 8? Is it just empty?

ahalekelly -

And you didn’t open the Link Box either?

ahalekelly -

What is the part number for the 40 pin connector on the interface board?

Nathan Willard -

I have a Vive Pro where one of the audio cable connectors is broken. The tiny 4 pin one that connects into the headstrap. Do you know where I can get another connector for the cable or a replacement cable? Step 4 in the teardown says its a standard connector but I have been unable to find it. Thanks for any help you can give.

Teresa -

I’ve been looking for a while and have not been able to locate the part anywhere.

I have removed the plastic surround of the connector and soldered the pins in solidly.

Not a perfect solution and it requires seriously steady hands but it works now. Though I would recommend some hot glue or similar to prevent the pins from shifting and touching.

Now just trying to figure out how to get a replacement headphone from HTC.

Grant Spedding -

Has anyone tried to replace the connection of the back piece of the Vive Pro, with the back piece of the Vive?

Basically, are the mechanical connection points shown in step 4 compatible with the comparable connection points on the HTC Vive?

Another way to ask this, would be: is the HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap compatible with the Vive Pro?

Walid Soussou -

It isn’t a match, the older mounts are a little different.

This is a 3d printable adapter to allow for the connection of the Deluxe Audio Strap to a vive pro.

Grant Spedding -


I’m locking for the left part of the headset strap.

do you know where to buy it ?

Thanks you


I need to get to the screens but I’m stuck on step 9.

I can’t get the Face section to detach. I’m holding the slide button in but cant see what actually stop it sliding off.

Philip Merwarth -

Hi there, any idea on how to Repair or replace the microphone ?

revedigital -

It’s not a difficult repair. You only have to get to Step 7.

The problem is that HTC don’t make parts available and it looks like a proprietary part.

If it’s under warranty, send it to them. Otherwise you could try popping it open and hope the fault is that the connector is loose or dirty.

Grant Spedding -