
Inside the solar breeze nx robotic pool surface cleaner from

The solar breeze nx robot is a cool tool for keeping the surface of a pool clean! It might be fun to tweak/customize it a bit more so lets see whats inside...

If anyone knows what to plug into the 6 pin off-white connector at the bottom of the board and what software/protocol to use with it please share.


#1 It would be nice to mount a raspberry pi zero in here with wifi to control/interact with the SolarBreeze behaviors remotely. While that would use significantly more battery power, the solar input in southern California is fairly reliable. Perhaps we could schedule the "pi" to only be activate for a short period once per day in case new instructions were needed.

#2 I'd like to set the flashing blue lights to go off after 11pm (or off completely) so that they cause less light pollution here.

#3 I'd like the option to have the unit stop completely at 12pm (midnight), or perhaps some X hours after dark, so that the night time is even more peacefully quiet.

Fun Dreams:

#1 Camera mount and mail a snapshot once per day to see the water/surface quality while away


Although the screws are a 6 point star (T10 Torx bit), I was able to use a 5/16" hex/allen wrench without any screws stripping.

There seem to be 12 screws (seemingly more than necessary) in order to tightly but evenly clamp down the semi-flexible polymer upon a rubber seal to prevent water intrusion.

Tech Specs:

Battery Replacement Kit:

Owners Manual: ...currently is only an "Operators Manual" as it doesn't explain much about owning/fixing nor even battery replacement.

Official YouTube playlist with more info: How to fix your solarbreeze

  1. 524uE1pP3Ra52Zx4
    • Battery pack, desiccant and bottom of board showing T-7.7.5 firmware revision number label.

    dove posso acquistare questa batteria??

    massimo -

  2. xiNSVDjxDujtQKBA
    • Insert wisdom here.

  3. OKrgetfpYXYOwsnu
    • ATMEL MEGA 168PA AU 1619

    • Had to use small magnifying glass to catch this photo with iPhone7plus

    • 8.16 volts (the unit had sat in direct sun to recharge without use for a day prior)

  5. SOnZpgRCgCESpwc3
    • Insert wisdom here.

  6. ekRS6KVxFjDOnReL
    • Insert wisdom here.

  7. YuFDcBE1DGAsCUhj
    • Insert wisdom here.


Member since: 01/11/16

111 Reputation


Pretty good details, and suggestions of improvement, I also would like to have that! Do you have more pictures and details? How about the motors how good are they? how much voltage for the motors? Just curious... thanks!

Ricardo Fabar -

They just started advertising the “NX2” on Amazon. Not sure I’ll buy another Solar Breeze. Mine only lasted about a year when the rear wheels stopped turning. Solar Breeze did send me a replacement gear set for the rear but the unit seems to always be in error mode. I’d love to figure out how to replace the main controller board with a Pi. I’m pretty sure the motors are like servos in that they give feedback. If I manually spin my rear paddle, the error light goes out and it functions as normal for another minute. So, my wish list:

1) Pi based controller

2) Wifi/BT interface

3) GPS avoidance (stop getting stuck under my dive rock

4) high wind avoidance (stop getting stuck downwind, just shutdown and wait)

5) Alert me if you are removed from the pool (theft deterent? Maybe tie into my house alarm?)

6) Repairable/replaceable parts - I hate that society has a throw-it-away attitude.

Tim -

My unit fully charged but unable to turn on. Any advice? Thanks

Peter Lam -

Same issue as Tim here. I think he means the front wheels. I’ve done a tear down and there are two little motors on the front wheels. The motors go out pretty easily, I replaced the unit twice while it was still under warranty. Has anyone replaced or found a replacement motor for the front wheels?

Drew 272727 -

Hi Drew272727 - Did you ever find a replaced motor for the front wheels? Mine is fried too and chasing the motor if I can find it. Thanks.

Byron -

Hey Byron, I contacted the customer service people and they sent me a new motor assembly for $54 (inc shipping). It worked ok for a little bit longer but I still have lots of issues including the on/off switch won’t work. I opened up the control panel and the on/off switch isn’t connected to the PCB at all, so it’s either magnetic or Voodoo magic? IDK came back here looking for more info before I go and cut the plastic open to see what happened with the switch.

Drew 272727 -

Getting a steady red STATUS light and a flashing green POWER light. The charge light won’t turn on because the battery is charged. Took out the battery and checked to voltage, 7.2V. Output voltages are low for the rear motor, 0 V and 1.7 V. Output voltage foe the front motor are 3.28 V and 1.94 V. Both motors are not working. Looked at the SPT 16-03087 and the U2 and D3 component are fried. How can I get a replacement board?

jorozco488 -

Its probably the magnetic reed switch directly under the on-off switch. Mine went bad soon after I purchased it. I am an engineer so I soldered a cadmium light sensor across the reed switch. The sensor can be purchased at any electronic parts supply real cheap. I just left it under the plastic cover. It gets enough light to operate during the day. It was useless to let it run all night since the leaves only dropped during the day.

Bob Reynolds -

Hey Bob, anymore info on fixing the on off switch? Mine is broken. I don’t see anything obvious on the PCB and I haven’t yet cut open the plastic that holds the switch (I’m guessing magnet?).

Drew 272727 -

Anyone know what the battery pinout is? My battery is dead, 2nd time I’ll have to replace it but don’t feel like spending another $60 for a $20 battery, I know the black is negative, red is positive, and I’m guessing another wire is to balance the first cell, and the last wire is for a temperature sensor I’m guessing?

Charlie Arteaga -

I have 2 Solar Breeze Nx2 units. Each about 2 years old. One was in the box until 09/23/2019.

The newer one has free spinning front wheels and will not turn the leaf roller. The older one makes a clicking noise. I can turn one of the front wheels by hand but the other one seems to be stuck. The leaf roller does turn but will probably fail soon.

Prior to reading this post I had assumed it was a “bad belt” but now it sounds like it must be wheel motor failure. I’m planning on opening the units up. No electronics shop here. Anyone know where I can order replacement motors?

William Marshall -

2+ year old Nx2. The the magnetic switch quit working, so the Nx2 does not turn off. I searched DigiKey for a similar axial-lead magnetic sensor,and I don’t find a magnetic sensor that looks like the sensor on the PCB. Does anyone have a part# and manufacturer for the magnetic sensor ? If I can’t locate the sensor then I will try the cadmium-sulfide light sensor as mentioned previously.

Steve Martindell -

My NX2 debris tray slides forwards about 4 inches when unit reverses, so it won’t retain debris against the chlorine dispenser. Company not responding to queries after two weeks. Please advise.

William Goetz -

Anyone still using their Solar breeze NX2 ?

My battery has stopped holding charge. Purchased just before they discontinued this model.

amandateichelman -