
Join us as we dissect Samsung's newest tablet and attempt to find anything noteworthy inside.

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  1. MFqvWPVOxrsx6UfU
    • We've got our hands on a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1. Before we tear it open to reveal its secrets, let's note some of its notable specs:

    • 1.4 GHz quad-core processor

    • Android 4.0

    • 1280 x 800 pixels, 149 ppi, dual-digitizer multitouch display

    • 2 GB RAM

    • 16/32 GB internal and up to 64 GB external storage

    • 5 MP rear camera and 1.9 MP front camera

    Where's the 3ds ll teardown

    Honam1021 -

    What if I lost the screws, Where can I find them?

    Eddy Cuevas -

    Hi guys. Hope you can help. I have the Samsung Galaxy Note GT-8010 and am after a replacement back for it. Its scratched and dented to heck but the rest of the machine is perfect. I just need the plastic and the silver bit surrounding the rear camera would also be a bonus if this could be sourced too. I cant seem to find it anywhere! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to add my e-mail address to this comment section, so I'll play it safe and leave it out for now. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers! J

    Jack -

  2. Fgub5PxSwd5pCngL
    • The bottom edge of the Galaxy Note 10.1 features only the proprietary 30-pin dock connector and microphone.

    • The top edge of the Note 10.1 features a plethora of plugs and doodads, including the power and volume buttons, MicroSD slot, IR transceiver, and audio jack.

  3. EVNVBsXZwfibA3vP
    • At first glance, it appears as though the stylus is just another button on the exterior of the plastic bezel.

    • But no! Just like stashing a pencil in the spiral binding of a notepad, the S Pen is sneakily stored inside the tablet.

    • Designed in conjunction with Wacom, the industry leader in desktop tablets, the S Pen and digitizer are designed to optimize note writing.

  4. khxtYCFfwNUt2bRF
    • The Note 10.1, with a thickness of 8.9 mm, is actually thinner than the third generation iPad, and almost the same thickness as the iPad 2.

    • As a reminder, a standard pencil measures in at 6.4 mm. So, if you're looking for the ultimate slimness in note taking, paper and pencil is still the way to go.

    • The 10.1" screen on the Note 10.1 is also larger than the 9.7" screen on the iPad.

    • But paper and pencil win again. The Note 10.1 and the iPad fall a few inches short of the 13.9" diagonal length of a standard piece of paper.

  5. FQWpAcEDR3IMCtmv
    • A few Phillips screws, a few clips, and we're in!

    • We like the combination of screws and clips. The screws are enough of a hassle to keep out meddling kids, but will by no means deter anyone who needs to fix something inside.

  6. bPRFSECCApsbSeSf
    • We take our first look inside the Note 10.1, and we're greeted with a cornucopia of connectors. By our count, there are 16!

    • Having a lot of connectors is a huge boon for repairability. When components can be easily accessed and removed, repairs are much easier.

    • The first component out of the Note 10.1 is the MicroSD card and vibration motor.

    • While there is also onboard storage, the Note 10.1 can support MicroSD cards up to 64 GB.

  7. S3ImAaDRPJN4N5cE
    • The front-facing camera, the LED flash, and the rear-facing camera come out one right after the other.

  8. rwdCQvKLENUwAxoB
    • Neither the 5 MP rear camera nor the 2 MP front camera are notable in and of themselves, but the fact that they are independent components—as opposed to sharing a single cable—is pretty cool.

    • While it may appear as though the battery in the Note 10.1 is strapped down à la Gulliver, the ribbon cables are very easy to detach.

    • In fact, the battery is very easy to remove, even when compared to the Nexus 7.

    What is the middle ribbon connected to and what it does it do also what's is it called can anyone help me out plz

    Haris Talib -

  10. eKkDynLTeLJfFfpZ
    • Just like in the new iPad, the battery in the Note accounts for a large portion of the device's weight. It weighs in at 136 grams. That's 23 percent of the 594 gram device.

    • Still, in order to keep this device so slim, we have a feeling the battery capacity had to take a hit.

    • The battery is rated at 3.7 volts, 7000 mAh, and 25.90 watt-hours.

    • The battery was downsized to 25.90 watt-hours for an estimated battery life of 8 hours. As expected, the battery falls short of the new iPad's 42.5 watt-hour battery and 10 hour battery life.

  11. JqbXZpYBQGukjLEF
    • We happily detach the last of the ribbon cables connected to the motherboard and pull it free from the Note. Well, that was easy!

  12. wKIaBTJsrlmVZOhX
    • Sometimes EMI shields can be scary/tricky to remove, depending on which procedure a manufacturer uses to attach them to the motherboard. In some cases, the shields are soldered directly to the motherboard (the worst scenario), while in others the frames of the shields are soldered, but the top covers are removable.

    • …Unless EMI shields happen to be screwed in, as is the case here. We love screws, especially when they hold in components that typically require desoldering.

    • This is the first device we've seen with screwable EMI shields. Props to you, Samsung.

  13. jGrYPPkmuQitXBK6
    • In addition to protecting important components of the motherboard from electromagnetic interference, it appears that these EMI shields also serve as the Note's heat sinks.

    • The green film on the insides of the EMI shields holds thermal paste and thermal pads in place, which help move heat away from the motherboard through small holes in the tops of the shields.

  14. mlug2xYKRyvPvQYp
    • There are some major players on this motherboard:

    • Samsung Exynos 4 Quad 1.4 GHz processor with integrated 3D graphics

    • Wacom W8008 (possibly used for S Pen input)

    • Atmel mXT1664S touchscreen controller

    • Samsung KLMAG2GE4A NAND flash memory

    • Wolfson Audio WM1811AE audio codec

    • F0514A 430 1201KP411

    • Board too small to see? No worries, we got you covered.

    Is it possible to replace the Samsung KLMAG2GE4A NAND flash memory for a new one, my N8010 doesn't boot and stays stucked on the Samsung Galaxy No 10.1 logo. I read that there's a possibility that my internal memory had failed

    quiquelabra -

    Did you success to change it ? I'm in the same case ...

    Romain GOUYET -

    I’m in the same boat as the 1st commentor. I have pulled my 10.1 apart and this thing is soldered to the mainboard, and not sure human hands can desolder and solder on a replacement, but i read somewhere that you can and these chips are around $10. Anyone with who has replaced this chip and not just the board, please comment. Thanks.

    Matt Pierce -

  15. QUfbWktKXNfFFwpH
    • Just like all of the components that we disconnected in the first few steps, the dock connector can be removed by simply detaching a connector and unscrewing a pair of screws. More points for repairability!

    • Samsung's dock connector cable shares a bit of copper with the lower microphone.

    • As a reminder, the Samsung dock connector is not the same as Apple's dock connector, as shown by this image.

  16. hMQmAuxAUh2XXdtT
    • At this point, it appears that there are no more screws left to remove from the device.

    • If you've been keeping score, you'll note that there are only five different size screws. This is a nice change from some devices that use nearly as many just to hold the lower case in place.

    • The speakers were held in place with some light adhesive, which we spudged right up!

    • The speakers in the Note 10.1 probably won't shatter any glasses, but they certainly do a good job of playing pleasant bubble noises as you navigate the Note's interface.

  17. KmSKvElPFpdd6Nsx
    • It's time for the moment of truth—when we find out if the LCD can be separated from the glass and digitizer.

    • This tends to be a large factor in determining a device's repairability score. If the glass can be replaced separate from the LCD, replacing a shattered screen becomes a much cheaper fix.

    • Success! Repair enthusiasts everywhere—rejoice! The front glass and LCD can be separated and replaced individually. iPhone design engineers should take notes.

  18. K1hoqxXJ2utHnDFl
    • The LCD is out, so let's check out some specs:

    • 10.1 inch diagonal length

    • 1280 x 800 pixels

    • 149 ppi

    • Dual-digitizer and multitouch

  19. vu5FwRoS5GaOFjDR
    • Though many of the small components in this device are easily accessible without removing all the innards, the headphone jack has held strong this entire time.

    • The adhesive holding the headphone jack to the frame is not exceptionally strong, but we have not been able to get a good angle on it until now.

    • A quick flick of a plastic opening tool pops the headphone jack out.

    • Take note—this is the headphone jack.

  20. EJWcgrAtt1CBOLmI
    • Removing the frame and LCD from the front bezel presented a problem. The frame was held down by small plastic fasteners that protruded through holes in the frame, and were topped with small plastic rings. It seems that there is no way to remove the frame without snapping off the small rings.

    • As user Mark H. points out in the comments, this is a manufacturing procedure called heat staking.

    • Luckily, there are other clips and adhesive on the frame, so it should all hold together fine when we reassemble the device.

    • Some heavy prying with a spudger frees the front glass from the display bezel, confirming that the front glass and digitizer can be replaced.

  21. iIiIoMt324ATqIET
    • Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Repairability Score: 8 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair).

    • Once the rear case is off, most components can be individually replaced without removing any other parts.

    • The front glass and LCD can be replaced separately, thereby reducing the cost of fixing your Note should you drop it onto concrete in just the right way.

    • All screws are Phillips #0, and there are only five different length screws.

    • Components are modular. The absence of complicated ribbon cables makes replacing individual components easy.

    • The rear case is held on by a lot of clips and a couple screws. There is no adhesive, but the clips can be tricky to dislodge properly.

    • In order to remove the battery, you first have to disconnect four cables and some tape.

    • The inner frame and some other components are held in with more adhesive than we feel is necessary.

Jake Devincenzi

Member since: 18/04/11

116279 Reputation


Step 20 first bullet: I assume you mean that the frame was heatstaked to the front bezel.

Mark H -

Looks like you missed the Wi-Fi/BT module which by the looks of it could be in one of the speakers.

Brad Lynch -

i agree, seem logical place

Cody Druid -


li yi -

I just love Android! You can almost do anything with the main page interface. I've reconfigured my Galaxy Note to make it as minimalist as possible. samsung galaxy note has a great option that is it can be productive directly on its home screen with resizable widgets! See how:

thoms robin -

It would have been cool to see a 3G/4G teardown of the Note. and see what the difference is between the wifi teardown.

David Vega -

hi, i dropped my note10.1 and the lcd screen is cracked. How can i buy the spare lcd for replacement? and any idea how much it'll cost?

Unt Ko -

edit: only the glass is cracked.

Unt Ko -

When replacing just the digitizer, do we actually need to do all the steps in this guide, does it need a complete tear down?

iguyver -

Galaxy tab 10.1 and Galaxy tab 10.1 (2).

Same step teardown??

P337000 -

My TAB got caught in a "boot loop" from a ROM flashing attempt. I was trying to ROOT it. I saw that it wouldn't turn off. It would just stay on - frozen at the pulsing SAMSUNG Logo and every re-boot attempt I made would leave it stuck there - powered on. I thought if I could pull the power cable from the battery and let the capacitors drain I would get out of the boot-loop. It didn't work.

Anyway, of those 3 super-thin black flex cables - the one in the center (the one shown in your tear-down that's in in the person's hand in your demo) - it's pin end-connecter is actually half as thin as the other 2 side cables and thus lacks sufficient rigidity to easily slide it back into it's respective mother board socket. The reason I'm asking is that after re-assembling the tablet - it doesn't get picked up by the PC the I normally attach it to. I'm wondering if its because that center cable doesn't have all its contact touching the MoBo socket pin slots?

Richard Cruz -

- Continued

Do you Guys/Ladies use a special tool or technique to slide these ultra-thin flex cables back into their respective MoBo sockets?

Can you possibly do a picture demo or video about how to do that properly - to avoid causing too many headaches for those interested in tinkering with these type of devices - please?

Richard Cruz -

Take a look at the video of the battery connector repair of the Galaxy Tab 3 - 10.1 at the time stamp 12:33 * Galaxy Tab 3 - 10.1 Broken Battery Connector And Damaged Trace Repair* This video shows the removal and the installation of all the cables, and looks pretty close to the Note Pro 12.2. I have the Note Pro 12.2 and the connector is broken the same as in the video and no where else on the internet is there a disassembly of my tablet but as I said the Tab 3 - 10.1 looks close enough for me to give it a try. Hope this helps you!

Wayne D -

with the Samsung KLMAG2GE4A NAND flash memory being a pop out chip would it be easily replaced by a higher spec chip?

Joe -

Hi,Just really curios about one thing.. my Note 10.1 is drain out of battery..but once i want to recharge,plugged the charger...the battery cannot re-charge..when i bring to the Samsung center they said Motherboard failure course of pin charge at motherboard is posibble?

Sukri Hashim -

Hi can I get a replacement for the black locking part for the charging flex cable on a tab2 mine is broken and now whont stay in or charge it broke when I was trying to fix it please help

Calv -

I used this teardown when I inserted a SIM card into the MicroSD card slot. DOH, didn't realise I was wearing the wrong glasses. This was a neighbour's brand new device so the teardown saved me having to replace the unit as it was purchased online and Samsung refused to honour the warranty due to it not being purchased in country.

Many thanks and it is now time to purchase the appropriate tools from you guys.

Joseph King -


the slot where i insert digitizer ribbon cable, catch (plastic doodad that holds ribbon in place) is broken from last repair. how can i replace this part?

karl ricks -


My device is stuck on boot. Will not reset or switch off.

1. Is it possible to replace the NAND memory chip?

2. Is it possible to source a replacement mainboard?

consult.js -

S-Pen in my Tab 10.1 A does not come out by pressing it in. It is held up tight. Both putting it in and removing it out is hard. Ofcourse the removing it requires a pointed tool to pry it out. Why is that? Any help is appreciated.

Farooq Quadri -

Does anyone know how to upgrade the ram of Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 ? My tab s now too slow . Factory reset also not worth as before for this issue. Can we change ram chip with latest model of samsung tab ?? Any person who do that?

wasantha -

How can i get live radio capabilitiy on my tab? They have an antenna but I cannot figure out what needs to be done for the radio to work.

Please help

clinton moodley -

My Samsung galaxy note Model: GTN8013EA Wifi 32GB have a Black Screen no backlight. What part do you Recommended?

Jeovany Cuza -

Hello every one…my samsung n8000 USB port not working!i changed 30 pin port and ic (U504 -FSUSB63UMX) bus still not working!

According to the Data Sheet, I have tested all the parts, but nothing changes.USB DM/DP until the ic FSUSB63UMX is exist !!!!

please help mi…tanks

sahamipoor -

I want to get live radio capability too! How can I get it? thank you

Mustafa Gok -

Find here all kinds of truck engine parts

Mustafa Gok -

I really like using Samsung Galaxy Tablets and used Galaxy Note 10. for more than 2 years for my job which is for

Mustafa Gok -

S-Pen in my Tab 10.1 A does not come out by pressing it in. It is held up tight. Both putting it in and removing it out is hard. Ofcourse the removing it requires a pointed tool to pry it out. Why is that?

Mustafa Gok -

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Mustafa Gok -