
I have made a video for the first time if your interested have look there.

  1. sJGUIpPGhP5LxOB1
    • Apple has surprised us all by unveiling some new iMacs without a Keynote.

    • But what has surprised us most by far are the big specs this little iMac packs.

    • 8th generation Intel Core i3 quad-core processor clocked at 3.6GHz

    • 8GB of DDR4 RAM Running at a speed of 2400MHz

    • A mediocre 1 TB mechanical hard disk drive.

    • AMD Radeon Pro 555X graphics card with 2GB of GDDR5 video RAM.

    • And of course the gorgeous 4K Retina Display with support for the P3 color gamut.

  2. KtROMFcIl5keTxZA
    • Opening the iMac has never been easier with ifixit opening tool.

    • I did use these 6 tools

    Where can I get all these tools in a bundle ?

    Uri Goldberg -

    you are already in the website buy the best quality tools from

    Babak -

  3. h26BExYeqYNotSpY
    • It was really disappointing to see nothing is changed in this iMac in last 2 years.

    • it seems they have changed the LCD connecters only

    • The large LCD screen is made by LG Display.

  5. 2u5lwFvMk3n2qroL
    • Only wifi and bluetooth module in now fixed on the board. Hard drive still same Hitachi 5400 rpm and fan still the same as you can see

    Today I opened my 2019 21.5 model (i5-8500 CPU) to upgrqade the RAM and I checked which Thunderbolt-chip was there. It is an Intel JHL7540 “Titan Ridge”, which is the 2nd gen Thunderbolt 3 chipset.

    It supports DP1.4 and two separate TB3 ports, so I “suppose” this means, it should be possible to have an ext. 5k Display and fast TB3-storage w/o bandwidth problems.

    wobert -

  6. YOOElK2Mlcg2qZEl
    • A protection cover for the RAMs which I think is not necessary for a fixed device like this and as you know 2666 MHz DDR4 rams are little higher speed than the 2017 model.

    That cover’s forr EMC shielding, so that no internal radio waves affect the chips. Or maybe for grounding protection?

    Jessica Parnelli Fawkes -

    Yes! It’s for Electro Motive Interference (EMI)

    If your car came with air bags you wouldn’t take them out would you? EMI shielding is basically the same thing! Having a purpose to protect you (or in this case other internal parts). I would strongly recommend putting the shielding back.

    Dan -

    This waves where there in last year model and years before that Apple found it now? I dont think so

    Babak -

    The shield is a Faraday cage to limit either emissions in or out!

    Designing EMI protection is a complex process. You need to first make sure you are containing it which the outer aluminums case and the shield on the back of the LCD offers so it is not interfering with other devices you have on your desk or room. Then within your own device you need to protect some areas from emissions from other parts within. This then gets into the glass is half full or half empty problem! Protecting the more sensitive parts or controlling the more emissive parts.

    The last issue here is when Apple did its testing it likely noted the higher frequency parts needed more protection. As Apple uses the same logic board across all of the CPU/RAM configs it likely made sense to put the shield in all of the configs to make sure the assembly line was consistent.

    As we don’t know what Apples EMI testing encountered it makes sense to put the shield back on if you needed to alter the RAM config. You also will need to make sure you match the specs what your system is using for RAM.

    Dan -

    It’s not clear wether the RAM is 2400 or 2666MHz. In this step it says one thing, on top of the page it says another one.

    Leonardo -

    In apple website if you see there are 3 different speeds 2133. 2400.2666 in the iMac 21’

    Babak -

    Why this iMac does not have an easy way to upgrade RAM, like a quick external access? Any clue? Disappointed.

    CID -

    Will my 2666 model work with 2x8Gb 2400?

    max_sev -

  7. cHNAKZnoVSOswb2S
    • Insert wisdom here.

    Sooooo, there is a PCIe socket for an SSD, or not? There is no guide for changing one, but it seems the port is there.

    David -

  8. LNPEJOaZjeDwWypf
    • Power supply

    • If not handled correctly, the power supply can do bodily harm.


Member since: 02/03/16

188 Reputation


Dear Good day

ill purchase new 21 2019 it can upgrade ram 2666GHz 32GB

yes or no

Mohamed Ghaly -

yes you can upgrade to 64 GB too if you have access to OWC company

Babak -

Hi Mohammad:

It is possible to make it 32 GB but you need to be a little gentle when doing that. feel free to ask me here if you face any issue. I actully made a video for the first time doing it you can have look at it to get some idea.

Babak -

Goodness me, they didn’t cover the PSU! How disgraceful of Apple!

Jessica Parnelli Fawkes -

they never cover that since day first of creating iMacs

Babak -

They did not evet cover the one of Mac Plus, causing some extra noise after years of heating.

Alejandro Rivero -

The question I have is this: the 2017 iMac 21.5” had a modular CPU assembly, meaning it was socketed and could be replaced or upgraded. Does the 2019 model have this feature? Or is the processor soldered directly to the board?

Klieb -

I have this question too. Please, help us!

Suryo Brahmantyo -

I haven’t check yet sorry.

Babak -

My understanding is that with the base model’s i3, the processor is soldered. With the i5 and i7 is socketed.

Leonardo -

A question I have, nobody has taken yet the courage of sawing a door for memory access? Now that it is protected, one can do the drill, er, carefully.

Alejandro Rivero -

that will look very ugly specially when the door is going to be seen by others

Babak -

Is it possible to upgrade this mac from the core i3 later to a core i9 since it’s now using the socket FCLGA1151 ?

alejoruy -

No I don’t think because of first PSU and second the connectors on the board

Babak -

@babak400 - Very well done and useful!

Dan -

Thanks a lot Dan

Babak -

Can the hard drive be replaced by an SSD?

Evelyn Isham -

Yes Evelyn easily and make ur iMac faster

Babak -

What thermal sensor cables or others are needed to upgrade to SSD drive? I have 1TB 54— RPM STATA Drive, no PCI

Frnk Deland -

Frnk nothing u need else than a fast SSD thats it. If you want u can watch my utube vid an see all by urself . Good luck

Babak -


I have upgraded my imac from 8gb ram to 64 ram and the hd to ssd hard drive…. after finishing all the instructions I have replaced everything back as it was but unfortunately the screen is totally black and I can see nothing on it… so I thought I might have done something wrong so I have to try again to reconnect everything but still the same … then I connected it to external monitor and it worked just fine… but with the original screen everything is black… so I tried to change the LVDS cable as in one article they have said it might be ruined and still facing the same issue…. I have even placed the old RAM and still same … do you have any suggestions to solve this issue…


Ahmed -

Sorry to hear that Ahmad I think the prying tool you used was a little longer than what it was suppose to be and u damaged the screen flat cables. Try to push the flat cables at the top of ur screen see any improvement. Apart from LVDS there is another cable for backlight going to the screen see if that connector is correctly connected. Sometimes they get disconnected internally from their cable. I did have a case like that

Babak -

Hi, i have a solution. Depending on where you live sell it to me for cheap. I guess it's unrepairable and i need one as a build server for my software in the basement.

Lothar Scholz -

Hi threre! I Have a new imac 2019 4k 21,5… I have changed to an ssd drive but I can’t make Bootcamp work properly again. It’s there a way to make it work again or remake the fusion drive with an ssd installed? I need to install Windows and I was thinking in upgrade the Nvme ssd… but looking the pictures of the motherboard I couldn’t find the module on it… I’m scarred because it seems to be soldered on board and cannot be upgraded, is this true? Please help me…

Cesar Galdames Bert -

with the ssd it should work same as the fusion drive check what is wrong with the bootcamp, you may need to update the bootcamp. but in case your want to go back it is possible to make it same as before. there is a video in youtube look at it and create your fusion drive accordingly. link is:

Babak -

hey, is it possible to upgrade the cpu. I wanted to go from the slow core i3 to a i5 10400f and alongside switch to ssd and 16gb

iann -