Ancient Technical Machine (Rock) (TCG)

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Ancient Technical Machine [Rock]

illustriert von Mitsuhiro Arita
Kartentyp: Trainerkarte
Untertyp: Technische Maschine
EX Hidden Legends:85/101 

Ancient Technical Machine [Rock] (zu deutsch etwa: Antike Technische Maschine [Gestein]) ist eine Trainerkarte für das Sammelkartenspiel aus der Erweiterung EX Hidden Legends.


Ancient Technical Machine [Rock]
Attach this card to 1 of your Evolved Pokémon in play (excluding Pokémon-ex and Pokémon that has an owner in its name). That Pokémon may use this card's attack instead of its own. At the end of your turn, discard Ancient Technical Machine [Rock].
Stone Generator
If your opponent has any Evolved Pokémon in play, remove the highest Stage Evolution card from each of them and put those cards back into his or her hand.
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