Rocket's Tricky Gym (TCG)

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Rocket's Tricky Gym

illustriert von Ryo Ueda
Kartentyp: Trainerkarte
Untertyp: Stadionkarte
EX Team Rocket Returns:90/109 

Rocket's Tricky Gym (deutsch: Rockets trickreiche Arena) ist eine Trainerkarte für das Sammelkartenspiel aus der Erweiterung EX Team Rocket Returns.


Rocket's Tricky Gym
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play.
Each Pokémon with Dark or Rocket's in its name (both yours and your opponent's) can use attacks on this card instead of its own.

Feint Attack
Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokémon.
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