Let’s peek inside Apple’s 6th-generation iPad mini! Is this redesigned mini iPad holding any mini secrets, or is it just a smaller iPad Air? Time to tear it down.
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The iPad mini 6 earns a 3 out of 10 on our repairability scale (10 is the easiest to repair):
A single Phillips screwdriver takes care of all the screws.
Some components are modular, but all repairs will require painstakingly ungluing the glass display.
The iPad mini's battery is fastened with repair friendly stretch-release adhesive, but the removal process is marred by additional adhesive on other parts of the battery.
Gobs of adhesive hold many parts and cables in place, complicating all repairs.
does the ipad cellular version use qualcomm’s x55 or same as iphone 13’s x60 modem?
Why would I fixit team be so cheap and bought only WiFi model for teardown and not post this info which cellular modem is used ?
peterkor -
We need to know the battery mAh == Where is the full written review?
Lindy Xi -
The battery specs can be found on the iPad mini 6 device page! It has a 5034 mAh cell.