
After eight years, Microsoft has finally released a proper successor to the Xbox 360—the Xbox One. Will this be the One Xbox to rule them all? Follow us as we journey into the tower of Microsoft's new console—coming to you straight from Mordor New Zealand!

We regularly put pics of "the daily grind" on Instagram, announce teardowns on Twitter, and keep up with friends on Facebook!

  1. K5QQnantx6DQiOjL
    • This is the One. The One we've all been waiting for this whole time. The Xbox One.

    • Think we're pulling your leg with all this New Zealand funnybusiness? Check out the folks in the background of this Xbox New Zealand release photo—that would be our very own Samantha Lionheart (in red) and Optimus Goldberg (in orange).

    • Tech Specs:

    • 8-core x86 processor

    • HDMI pass-through

    • 8 GB of RAM

    • 500 GB storage capacity

    • Blu-ray/DVD drive

    what is the point of this teardown ? people will use this as a guide to open up their xbox and will actually damage it following all the steps in this guide.

    Dominick Agapov -

    As stated in the banner at the top, this is not a guide and should not be used as instructions. If it’s step-by-step instructions you want, we have those over here.

    Jeff Suovanen -

  2. bT1D4lEh6p3SynEp
    • Before any teardown, we take a few test photographs.

    • We don't like to brag, but this is quite possibly the best picture of a roll of toilet paper we've ever seen. Or it just might be super-early in the morning.

    • This message is to all the toilet paper manufacturing companies out there: this is how it's done.

    • Full resolution in case you want to make it your wallpaper.

    • If anyone ever says that iFixit is not fond of toilet humor, feel free to point them to this teardown.

    LOL :-D Nice!

    Rob -

    I think the best part of this tear down was step 2, i really like it xD

    biffen skogman -

    best comment of all time!

    djweissman -

    hahah so ransom hahah

    lala -

  3. nkR4RPOtHR4mM1kc
    • The Day One Edition includes a commemorative controller, with appropriate inscription smack dab in the middle: "Day One 2013."

    • The design of the Xbox One controller builds on that of the Xbox 360 controller, with a few updates.

    • The development cost for the Xbox One controller exceeded $100 million, according to a Microsoft representative. Some of the prototypes featured built-in displays and cameras, a cartridge for emitting smells, and even a built-in projector.

    • Also tumbling out of the, er, box: the Kinect 2.0 unit and a miniature Xbox One enormous power brick.

    Day one and no headphone jack in sight....tsk tsk Micro$oft

    Ernest Vannorsdell -

  4. OOmpN4AW2TYoAtrx
    • 'Round the back of the console, itself, we find:

    • Power Inlet

    • HDMI Out (left) and HDMI In (right)

    • Digital Optical Audio Out

    • Two USB 3.0 Ports

    • Kinect Port

    • Infrared Output and Ethernet Port

    • Possibly up to no good is a roguish third USB 3.0 port, manning the left side all by itself.

    HA HA. Excelent roll

    Jacob Johnson -

  5. F4dFtFuJOOJXLktE
    • Making our way to the bottom, we check the tags to find…power ratings in Spanish?

    • El Xbox One consume 180 Wh de energia y en modo de espera consume 20 Wh.

    • The Xbox One is identified as model 1540 and was designed by the Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, WA.

    • Our Xbox One was manufactured on October 14, 2013 in China.

    • And, in friendly words across the back, Microsoft says "Hello From Seattle."

  6. hiKwKVhZi2EfHRYb
    • In hopes of finding some screws, or other magical entry point, we channel our inner dentist and use a metal spudger to remove the plaque rubber feet from the console.

    • Just like sitting in the dentist's chair, we have no luck here. No screws. No easy way in. Novocaine, please!

    No screws?

    We all know what that means….


    Pixel Orbiter -

    This is the best part of the guide, he makes people actually remove the rubbers in order to troll them and tell them at the end that there are no screws. best guide 2020

    Dominick Agapov -

    Almost like this isn’t a guide for repair. Oh wait, it isn’t.

    Duck -

  7. WfWaDKFYagn3lHgb
    • Don't panic; we're prepared.

    • Despite the lack of screws, we find a way in with a plastic opening tool—prying the grille up.

    • This is similar to the Bottom Vent disassembly procedure in the Xbox 360.

  8. E3vGmnPjieupNKR2
    • Speak, friend, and enter. Giving the right password and freeing some clips, we gain access to the innards of the Xbox One.

    • We flip open the top case, granting us a peek at the mines of Moria dark chambers within.

    • While our first peek doesn't reveal much, we are ready to venture through shadow and circuit…

    does your jestering comments mean lifting the top up happens after releasing the two holding grips either side, I presume by pressing them inwards.?

    Richard Goldwater -

    While removing the top case you should be careful of the ribbon cable which connects to the power on sensor/eject button to the module board. The front panel can be un-clipped to make this easier

    Michael A -

    It’s a riddle….

    Pixel Orbiter -

    The comments are so much better than iFixit's, where their usually high tech and quality instructions have been replaced by nerd entertainment and attempts at humor. Thank you commenters

    Melodee Lll -

    As stated in the banner at the top of the page, these are not instructions and should not be used as such. If it’s instructions you’re after, we have those over here.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    @jeff if this is not instructions, then what is this?

    Dominick Agapov -

    if you click that link it literally just loops you back to this page

    matthew hall -

    if this is not instructions, then what is this?

    iFixit teardowns show the highlights inside new hardware and provide an early read on repairability. They’re usually published within 24 hours of the official product launch. Writing detailed repair guides takes more time, and those are published separately.

    if you click that link it literally just loops you back to this page

    It links you to the main device page for the Xbox One, which includes links to all of our repair manuals, as well as a link to this teardown.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Yes and if you are looking for instructions for teardown this guide is listed as the only one on that page. Admit your wrong already jeez.

    Patrik Pratt -

  9. nHM4VM61bXtP53GE
    • Our Pro Tech Screwdriver Set is almost as anxious to get into this console as we are.

    • The Pro Tech set was much easier to get through customs than our backup opening tools.

    • While we're not sure how they stand up against orcs, our screwdrivers are awesome for removing the small screws holding the Wi-Fi board in place.

    • A quick wave of our spudger, and the Wi-Fi board is out and ready for inspection.

    • Marvell Avastar 88W8897 2x2 MIMO Wi-Fi Combination Radio Chip Supports 802.11ac, NFC, Bluetooth and Wireless Display

    • Marvell Avastar 88W8782U WLAN SOC w/USB 2.0 Interface Support

    where's the data connection of this board? i only see the antenna connector

    allanxp4 -

    Data Connector on underside of board. Image added. (likely requires mod approval.)

    Thor -

    The wire that connects between the WiFi board and the front panel board. What is this for? I accidentally pulled it out. It went back in but I’m wondering if I should solder it back in.

    Randy -

    I’ve done the same thing. I only recently found my controller losing signal kinda often at average ranges. If i push further, while still in range that it used to do comfortably, It will cut out a lot. I used to be able to leave the room and to the other room over and it would usually not cut out.

    gonnaownurass -

    It’s basically a miniature coaxial cable, it should snap back in place and be free to swivel.

    Andrew Jones -

    Is the wifi board responsible for the wireless connection between the console and controller?

    Ryan Ebbs -

    Im tryin to find this out? Did u figure it out

    JohnnieAnn Shirle -

    As this board/chip handles bluetooth (BT 5.0), it would be responsible for the connection between the console and the wireless controller.

    Andrew Jones -

    The 8897 is for wifi and the 8782u is for controller. It has NO Bluetooth feature, Xbox One wireless controller is based on custom wifi protocol.

    Tom Chai -

    Marvell Avastar 88W8782U link is 404

    Apparently content no longer supported by vendor

    tcagle53 -

    Been having connection issues with my wireless controller.It shows it’s connected to the console but does not respond when buttons or analog sticks are pressed.Sometimes wiring a USB cable to the controller also shows no response.Initially thought was the wifi card issue and went to replace it but the problem still persists.Really need expert advice.Should i get another wifi card or get a new RF board?

    Fauzan Fatkullah -

    iFIXIT PLS ammend step 9, add a mention that the wifi-board is secured with TORX TR9 screws, this is only visible on the photo when zoomed in, im using Microsoft edge browser on xbox one with a 39 inch 1080p tv at 2-meters away, might be able to read TORX TR9 in photo with a PC, but not for me.

    nicholas prosser -

  10. XflqQXWcDNICYqaO
    • This is interesting. And by interesting we mean unique. We've uncovered a speaker inside the Xbox One. Or it could be an early prototype of an arc reactor. Probably a speaker.

    • We're happy that this speaker is held in place with a simple plastic bracket—no tools required.

    That speaker is the same that's used in LE 360's

    Slot1gamer -

    What's that USB port doing there?

    Steve Vaneeckhout -

    That's the external HDD USB port. Laptop/external HDDs once again plug&play after quick MS system format.

    Thor -

    What does the speaker do exatcly?

    Kyle turk -

    Pretty sure for startup and shutdown sounds

    Eliapple Techkid -

  11. QjLsOMlm2qEwsdk1
    • There are eight 64 mm T9 Torx screws securing the upper metal shield to the chassis.

    • That is just over two-and-a-half inches of threaded fun!

    • Game consoles are one place where we haven't seen the smaller, lighter, thinner trend taken to extremes—and we're okay with that. We like a device with a little meat on its bones, if it means finding standard fasteners like these screws—a win for repairability.

    • Small, light, and thin can be repairable too! We've seen it happen.

    What is that black wire called in the pic on step 11? Any idea what it does...myne is broken and i need a new wifi still works but my controllers need to be plugged in via usb in order to stay connected to the xbox

    gaddafi -

    Hey gaddafi, that might be a Bluetooth antenna cable. It runs from the wireless board to the RF board on the front of the Xbox. This guide shows where both ends of the cable end up: Xbox One Motherboard Replacement

    Looks like you can get a replacement on ebay if you search for "xbox one bluetooth antenna cable"

    Good luck!

    Andrew Optimus Goldheart -

    Right. WiFi/Bluetooth share same radio/frequency/bands.

    Thor -

    i only found 7 TORX screws securing the upper metal shield on my xbox one original (NOT day one edition or one X/S) also CRUCIALLY both TORX TR8 & TR10 drivers are too loose, i don’t have a TORX 9 driver, so don’t know if it would fit, perhaps my TORX 10 driver bites but sits too high on TORX 9 screws otherwise they may be TORX 11 screws? Why do microshaft have to use a non-standard size TORX 9 vs the common TR8 & TR10, to thwart owners/diy repair?, I am surprised they didn’t use security torx with the centre pin, at least there not rotten apples, TRI-Lobe screws anyone?

    nicholas prosser -

  12. N3lBLdcNKWJYmhLB
    • This is our first real glimpse inside the Xbox One.

    • Well, that was easy. The entire Xbox One assembly simply lifts off from the lower case.

    • We appreciate a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, hidden inside a hobbit hole as much as the next person, but for repair purposes, it's nice when things are a little more straightforward.

    • How much do we care about the Hobbit Hole breakfast at Denny's? Oh, you know…

    Am I the only one who's a little miffed that the size of the Xbox One could've been made smaller if they didn't have that relatively large open space there?

    shokikugawa -

    Serious question; Does there seem to be anything in here that could "break" if the console was rested on its side? This is assuming you're not using the disc drive and elevating the machine for proper ventilation.

    brutedawg -

  13. dgoFVHVFqP6qHPtR
    • In another win for repairability, the Blu-ray/DVD drive is connected to the motherboard via a SATA data connector.

    • While we are tempted to re-watch the entire LOTR trilogy on Blu-ray, our own quest to destroy the One Xbox in the fires of the teardown table is more dire.

    • We take a look at the underside of the optical drive, finding a few ICs and a large ribbon cable:

    • Microsoft MS0DDDSPB1 1326-BTSL ATNGS501

    • Texas Instruments 37T AVY7

    I recently bought a replacement Xbox One Optical Drive from a guy on eBay. It is the same model number, but it has a different P/N. Do these have to match? The new drive I bought accepts disks, but I keep getting a message that 'there is a problem with my optical drive' and it won't play anything. Help?

    Jason -

    The Optical board will need to be married to the Xbox main board. Best way is to swap the board from the original optical drive to the new optical drive. ( it's the board on the bottom of the optical drive )

    charris -

    I recently buy the mother board but its not connect to dvd harddrive please explain in detail how to connect motherboard of easy way.

    Mary Thompson -

  14. Td6NTQAI5fJbfikf
    • Unfortunately, the Xbox One doesn't officially feature a replaceable hard drive—but then, we're not much for playing by the rules. Out it comes.

    • Bad news: replacing the hard drive requires voiding the warranty. Good news: it's a standard 2.5 inch SATA II drive. Sad news, the Xbox One doesn't support unformatted hard drives.

    • Inside our Xbox One, we find a Samsung Spinpoint M8 ST500LM012 500 GB 5400 RPM with 8MB Cache SATA II 3.0Gb/s hard drive.

    • Newegg seems to have favorable reviews of this drive.

    For a $500 console I guess Microsoft is still too cheap to put in a SSD drive or SATA III 6gb/s? WTH?

    Rob -

    Microsoft has made a console with a SSD its the Xbox One Elite

    Tyler Nguyen -

    This is from 2013, SSDs weren’t that cheap; you should’ve known this as you made this in 2013!!!!

    Mark Henderson -

    So can the drive be upgraded to a faster and or larger one? SSD?

    Dillon -

    I just talked to microsoft you can put a bigger hard drive but its got to have that FAT32 file, so far i have tried a 3 tb SSD and it failed to complete the format.

    Tyler Nguyen -

    If using Large Block HDDs (2TB+?) You have to prep it in windows. (or DOS if you prefer) fat32, and (I believe) set to 4096 cluster size. - I optionally partitioned mine to 4x 500GB for simplicity, and works great. Designate which to install games to in Xbox system. (Windows 10 now)

    *Edit- You don't have to, It is Simpler/Optimal to.

    Thor -

    This does not void the warranty Federal courts have already ruled on this.

    Mark Henderson -

  15. 3QXmsqjFSwFgEduA
    • Teardown update: We tossed the One's hard drive into one of the tech writers' secondary hard drive bays. We found five NTFS partitions:

    • Temp Content: 44 GB capacity, 27.1GB available (in an Xbox that we never turned on).

    • User Content: 391.9 GB capacity, none used.

    • System Support: 42.9 GB capacity, 34.1 GB available.

    • System Update: 12.8 GB capacity, 11.8 GB available.

    • System Update 2: 7.52 GB capacity, 7.47 GB available.

    • Sadly, we were not able to go the other way -- we didn't have a spare hard drive (in New Zealand) to put into the Xbox One. So that will have to wait for another day!

    your partition sizes are wrong because you used OS X, which uses base 10 for sizes.

    The blu ray drive is not likely replaceable. The Xbox 360 dvd drive used a DVD key to lock one drive to one mainboard. It will take some time before someone figures out how to get around this on the XBone.

    adcurtin -

    Base 10 is fine for this. The 500GB they advertise it with is base 10 as well.

    martinkunze -

    Mylar connectors on the optical drive. No wonder they are failing. I HATE Mylar connectors, only good for intermittent contacts and coming loose in shipping.

    John Pombrio -

  16. goKqxLQ62nx2cKgf
    • The RF Module board detaches outward from the lower case.

    • The back of the RF Module board features one lone IC from Info Storage Devices labeled 9160F1MS03 1327 2317B057. We believe this is an Audio User Interface chip from Nuvoton.

    It was an RF board on the 360. There's no RF stuff on that board at all.

    adcurtin -

    There is an antenna there. That chip is obviously an ARM device, but danged if I can find any data on it anywhere.

    Scott Morrison -

    What size is the SMD LED on D1 and do i notice a spot (D4) for a second LED ? A blue or green replacement might be nice.

    Christopher DeAugustino -

    Does anyone know where the Antenna is located on that RF board? is it the black cylinder to the left of the board on pic n°25 ?

    management -

    Can you add antenna dimensions, it is good to place a scale next to it.

    Vamsi -

    The ISD chip is the one that plays the power on, power off and eject tune on that internal speaker, same as on the 360 (except for the 360E that has the chip pads but unpopulated). The datasheet is readily available searching for ISD 9160F.

    The RF antenna is the patch of board that takes the signal from J2, then goes to R2, R3 and then to the actual antenna, the weird triangular/square shaped vias.

    David -

    Interesting thing thou, the ISD chip also controls the touch buttons on the front and it has empty pads for an external memory chip besides it. Remember how different versions of the 360 played different power and eject tunes? In the Xbox One they can just populate the memory chip and a different tune will be played. It's ready for the launch of different models, like a Halo edition or something like they did with the 360.

    David -

    Can you show off the capacitive touch power button? As well as its back-lit LED?

    David Pringle -

    is that an ir receiver in the front?

    xin hua wang -

  17. 1CKRPtKjBKGonPtK
    • "X" marks the spot. The heat sink/fan assembly is secured to the motherboard with a few T9 Torx screws.

    • After the infamous red ring of death, we're not surprised to see a beefy cooling system on this Xbox.

  18. FokgdN6SxD1lqUMT
    • Wondering what the upside down teardown crew snacks on during teardowns?

    • Arnott's Shapes Chicken Crimpy (baked NOT fried).

    • Hello Panda biscuits

    • Yan Yan (x2)

    • Griffin's MallowPuffs

    Shameless sellout

    Dale -

  19. LcjqGYRGb2i53p1Q
    • We're happy to report that, should your new Xbox One have cooling issues, replacing the fan or heat sink is easy-breezy.

    • All it takes is a simple flick of the spudger to separate the 112 mm diameter fan from the heat sink.

    • That's one small step to replace, one giant leap for repairability.

    Trying to find a replacement aftermarket fan, any recommendations?

    Chandler Fonseca -

  20. RkWPgfeRsJdBcOcx
    • What do our elf eyes see? An army of integrated circuits. The heavy hitters include:

    • X887732-001 DG3001FEG84HR (includes AMD "Jaguar" 8-core CPU + AMD Radeon Graphics GPU)

    • 16x SK Hynix H5TQ4G63AFR 4 Gb (512 MB) DDR3 SDRAM (total of 16 x 512 MB = 8 GB)

    • X861949-005 T6WD5XBG-0003

    • SK Hynix H26M42003GMR 8 GB eMMC NAND Flash

    • ON Semiconductor NCP4204 GAC1328G Integrated Power Control IC

    • Realtek RTL 8151GNM Ethernet Controller

    • Texas Instruments TPS2590 3-V to 20-V High Current Load Switch

    NCP4204 GAC1328G looks like a micro. It seems to have traces to the column of inductors just north of it.

    X861949-005 T6WD5XBG-0003 must be some kind of proprietary io controller.

    Nate Fisher -

    The board you are calling the 'RF board' is most likely the propriatory link for the controllers (as they had on the Xbox/Xbox360), and just plugs onto a USB (???) connection on the motherboard.

    Why they would use an external WiFi/BT board, is a bit of a question.... outsourced engneering? I wonder what connection protocol it uses to motherboard. Nice stitching of antenna cable to case.... not!!

    Simon Wood -

    I've really love to know what HDMI input is. What chipset, and how do they draw it to the screen? I'd presume the DMA it to the vram somehow.

    Joe de Max -

    SK Hynix H5TQ4G63AFB 4 Gb (512 MB) DDR3 SDRAM (total of 16 x 512 MB = 8 GB)

    Is that a miss-print as there is no hynix part with *AFB BUT there is an *AFR (H5TQ4G63AFR)

    Jose Fajardo -

    any confirmation of Hynix DDR3 , as there is no AFB suffix, or this is a custom one ?

    blueshine -

    neither of my 2 controllers pair any more , would the first port of call be to replace the RF Board or RF Module ?

    kevanko -

    I´d like to know which Chip is reponsible for HDMI oautput image. My HDMI-Port looks good, but can´t see any image

    Bender120 -

  21. VeNGfjotG6PN2Rji
    • The backside of the motherboard is a glorious, green field, void of any integrated circuits.

    • As always, a big thanks to the folks at Chipworks for helping us determine names of the doodads we found inside the Xbox One!

    • If you haven't, already, check out their in-depth analysis of the PS4!

  22. vPHTcevyGeWswqT2
    • With that, game time is over! Let's tally up this console's repairability score.

    For anyone that hasn’t heard the news over the past few years the FTC sent letters notifying console manufacturers that the stickers are illegal; and have been since ‘75 or abouts. I certain Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo have all changed their manuals & systems to do away with the “Void if opened” stickers. So fix away, change that HDD & clean when necessary. The government isn’t all bad just 95% of the politicians.

    J Moore (mrwarcriminal) -

  23. lqWxkNiOpVgpUS4h
    • Microsoft Xbox One Repairability Score: 8 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair):

    • Only a few tools are required to take the whole console apart. The opening procedure is similar to, but much easier than, any Xbox 360.

    • Once inside, a clean, no-nonsense modular design allows the drives, fan, heat sink, wireless board, and front daughterboard to be easily replaced.

    • Clips instead of screws make opening the case more difficult than necessary, but the absence of adhesive and proprietary screws helps soften the transgression.

    • The hard drive is relatively difficult to access; you'll have to void the warranty if you'd like to upgrade/replace it.

    So how would you go about adding a larger internal hard drive

    William Brown -

Sam Goldheart

Member since: 19/10/12

457524 Reputation


Can you replace the HDD with another to see what happens?

bobbychong89 -

Yeah, no brainer

Paulo Castor -

I'm curious if the replacement drive needs special formatting, or if the system has a built-in recovery 'partition' that will format the drive and install the OS automatically on a stock hard-drive?

Ivan -

Id imagine it wouldn't have a recovery system since the user is not meant to replace the hdd wether upgrading or replacing through fault. every previous Ms console has had proprietary locked hard drives in some form

danguy2009 -

I downloaded the full OS and day one patch from Microsoft website yesterday. if you replace the harddrive. u will need those files

Cesar Mattos -

Whos the fan OEM? Anything under that black sticker?

Doug Nagle -

Replace the disk to see if detected and auto formatted :)

gierso -

Definitely a mistake on MS' part to not officially support HDD replacement on the Xbox One. 500GB is nothing when your installing 25GB - 50GB games, music, and movies. I have a 2TB on my desktop PC build, and still can't install my entire Steam library. For guys like me 500GB just isn't gonna cut it. I'm sure we will know soon though if the HDD in the One is truly upgradeable or not.

Curtiss Porter -

But it will support external drives. External drives will support all functions that the internal does. So game installs will be supported.

Christopher Garcia -

Considering that both the ps4 and xbone use 2.5inch drives I dont really care that they are not upgradable. I would rather just by a 3-4tb external and attach it if needed, the difference between a usb 3 external and a sata 2 hdd are going to be negligible for load times.

Doug Nagle -

And the PS4 doesn't support external.

Christopher Garcia -

Well, they make more money not allowing users to simply buy a larger hard drive and replace it. They could have used a proprietary drive like the 360 had though.

sstillw -

I've read that the Xbox1 is fast on boot and function but, do you guys think it will it benefit from an SSD? Same with the PS4, if anyone can telll. I know my PS3 OS is kinda slow and I'm considering exchanging it for an SSD.

Jeroham Ortiz -

Replacing the HDD in a PS4 with an SSD will make it run faster, but not as fast as one may hope. I really wish that PS4 would support external drives like Xbox. However, I’m happy that I can get away with a simple external drive for my Xbox and don’t have to format the drive like I did for my PlayStation.

Blake Littleton -

Yeah, the 2TB Samsung Spinpoint M9 has been announced but is it available yet? That would be a good replacement.

Nicholas Polydor -

So it has a Marvell Avastar 88W8897, meaning 802.11ac and Bluetooth 4.0. All the specs I have checked so far just mention WiFi 802.11n and no BT. Does the ac network is working right out out of the box - sorry, after the first patch - or MS is saving it for future implementation?

The PS4 teardown confirmed that Sony's console has the 88W8797, with only 802.11 capabilities. This definitely gives extra point to Xbox One over the PS4 in terms of wireless connectivity.

Joe BF -

I saw that too. Really curious on that one.

Andrew Workmon -

Yeah, seems like Sony missed the trick entirely here. The XBox One Marvell chip supports 'ac' and beamforming tech although this is yet to be unlocked- and doubtless will be in the near future. I guess Sony must have been trying to save a few bucks on the BoM.

Dan -

I am so glad you did it so I didn't have to! Way too curious of what is inside!

John Pombrio -

Why didn't you do a teardown of the controller or the Kinect?

Ashley Ryan -

Agreed! Also the power brick, please!

Dustin -

Is the PSU 110-240v?

Hyde Cheung -

Where is the 32MB ESRAM ?

DeepThought -

Its on the chip itself(manufactured into the same area as the cpu/gpu).

Doug Nagle -

I am now the proud owner of a toilet paper-featured desktop.

Peter Lo -

Try replacing the HDD.

Matt Clancy -

Can i assume that the system is rebuilt to working order. I know its a stupid question but anybody that has taking something apart knows that sometime things don't always put back together as

jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj -

What speed does the blu-ray drive spin at?

Dan -

I honestly would have rather of had a 256GB SSD for the main drive and get some external storage going on ... performance would have been tremendously better.

Raz Black -

Price would have also been a lot "better". A cheap 256 gig SSD costs >160 USD, the Spinpoint M8 500 gig HDD costs 60 USD. So instead of 500 dollars for an XBOX One, it would've been closer to 600 dollars.

aleksivanttinen -

I downloaded the full OS and day one patch from Microsoft website yesterday.

if you replace the harddrive. u will need those files

Cesar Mattos -

The empty pads on the top of the mainboard are very interesting. There's a pair of switches marked "warm" and "cold". There's also empty bus connectors that are likely used for debugging.

sandylee83 -

Yes, this response is 5 years late, but I am too curious about some features like the switches, battery, warm / cold buttons. These features appear here on the original xbox one, as well as the one s, and even the one x. So they are absolutely used for something!

Richard -

how is the score 8/10? you void the warranty, in order to swap HDD's. i don't think that's repair friendly.

o k -

If you repair it at all you void the warranty. So much like the warranty on this box, your point is null and void.

Ti74Raven -

where is the teardown of the powersupply! I need to know if I can replace that horrible noisy fan inside it. the console is very quiet but the powersupply is so loud. same BS as MS did with the slim :-(

marc -

Does anyone know the dimensions of the cooler bracket?? (Hole to hole) I'd be interested in knowing the socket style presumably it's a regular fm2+ cooler, could you confirm this?

Kevin -

For sure, if someone is in the business of repairing XBox Ones, it would make lots of good sense to clone an XBox 2.5" SATA hard drive onto a spare drive, to be used in the future to replace a crashed drive. Open source disk drive cloning software like Clonezilla will clone any drive, with most any file system and partitioning. If, for any reason, Clonezilla would not do the trick, there are other disk cloning packages. But I've got to believe that Microsoft uses NTFS or maybe a Unix/Linux file system for the XBox One, although they have been known to do some really stupid things, like Vista and Windows 8.

Ben Myers -

Here's a tear down of the Xbox One PSU http://lifelearningsofanearthling.blogsp...

David Johnson -

What happens when you plug the Xbox One's hard drive into a PC? Can you read its contents? I just want a way of backing up my profiles and save data.

Peter -

The Xbox One is an engineering disaster for a custom made consumer product that isn't intended to be user serviceable. It's like a "Holy $@#^ we forgot that we are making a next-gen console, gotta ship this thing to stores before Holidays 2013, so just slap everything up with no thought whatsoever" hackjob.

-Why use a huge Intel retail type HSF instead of a custom cooling solution like the PS4 did?

-Why is the HDD placed completely inside the case in a manner that wastes unnecessary space and prevent users from accessing it from the outside?

-Why is the motherboard so big? There are lots of wasted PCB space that can be cut.

-Why even use a standard PC sized optical drive?

-If all those wasn't enough yet, add a external power brick to it. Again.

Before somebody tries to flame me, please explain how Valve was able to make a smaller machine with completely off-the-shelf-parts including the PSU and a GTX 780, yet much more powerful in CPU/GPU power and infinitely more user serviceable.

J87 -

Yeh i seen that 2. Not only that the fan is sucking in hot air from inside the case. Who here as built a custom pc and set their hsf fan up like that raise your hands? what no one why is that ill answer for all who built a pc. Your cpu is the hottest component on the system. It needs the coolest air possible to cool it. You blow air in to the heat sink not pull air in. When you pull air in your pulling hot air over the fins. Inside a computer case abiant tempreture can hit 100+f this will mean you loose 100 f cooling right off the top. Aim that sucker blowing in the xbox one has external access for the fan why not use it instead of a exhaust. it shoul be a intake. It should also have a grill and filter not a cutsie louver. Wheres my diagonal cutters and bounce... Its modding time.

Nova Flare -

This is how I would replace the default drive with a bigger size (3T~6T HDD). Get a big HDD and connect it to the XO by external USB3.0 port. It will ask if you would like to format it to be compatible with the XO. Choose yes and format. Unplug the HDD from the XO. Open up your XO, take out the default HDD, replace that with the formatted HDD, close your XO and done.

Logically, this would do the trick but I'm not sure. :-)

Chris Lynch -

Can I disassemble my Xbox and use the parts like the motherboard,c cpu, and hard drive in a PC???

braedensgoodman -

Can I disassemble my Xbox One and us the motherboard, CPU, and hard drive for a PC?

braedensgoodman -

you would have to get costom drivers to suport the os on the software you are using

Liquid Cooled -

How did you open the clips on the back side to remove the top of the case? I've tried pushing and prying all around the area where they're supposed to be, but can't seem to get it unclipped. A more detailed photo of the clip mechanism would be helpful.

sstillw -

Can you please break down the new 2015 Xbox Elite? I want to know if anything changed (SATA III) and what SSHD it is little brother bought one and my Samsung 512GB SSD with USB 3 can't keep up with his

EasyAsABC123 -

What kind of ethernet port does the xbox one have? Mine went bad and I need to replace it.

andrew weitzel -

What part would connect the controller and the Xbox?

Zoo Too -

The controller connectivity is trough the front panel/power button I/O, the same as the 360 I believe.

Ben Wallace -

Can u upgrade the cpu fan if so can you give a link to one please

damianjanson1988 -

Use this to remove x-clamp. Don´t understand how almost every video gives the worst advice on how to remove them. This is a video for the xbox 360, but i used it on my xbox one. They are a pain to remove with any other method. And this one is a lot safer.

chicozeb -

I want to know what materials is xbox one s using as i need it for my homework

Joseph Gair -

Microsoft offered to repair mine for 135 dollars and I thought this to be a little steep, and asked them if they would give a upgrade or new game as a bonus or reward for spending so much money on live and games and consoles over the years.. They offered me 30 day xbox live bonus. HA> mines good until Nov. Darn And why am I paying so much for games and consoles? This is out of control.

alby_bldr -

join the pcmr

Liquid Cooled -

Is it possible to replace my Xbox One Elite SSD with a 10tb SSD?

Tyler Nguyen -

10tb ssds do not exisist and if they were they would be around $5000

Liquid Cooled -

what is the cooler bracket size

Liquid Cooled -

Please how do I replace the Xbox one power IC?

Olakitan -

I opened up the xbox onex and nothing obvious is broken (kids knocked it off chair) it turns on, but will not connect to the tv set.

Dawn Toth -

Hey Dawn! Good initial sleuthing! You should post a question to our Answers forum with some photos, and maybe our awesome members can help you out!

Sam Goldheart -

My son has xbox 1 elite, and playing a game or watching a dvd it will make a ding noise and then eject the disc, so we r trying to figure out what could be causing this

ysleta Davidson -

how can i turn on xbox one s without an rf board ?

Adrian saxton -

how to power on xbox one s without an rf board ??

Adrian saxton -

Aside from the SATA cable, what kind of pin power connector are we talking for the optical drive? Also, would anyone know of an adapter going from said pin set up to a SATA female power connector?

Aaron Mann -

If you replace the original Xbox one HDD you need to install the system software to the new HDD. But if I’m correct there is no way of doing this. If there is not too sure what program you would use.

Rodney Brookshire -

You can clone the HDD to a new SSD/HDD and then just enlarge the USER partition to use the free space :) with some cloning software you can manage the size of partitions directly

Enzo Fulberti -

Khwab nama But if I’m correct there is no way of doing this. If there is not too sure what program you would use.

Aly Zulfiqar -

These guides seldom picture screws anymore. One of the most useful things in a guide is to explain which screw goes where. Would it be possible for someone to go into more depth about the screws?

lethaldoorknob -

Hey there! As mentioned in the banner at the top of this page

“This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your Xbox One, use our service manual.”

We have 11 guides that are meant for disassembly, so try those instead =)

Sam Goldheart -

So I'm going to be building my 2nd Gen original xbox one into a PC case, and eventually water-cooling it. I have everything planned out as far as how to get past the sensor strip located between the front of rf module board, and the case itself. I removed it once already and it caused the Xbox to not want to turn on, it also removes the disk drive (which is okay, most games are digital now anyways) but the big one is the controller sync. Because as far as I know, it's the only way to sync your controller to your console.

RayRay Jones -

I think it would be pretty awesome to use a Sata2 to Sata 3 converter cable and then slap in an older Sata SSD for its hard drive! You’ll have the first Xbox One (day 1 edition) running on a boot ssd :D

p.s. yes, I know it couldn’t take full advantage of the SSD speed, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was still much faster.

ftbllboi -

Where can i get new 64mm T9 Torx screws i cant find them anywhere?

Jeremy Dayton -

ftbllboi .. no such animal as a sata 2 to sata 3 converter cable.The sata cable for both is the same. One is rated @ 3gbps one 6gbps. The board’s bus that is the determining factor on speed/throughput. If the board will only support sata2 or 3gbps. If you were to replace the M8 with a M9T hdd the 6gbps version of the m8, and the connector was rated at 3gbps you MIGHT notice minimum cold boot load time increase in speed, / may come on faster but game time loads etc would be negligible. (iof the m8 and m9 drives were new, in new xbox’;s and you were comparing apples to apples, they’d both be an apple)  SATA 3 is backwards compatible, same cable its just a 6gbps running at a bus speed only capable of 3gbps.. As far as a SSD, and it can be old or new itwill be faster Even on a sata 2 bus.. You don't have to deal w/ frag, and where a HDD works best whenr/w big files that are laid down in contiguous blocks, a SSD can store bits and data anywhere in the flash . Doesn’t have to go searching for frag data on platter

Roo Bru -

SSD IOPS also do not paint a true speed picture of a SSD. Throughput speed, latencty etc also HAS to factor in, unless you are bldg. a server, then RAID is a HUGE factor, and Raid on high i/o workloads is a different beast! Vendors IOPS , well I dont put faith into the #’s but they are good guidelines. BASICS. A traditional spinning hard drive if rated in IOPS..can range from around 50 up to 175ish and a SSD IOPS can range from 2000 for a really badly made $15 asn. market ssd and then you move up w/ premium SSDs like Intel and Samsung SSD (And Crucial and WD and Seagate are coming right along now too I will add) which avg upwards or closer to 40000 IOPS.. But there is still how the xbox reads data blocks.. Does it perform better w/ small blocks or large blocks? And throughput.. if your device is only cable of allowing 100 mbps of throughput, guess what… Your fictionally fast SSD is gonna be real time Pentium one slow… But yeah.. SSD = always faster.. No such thing as a sata 2 to 3 converter… Got it?

Roo Bru -

completado, pasta termica Artic Silver la más indicada para procesador.

David Molina -

Can you replace the hard drive with one from a xbox one S digital and will it work?

Sarah Strouf -

Aldo how can you tell if something isn't working right by looking at it. My son has a xbox one S digital that's screwing up and I got ripped off on a xbox one original that I bought and won't turn on. Trying to fix them.

Sarah Strouf -

Too much bloated nonsense in this guide and not detailed enough as to where to pry open the case

Duke Nukem -

As stated in the banner at the top, this is not a guide and should not be used as instructions. If it’s step-by-step instructions you want, we have those over here.

Jeff Suovanen -

I found an old laptop that had the exact same HDD of this Xbox, and stuck it in my PS4.

Switcher260 -

Does anyone have an xbox one schematic?

Mohammad Gholami -

I have an external 2TB hard drive and wouldn't even bother taking apart my Xbox One. Sounds like too much work

psmgamer2005 -

My xbox wouldn’t turn on . Its a xbox one first version , it has been running for years and suddenly one day it just died . The power supply shows a steady orange light . The xbox icon blinks with white light and also has a chime when the turn on switch is touched yet nothing shows on the screen and the power supply’s light stays orange(usually when it chimes the power brick’s light changes yellow when turned on . I tried replacing the power supply yet there is no luck for me . The fan doesn’t spin when the console is turned on even though it chimes . Is it fixable or just plain death ? Please ?? help . Your kindness and time will be well appreciated .

Pravin Balakrishnan -

Can you download the os for xbox one from a website onto a flash drive and install it to your xbox one hdd

David Dimond -

Eindeutig zu viel "Alter Tobi" Pfeifenkraut geraucht. Aber Danke für die Bilder haben mir echt weiter geholfen.

TheSupport -