
This is an unofficial teardown to iFixit of the great Samsung Galaxy S II, enjoy! ;)

  1. Em6YK2cYjyjAJTeb
    • The 4.3-inch super Amoled Plus display is simply gorgeous!

  2. RkGbiqpeZTrjvMDO
    • Look at how slim the phone is! Only 8.49mm thin!

    • Back cover is flexible but don't worry it will not break. It also has a nice texture to it.

    The plastic cover is elastic, but hardly fragile. You can bend it 180° and it doesn't break.

    Roy Weiss -

    True, I tried to edit the guide to show this information but was denied!

    funkmasterta888 -

    I agree about the back plastic cover, it is very flexible and doesn't break that easily.

    alexman98 -

    Have a look at this video that shows how durable the battery cover is! Thin, light and durable, now we're talking!

    A video about this amazingly thin, light and flexible battery cover! Try and beat that aluminum!

    funkmasterta888 -

  3. Ws1xOM5vjEJWNm23
    • Look at how compact everything is inside!

    • Remove the seven visible screws.

    • Then unclip the back panel starting on the left next to the audio jack. Go slowly.

  4. ecqad5OxALcxpuUO
    • Removing the back panel gives you an impressive and sophisticated view of the internals.

    I’m trying to disassemble my second-hand Galaxy S II and am stuck at this stage.

    A piece of the circuit board directly beneath the audio jack is stuck to the back panel and I don’t want to risk breaking it by prying it off any further.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    [deleted] -

  5. oaWKJaZuVjyEkcse
    • Removing the motherboard is as simple as it looks !

    • Unclip the 5 ribbon connectors and the antenna cable.

    • Then remove the 2 small black screws.

    • Don't forget to unglue the volume flex and power flex, they are attached to the motherboard. Otherwise the motherboard won't come out easily like it should.

    pry off the glued power and volume buttons before lifting the board because too much pressure will tear the ribbon from the board leading to much heartache

    John McGyver -

    I have a question. Where is the internal SD card located? Is it integrated into the motherboard?

    GrowlyCub -

    Thanks. I tried an external antenna in the port under the cover, to the top left of the battery, and now I get "mobile operator not available" when the antenna isn't in. I've read that a factory reset won't cure this but if I replaced the pcb part that should be me "back to normal"? Thanks

    nathanjh13 -

    I fixed it. Insert a SIM card from another operator, select "Automatic" from the mobile networks and the phone will work. Reboot with your regular SIM back in and choose "Automatic" again and back to normal. People elsewhere say you need a new motherboard (or send to Samsung etc for repair) as it's not possible to solve via software. I tried another SIM to test if it was hardware or software related and it most certainly is solvable via software. Unless I was very very lucky, which I never am.

    nathanjh13 -

  6. GoqUvwLaH5xgDMfd
    • The board with removed EMI shields.

    • The front.

    • ..and the back.

    • The front panel without the logic board.

    • The front facing camera part, the cinch-vibrator-1.mic part and the usb connection-2.mic-antenna board.


    My Samsung S2 I9100G has Hard Brick Problem, for month ago i have visit technical center and they told me "the problem in the the IC" but they didn't specify which model (Power IC or Charger IC or CPU IC)!!

    Iam so confused because i didn't remember where exactly the technical guy pointed to! :confused:

    the expected area of the IC is the right side of the mobile, Please help me to know which part or piece should i buy to make my mobile working again

    please check the photo

    Doraid Abo Salem -

  7. dko2oBWWbgsSvhKq
    • The camera connector is at the upper left corner in the second picture.

    • The power and volume buttons are soldered to the logic board.

    • View the picture in HQ if you want to be impressed!

    You can further enhance your 3g/wifi signal through the use of extension antenna -

    Tai Li -

    • This EMI shield is nearly a heat sink.

    • Should be useful with a 1.2GHz dual core under it!

  9. rSkKouUPTnNgBFGO
    • The (tiny) 8MP camera.

    • It's smaller than an iPhone 4 camera.

    Anyways to replace this camera module with Galaxy S3 camera module?

    Tai Li -

  10. EtWeqKV6RJbISJWn
    • The front-facing camera and the light sensor are a single part.

    • The front-facing camera is 2MP, which is better than the iPhone 4's VGA camera.

    Can I replace the front camera with another 8 MP back camera?

    Tai Li -

  11. s6eLuGK2eFNvPXxL
    • The vibrator, first mic (did you know there are two?), cinch plug and the earspeaker.

    I would like to know the part number for the ear speaker please. Thanks

    Hamza Bhavnagarwala -

  12. bOCjli3mGykCADXT
    • The USB-connection and 2 x mic board.

    • It's stuck with glue to the front panel.

    • The (only) antenna cable and a metal shield holding the light sensor in place.

    Hello. How do you actually unglue the USB flex cable ? Do you use chemical products, heat, or simply tear it ?

    rgauthierventre -

  13. tYZyAWgOMx5iFkGI
    • This is it.

    • It still works after reassembly!

    Can you please describe how to replace the home button and the associated OEM Flex Cable Keypad Button Ribbon? I have the home button acting like it is always pressed and I tried to change everything in the phone (hw and sw) but it's still not working right :(

    Roberto Francescangeli -


Member since: 19/03/11

2861 Reputation


Why not show the great display? =\

Diego Sampaio -

Do you see the NFC module ? (the phone come frome England?)

Beacause there is a big disscution between ethier the NFC is not implemented on phone, maybe the chip is on ?

Forever TPC -

no, it should be from germany, I bought it there ;)

lon -

I'll change it for you ;)

lon -

Where can I purchase any mobile NFC chip and solder on to Galaxy S2 International version (I9100)?

Tai Li -

Which is the NFC chip in this?

Pradeep -

I'm watching you guys... i'm waiting to take back my s2 from service..

water damage... they told me that it will be fixed with 380 euro.....

ofcourse i will not pay the money so i'll try to fix it my shelf,,

the phone doesn't turn on at all and they told me that there is oxidation to the main card and to the screen..

i dont understand their report so i'm waiting to take it in my hands..

greek service for ever!!!!

kostas kotsoris -

have a question. the display cracked till the point that you cant use the or see the screen. Sprint sent me a replacement since I have insurance., but I need information off the internal usb. Is there a way to unplug of one phone and plug to another and get the information off

Orlando Lockett -

hi, i´ve a sgs2, but now i can´t connect wifi, i mean i can´t turn on the wifi because it´s turn off after 10 seconds... so i´d like to know if the chip wifi can be changed o i´ve tu o buy a new phone, thanks¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡


i was just wondering,

the volume key

how do you solder it on if you ripped it off when you took your phone apart?

and, is it soldered on...?

Ali Wannous -

new keys are easy to find online, and you'll need to use a fine tip soldering iron to put the new one on


Hi.. My son threw my samaxy galaxy 2 in a tea the fone was workin fine but now says no signal now with a circle and line through that circle in it... Can anyone help to tell me where the service bit is so .I can clean or any other ideas please

Thank you Sarah

Sarah Jane baker -

i have samsung galaxy s2 and its boot is damage,

not be booted since when it suddenly restart and stuck on samsung logo

and after that i have done restore factory setting by booting my smartphone

but restore factory setting failed and again i booted my phone and done wipe cache after that

my phone stuck on android logo then i shut it down by pulling the battery out

and from that my phone are not starting and it is like a dead phone.

plz tell me solution, it will be fine or not.

hamad -

cannot charge thru usb charging port. have to turn off, remove battery and charge on external charger. i do this 3-4/day 1hour ea time. can the usb charging port be fixed?

lindadeplitch -

hi my ribbon cable (motherboard) is ripped how can i get that repaired, any idea's as i have valuable data on that phone..

Shaan Awaz -

Now Lollipop update is available for Galaxy S2

Duminda Roberts -

How do i fix wifi. My wifi won't turn on i have a samsung galaxy light 2. Can you email at thank you

kalenawebster -

WIFi is not connecting. Which unit oe module need to be replaced. Please email to

Uncle Dan -