Local Government Areas in Queensland

Der australische Bundesstaat Queensland ist seit 17. März 2008 nur noch in 53 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete (Local Government Areas) unterteilt.

Brisbane City Brisbane South East Queensland 1924 1.367 956.129
Gold Coast City Nerang South East Queensland 1948 1.358 455.419
Ipswich City Ipswich South East Queensland 1860 1.089 142.525
Lockyer Valley Region Gatton South East Queensland 2008 2.273 31.138
Logan City Logan South East Queensland 1978 913 253.864
Moreton Bay Region Strathpine South East Queensland 2008 2.011 337.846
Redland City Cleveland South East Queensland 1949 537 126.964
Scenic Rim Region Beaudesert South East Queensland 2008 4.256 34.659
Somerset Region Esk South East Queensland 2008 5.379 19.291
Sunshine Coast Region Nambour South East Queensland ? 3.126 290.026
Banana Shire Biloela Wide Bay-Burnett 1879 28.577 15.773
Bundaberg Region Bundaberg Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 6.451 86.364
Cherbourg Shire Cherbourg Wide Bay-Burnett 1986 32 1.250
Fraser Coast Region Hervey Bay Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 7.125 86.747
Gympie Region Gympie Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 6.898 42.820
North Burnett Region Gayndah Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 19.708 10.668
South Burnett Region Kingaroy Wide Bay-Burnett 2008 8.399 29.734
Goondiwindi Region Goondiwindi Darling Downs 2008 19.294 10.720
Southern Downs Region Warwick Darling Downs 2008 7.120 32.610
Toowoomba Region Toowoomba Darling Downs 2008 12.973 151.283
Western Downs Region Dalby Darling Downs 2008 38.039 30.018
Central Highlands Region Emerald Central Queensland 2008 59.884 26.824
Gladstone Region Gladstone Central Queensland 2008 10.488 51.351
Isaac Region Clermont Central Queensland 2008 58.862 20.443
Mackay Region Mackay Central Queensland 2008 7.621 100.260
Rockhampton Region Rockhampton Central Queensland 2008 18.361 103.297
Woorabinda Shire Woorabinda Central Queensland 1986 391 1.035
Burdekin Shire Ayr North Queensland 1888 5.052 17.020
Charters Towers Region Charters Towers North Queensland 2008 68.388 12.280
Hinchinbrook Shire Ingham North Queensland 1879 2.811 12.260
Palm Island Shire Great Palm Island North Queensland 1986 71 1.984
Townsville City Townsville North Queensland 2008 3.733 164.008
Whitsunday Region Bowen North Queensland 2008 23.856 30.719
Aurukun Shire Aurukun Far North Queensland 1978 7.375 1.044
Cairns Region Cairns Far North Queensland 2008 4.128 142.723
Cassowary Coast Region Innisfail Far North Queensland 2008 4.701 30.843
Cook Shire Cooktown Far North Queensland 1919 106.188 3.464
Hope Vale Shire Hopevale Far North Queensland 1986 1.118 914
Kowanyama Shire Kowanyama Far North Queensland 1987 2.576 1.021
Lockhart River Shire Lockhart River Far North Queensland 1987 3.545 642
Mapoon Shire Mapoon Far North Queensland 2002 530 214
Napranum Shire Napranum Far North Queensland 1989 1.995 813
Northern Peninsula Area Bamaga Far North Queensland 2008 1.030 2.175
Pormpuraaw Shire Pormpuraaw Far North Queensland 1987 4.433 600
Tablelands Region Malanda Far North Queensland 2008 64.999 42.145
Torres Shire Thursday Island Far North Queensland 1974 886 3.233
Torres Strait Island Region Thursday Island Far North Queensland 2008 489 4.434
Weipa Town Weipa Far North Queensland 1963 10,9 2.830
Wujal Wujal Shire Wujal Wujal Far North Queensland 1987 11 379
Yarrabah Shire Yarrabah Far North Queensland 1986 158 2.322
Burke Shire Burketown North West Queensland 1885 40.126 481
Carpentaria Shire Normanton North West Queensland 1883 64.373 2.290
Cloncurry Shire Cloncurry North West Queensland 1884 48.113 3.834
Croydon Shire Croydon North West Queensland 1887 29.578 319
Doomadgee Shire Doomadgee North West Queensland 1987 1.862 1.236
Etheridge Shire Georgetown North West Queensland 1882 39.332 851
Flinders Shire Hughenden North West Queensland 1882 41.538 1.974
McKinlay Shire Julia Creek North West Queensland 1891 40.880 1.013
Mornington Shire Gununa North West Queensland 1978 1.232 1.044
Mount Isa City Mount Isa North West Queensland 1914 43.349 21.201
Richmond Shire Richmond North West Queensland 1910 26.602 1.148
Barcaldine Region Barcaldine Central West Queensland 2008 53.677 3.503
Barcoo Shire Jundah Central West Queensland 1885 62.001 450
Blackall-Tambo Region Blackall Central West Queensland 2008 30.451 2.069
Boulia Shire Boulia Central West Queensland 1887 61.102 547
Diamantina Shire Bedourie Central West Queensland 1879 94.823 304
Longreach Region Longreach Central West Queensland 2008 40.638 4.664
Winton Shire Winton Central West Queensland 1886 53.935 1.544
Balonne Shire St George South West Queensland 1883 31.150 5.627
Bulloo Shire Thargomindah South West Queensland 1880 73.807 457
Maranoa Region Roma South West Queensland 2008 58.830 12.648
Murweh Shire Charleville South West Queensland 1879 40.742 5.026
Paroo Shire Cunnamulla South West Queensland 1879 47.714 2.114
Quilpie Shire Quilpie South West Queensland 1930 67.633 1.049
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