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Diese Anleitung beschreibt die Einrichtung des SCSI-Scanners Linohell HS5C / Jade.
Für die Installationsarbeiten öffnet man ein Terminal [1].
Mit dem Befehl
$ sudo sane-find-scanner -p
erhält man folgende Meldung:
found SCSI scanner "LinoHell Office V2.0" at /dev/sg1 # Your SCSI scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by SANE. Try # scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage. # No USB scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that # you have loaded a driver for your USB host controller and have installed a # kernel scanner module. # No Mustek parallel port scanners found. If you expected something # different, make sure the scanner is correctly connected to your computer # and you have apropriate access rights. # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports # can't be detected by this program.
Nun weiß man, dass der Scanner am /dev/sg1 hängt. Nun muss die Datei /etc/sane.d/umax.conf in einem Editor mit Root-Rechten [2] editiert werden. In der umax.conf steht original noch folgendes:
# Options for the umax backend # # define scsi queueing depth #option scsi-maxqueue 2 # define scsi buffer size in bytes #option scsi-buffer-size-min 65536 #option scsi-buffer-size-max 262144 # define scan lines that shall be read in one block #option scan-lines 100 #option preview-lines 20 # define how to handle bad sense codes # 0 = handle as device busy # 1 = handle as ok # 2 = handle as i/o error # 3 = ignore bad error code - continue sense handler, #option handle-bad-sense-error 0 # define if a request sense command shall be executed #option execute-request-sense 0 # define if the preview bit shall be set when scanning in rgb mode #option force-preview-bit-rgb 0 # define if slow speed flag shall be set # BE CAREFUL WITH THIS OPTION, IT MAY DESTROY YOUR SCANNER WHEN SET FALSE # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = disabled # 1 = enabled #option slow-speed 0 # define if care-about-smeraring flag shall be set # BE CAREFUL WITH THIS OPTION, IT MAY DESTROY YOUR SCANNER WHEN SET FALSE # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = disabled # 1 = enabled #option care-about-smearing 0 # define if the calibration shall be done for selected scanarea or for each ccd pixel # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = disabled # 1 = enabled #option calibration-full-ccd 1 # define if an offset of the calculate calibration with has to be used # -99999 = auto #option calibration-width-offset -99999 # define the number of pixels that is used for calibration # -1 = disabled # 0 = not set # 1 = 1 byte/pixel, # 2 = 2 bytes/pixel #option calibration-bytes-pixel -1 # define if scanner uses the same exposure times for red, green and blue # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = disabled (own selection for red, green and blue) # 1 = enabled (same values for red, green and blue) #options exposure-time-rgb-bind 0 # define if shading data shall be inverted befor sending it back to the scanner # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = disabled # 1 = enabled #option invert-shading-data 0 # define if the scanner supports lamp control commands # 0 = automatically set by driver - if known # 1 = enabled #option lamp-control-available 0 # define how 16 bit gamma data is padded # -1 = automatically set by driver - if known # 0 = gamma data is msb padded # 1 = gamma data is lsb padded #option gamma-lsb-padded 0 # define connection type of following devices # 1 = scsi # 2 = usb #option connection-type 1 # linux device identification: #scsi vendor model type bus channel id lun scsi UMAX * Scanner scsi LinoHell JADE scsi LinoHell Office scsi LinoHell Office2 scsi LinoHell SAPHIR2 scsi LinoHell SAPHIR3 scsi Linotype SAPHIR4 scsi LinoHell OPAL2 scsi HDM LS4H1S scsi Nikon AX-110 scsi Nikon AX-210 scsi KYE ColorPage-HR5 scsi EPSON Perfection600 scsi ESCORT "Galleria 600S" scsi TriGem PowerScanII # Umax Astra 2200 via USB: # usb vendor product usb 0x1606 0x0230 # scsi device list option connection-type 1 /dev/scanner # usb device list option connection-type 2 /dev/usbscanner
Man muss hier /dev/scanner in /dev/sg1 ändern, also
# scsi device list option connection-type 1 /dev/scanner
ändern in
# scsi device list option connection-type 1 /dev/sg1
Jetzt muss man noch die Rechte für den Scanner anpassen. Man legt dazu im Texteditor mit Root-Rechten [2] eine Datei /etc/udev/rules.d/10-udev.rules für das udev-System an. Folgende Zeile müssen darin stehen:
# /dev/sg1 BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sg[0-9]*", NAME="sg1", MODE="666", GROUP="users"
Diese Revision wurde am 5. März 2011 17:41 von Heinrich_Schwietering erstellt.