Was having heat issues and decided to clean it out. Here's the steps taken.
Remove sticker an underlying rubber tab
Remove the T8 security screw
Pull cover towards you to remove
Remove the 6 long medium screws
Remove the medium medium screw. This screw is conveniently marked with an S if you forget what goes where.
Use a finger to press the tab next to the medium length screw and lift. The case pivots on the front.
When putting back together, place the front edge and rotate back. The screws will pop everything back in place.
Flip the Blu-Ray drive over and lift the black tab to remove the ribbon cable.
Disconnect the 4 pin cable attached to the Blu-Ray drive.
Using something non-conductive, lift this corner up to make removal easier.
Pull straight up to remove the power supply.
Remove the short medium screws
Remove the ground screw
Remove the heatsink screws and braces
Lift the front to remove
Unscrew the M screws and unplug the board battery. Your PS3 now does not know the date and time.
I messed up when I put it back together. The shield goes under the top half of the HDD cage.
Lift this side of the HDD cage and wiggle it. The pins can be tricky.
Remove the shield over the USB and WiFi controller
Remove the USB and WiFi controller. It lifts straight up. Remove the white tape.
Lift from this side to remove the motherboard shield.
The motherboard lifts right out
Ok, I forgot to take a picture before unscrewing the bottom. There are 4 small medium screws.
The back plate lifts up
The fan and cover lifts straight up
The heatsinks are not screwed down and lift right out
I have this exact same ps3 model and I took it apart to clean it and now the controller won't sync. I press the PS button and all 4 lights blink rapidly (faster than when 1 blinks when it's charging) for about 30 secs and then turn off. I have tried to sync it a couple diff ways with the same result.
Jeff -
The ribbon cable in image 2 of step 6 may be loose.
knyrii -
My ps3 Fat bluetooth not working i am changing thE bluetooth plate but not working pls help
Only a few things I can think of:
Replacement module is bad
Replacement module is the wrong version
Something is interfering with the bluetooth signal
knyrii -
My PS3 keeps shutting down when trying to load a game...sometimes it goes but some other times not...
Any help?
Thanks in advance
Hi, you may need a new psu, but do some more research before purchasing.