
Folge dieser Anleitung, um das gebrochene, gesprungene oder defekte Display deiner "Apple Watch Series 3" auszutauschen.

Stelle sicher, dass deine Apple Watch auf "watchOS 5" oder neuer ( und das gekoppelte iPhone auf "iOS 12" oder neuer) geupdatet ist, um Kopplungsprobleme nach einem Displayaustausch zu vermeiden.

Der Austausch eines Displays kann zu Problemen mit "Apple Pay" führen. Lösche möglichst alle deine Apple Pay Kontoinformationen vor dem Austausch, um Probleme zu vermeiden, und gebe sie dann über das eingebaute neue Display wieder ein.

Diese Anleitung zeigt die standardmäßige GPS-Version der Uhr, die mobil/LTE-Version ist aber ganz ähnlich. Wichtige Unterschiede sind im Text beschrieben.

  1. 3jETuMAJGuYOyrM1

    Verify your model. The back of the Cellular model just says GPS, so be sure to check the groves where the watch band goes to determine you model. I made the mistake of just reading the back of the device and since I’d been gifted the device didn’t know it was cellular. Cellular has a different type of touch force gasket, different screen, and different battery connections.

    Ryan Holt -

    From what I just read on Apple, the only differences in watch series 3 is 38mm and 42mm.

    mcr4u2 -

    As a consumer all you need to know are 38mm and 42mm

    Michael Adoga -

    The back will say GPS LTE if it’s the cellular version. If it doesn’t say LTE it is only the GPS version. The displays are different whether or not it is LTE(cellular).

    themepark -

    This alternative method only reboots the watch.

    Gregg Stanley -

  2. dAlO5MlADoI4aHmQ
    • Verwende einen iOpener (oder einen Haartrockner oder ein Heißluftgebläse), um das Display so zu erwärmen, bis es sich fast nicht mehr anfassen lässt.

    • Lasse den iOpener mindestens eine Minute auf dem Display liegen, so dass dieses überall heiß wird und der Kleber darunter aufweicht.

    • Wahrscheinlich musst du den iOpener mehrfach erwärmen oder auf dem Display bewegen, bis es überall heiß genug ist, um es abzuhebeln.

    I have heated up the iOpener to 165 degrees and left it on for more than a minute. No way I can lift the screen off with the exact knife. Tried different angles in various places, but no go. I also used a hair dryer un til the watch screen was too hot to touch and even tried a very hard cutting tool blade and also no go. Could n ever get the blade under the face I applied enough force where I could see that the blade left small marks, not very big, but could never get anything to move or lift. What am I doing wrong? I spent 47 years at a global computer company and I am used to taking apart small things and applying force when required. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Please help me.

    Rafael Blanco -

    Getting the initial gap is not easy. Maybe a playing card could work its way in the tiny gap and cut some adhesive. After that there might be some success with an exacto knife. Or you want to try a piece of aluminum foil (folded for more rigidity) for cutting the adhesive. Be aware of the force touch gasket and that it might get damaged during that procedure.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    I finally used a hot air gun set to 150 deg. C heating up the edges by slowly spinning the watch around before the technique worked. Difficult is the level noted and it’s correct. Finally worked and watch perfectly functioning.

    Chris Giavotto -

    I had to heat the iOpener 2 times and leave it on top of the watch for 10 minutes.

    Axel Trujillo -

    • Weil der Spalt zwischen dem Display und dem Uhrgehäuse sehr schmal ist, benötigst du zum Trennen der beiden eine sehr scharfe Klinge. Lies folgende Warnhinweise sehr aufmerksam durch, bevor du weiterarbeitest.

    • Schütze deine Finger und halte sie fern von der Schneide. Schütze im Zweifelsfall deine freie Hand mit einem schweren Handschuh, wie z.B. einem Arbeitshandschuh aus Leder oder einem Gartenhandschuh.

    • Sei vorsichtig und wende nicht zuviel Druck mit dem Messer auf, es könnte sonst abrutschen und dich verletzen oder die Uhr beschädigen.

    • Trage eine Schutzbrille. Das Glas oder das Messer könnten brechen, so dass Splitter herumfliegen.

    • Du kannst das Armband dranlassen oder abnehmen, je nachdem, wie du die Uhr beim Reparieren besser halten kannst.

    Don’t cut your finger off!

    Mike -

    The Watch 3 stainless Steel has an additional Frame. Where do i have To Open it?

    asteffen@me.com -

    I wore thick gardening gloves just to be safe 😅 and it took a while but the screen did come off.

    Axel Trujillo -

    • Setze eine gebogene Klinge in den schmalen Spalt zwischen Display und äußerem Gehäuse. Beginne an der kurzen Seite des Displays, nahe der Krone.

    • Drücke die Klinge mit viel Kraft gerade runter in den Spalt.

    • Wenn die Klinge drin ist, dann neige die Klinge seitwärts, um das Display etwas zu öffnen.

    • Setze die Klinge nicht tiefer als 2 mm ein.

    It’s difficult to grip case in a way that keeps fingers safe from the blade but doesn’t hit the side buttons and turn the device on!

    If it’s a struggle to get the display to release, warm case for a few more minutes.

    Kyle Powderly -

    I have tried so may times to get the display to release but nothing works. Should have bought a new watch LOL. Kept the iOpener on 2 times for 10 minutes and it still won't open. There must be a better way.

    Susan E. White -

    Hi Susan,

    if you're struggling to get the adhesive loose enough a hair dryer, heat gun, or hot plate may also be used, but be careful not to overheat the device. The edge should feel slightly too hot to the touch.

    Dominik Schnabelrauch -

  5. AjRJCyCiMOCZ3rad
    • Wenn du mit der gebogenen Klinge einen schmalen Spalt geöffnet hast, dann entferne die Klinge und setze die dünne Kante eines Plastiköffnungswerkzeugs in den Spalt.

    • Drücke das Plastiköffnungswerkzeug in den Spalt hinein und vergrößere ihn, wobei du es mit deinem Daumen abstützen kannst.

    • Achte darauf, das Display noch nicht ganz zu öffnen oder abzulösen.

  6. R4FIOpCBksWgGmXY
    • Setze ein Plektrum unter das Display und trenne die Force Touch Dichtung behutsam vom Display.

    • Bei den Akku- und Display Repair Kits von iFixit ist eine neue Force Touch Dichtung dabei, mach dir also keine Sorgen, wenn deine alte Dichtung kaputt geht.

    • Andernfalls kannst du deine Dichtung schonen und sehr sorgfältig unter der Dichtung hebeln. Wenn die Dichtung beim Hebeln und Hochheben des Displays reißt, musst du die Dichtung natürlich auch erneuern.

    • Schiebe das Plektrum um das Display herum und trenne den Kleber zwischen Force Touch Dichtung und Display auf.

    • Setze das Plektrum nicht tiefer als 2 mm ein

  7. rPZ1tKy2Hq2hQToM
    • Öffne das Display noch nicht ganz, sonst ziehst du an den Kabeln.

    • Ziehe den Klebstoff mit einer Pinzette vom Display und dem Force Touch Sensor Kabel, während du das Display im 45° Winkel öffnest.

    • Fädle den Klebstoff hinter die Displaykabel und über das Display um ihn zu entfernen.

  8. cugMBWeDFADi12LD
    • Entferne die Tri-Point Y000 Schraube, mit der die Metallabdeckplatte befestigt ist.

    • Entferne die Abdeckplatte mit einer Pinzette.

    • Um die beiden Laschen der Platte auszuhängen, musst du sie erst ganz nach oben klappen.

    • Dann muss sie wieder den halben Weg zurück geklappt werden. Jetzt kannst du sie herausheben.

    Pictures are the GPS version. Cellular doesn’t have the gap and separate removable plate on the “taptic engine” section.

    Ryan Holt -

    What if I’m unable to unscrew the screw? I’m using the right tool, but it just won’t do it. It feels like it can’t “lock in” if you know what I mean in order to be able to get enough grip to turn the screw. Any suggestions?

    Cade Capper -

    Once you have the driver set properly in the screw you have to lean into it to get it to turn. The screw is coated with LockTight.

    mailghall -

  9. HRNgsYrYPAJcwlsc
    • Bei der GPS Version kannst du den Akku sofort abtrennen. Bei der Mobil/LTE Version muss zuerst die Force-Touch Dichtung gelöst und zur Seite gebogen werden.

    • Heble den Akkustecker gerade nach oben und trenne den Akku ab.

    • Biege den Stecker etwas nach oben, um sicherzustellen, dass er sich nicht versehentlich wieder verbindet.

    whats does it happen if the connector make contact by accident????

    Daniel Sanchez -

  10. 1dgOueOjcsAyYwZc
    • Löse das Klebeband auf den Displaykabelsteckern mit einer Pinzette.

    • Beginne rechts unten am Klebeband und arbeite dich vorsichtig zum Stecker in der Mitte vor.

    • Das Klebeband kann ganz schön widerspenstig sein, trotzdem musst du darauf achten, nicht zu stark zu ziehen, damit die Kabel darunter nicht beschädigt werden. Falls nötig kannst du den Kleber aufweichen, indem du das Band ein bisschen erwärmst oder etwas Isopropylalkohol eintröpfelst.

    Das Klebeband muss gar nicht vollständig abgelöst werden. Es reicht aus, die Stecker freizulegen. So hat man beim Wiederzusammensetzen das Klebeband wieder in der optimalen Position und auch nicht das Risiko, die leitende Folie zu verletzen.

    BMJ -

  11. VNeOfGvPpQOJInqb
    • Auf dem Stecker ganz links ist auch eine leitende Folie, die leicht reißen kann, wenn du das Klebeband abziehst.

    • Falls sie reißt, fasse sie unten links, um sie ganz zu entfernen. So bleibt die passende Folie darunter (auf dem Display) unversehrt.

    How important is the conductive tape?

    John Ellis -

  12. 1ftKreTUGh1fYQKD
    • Benutze ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug oder deinen sauberen Fingernagel, um den ersten der drei ZIF Stecker zu entriegeln, indem du die kleine schwarze Klappe auf dem Stecker gegenüber vom Kabel aufhebelst.

    Ir is viral to lift the small black flap or you ruin the entire process here, I lost everythign here...the first one stuck and the entire connector discintigrated on me, not my first rodeo, but lost the entire project.

    Lisa Russell -

  13. XH3juxKoUMJVCOI1
    • Entriegele auch die Sicherungsbügel an den anderen beiden ZIF-Steckern.

    • Am Ersatzdisplay sind die Sicherungsbügel normalerweise geschlossen. Achte beim Zusammenbau darauf, dass diese Sicherungen geöffnet sind, sonst kannst du deine Uhr beschädigen.

  14. KFhNUNkWCEbvYNwv
    • Trenne die Display-Flachbandkabel, indem du sie vorsichtig mit einer Pinzette herausziehst.

    • Wenn die Kabel widerspenstig sind, dann bewege sie beim Herausziehen vorsichtig hin und her, so dass sie allmählich herauskommen.

  15. 4jk3sYZZdjOqBDGI
    • Entferne das Display.

    • Eine detaillierte Anleitung zum Wiederzusammenbau , die auch zeigt, wie die Dichtung am Force-Touch-Sensor und der umgebende Kleber ersetzt wird, haben wir für dich in der nachfolgenden Zusammenfassung verlinkt.


    how are you

    Please answer me quickly

    i have a apple watch 3 and broken lcd

    can i replace this lcd with a lost apple watch lcd?

    Does it work?

    I've heard that Apple does not allow this and ban the device!!!!

    Hossean Dad -


Fahre mit Schritt 10 unserer Force Touch Sensor Anleitung fort und beende die Reparatur mit dem Verkleben deiner Uhr. Beste Ergebnisse erzielst du, wenn du das neue Display erst nach Schritt 16 anschließt.

Tobias Isakeit

Mitglied seit: 31/03/14

108055 Reputation

51 Kommentare

“Replacing the display can cause issues with Apple Pay.“

If ApplePay could possibly be disabled by this procedure, then seems like a show stopper.

Is ApplePay still an issue?

Joel Weston -

This is indeed something we can not rule out entirely. There are too many options to consider and we are not able to test all of them (type of replacement screen, software related issues with WatchOS and paired/unpaired watches. The NFC chip is the main issue here since it lives on the display and is responsible for Apple Pay. We are happy for any insight others can provide to offer a working solution/guide.

Tobias Isakeit -

I will try this once i get a display from iFixit. Thanks :) i hope it works

Kundan Agrawal -

Apne display kaha se or kitne ka kharida , pls tel me

Honey Gothwal -

Hey guys, I replaced the screen and once I turned it on I got the green snake screen. When I try to charge it, it gets really hot now. Did I damage the battery or anything else?

Aaron -

Hi Aaron,

assuming all cables and components are fine and not damaged (check for creases, kinks or rips as well as making sure all connectors sit tight) you might want to try these steps and see if the watch boots up properly:

1. use a working charging cable/unit and power adapter (maybe borrow one from a friend)

2. wait at least one hour to see if the watch boots up.

3. try to force restart the watch (push and hold the side button and the crown until the Apple logo appears) and then charge it.

4. let the battery run down until the watch shuts off on its on and leave it off for another day for the battery to deplete completely. Then try charging it.

Tobias Isakeit -

Hi Aaron,

The green snake of death is ok - that just means the battery is charging, and doesn't have enough to turn on yet. The red snake of death however is bad, meaning that the either charger or charge port is faulty.

I could be wrong, the information I was told was quite, odd...

Referenced Site - Apple - Green Snake and Green Snake Info

Nate Campbell -


An acquaintance bought a Series 3 42mm replacement screen and I set out to make the swap for him using this guide. There is a metal loop above one of the ribbon connectors on the back of the screen near the edge. This loop is not in the same place as it was on the original screen, and as such does not contact the small brass clip on the watch frame like it’s supposed to.

Upon closer inspection, it seems he ordered a Cellular screen and has a GPS watch. Would that account for this difference? It is the only difference between the two screens that I can see with the naked eye.


Stephen Butterfield -

Hello, yes, the cellular and the Gps version screens are different, it would not fit

wxllxmarketing -

Hey guys

I have forget to delete the Credit Card before i replace the Display and now i have an error message when i configurate Apple Pay. How can i fix it ?

Andreas Haack -

Hi Andreas, you may either re-install the old display (if it’s working to that degree as to remove the credit card settings) and then perform the repair again. Or you may reset your watch (provided you have a recent backup) and set it up from that backup. (No guaranty this will work)

Tobias Isakeit -

Hello did this work for you?

James -

After doing this fix/replacement of a cracked screen, should I assume the watch is no longer water resistant and avoid wearing it in pool, shower, hot tub, etc?

Robert Sarvis -

That’s correct. A manually fixed and closed watch display might not be as tight as a manufactured Apple Watch. I would refrain from submerging it in water to be on the safe side.

Tobias Isakeit -

Is it possible to just replace the glass? my screen displays perfectly the glass is just cracked in away that I can’t enter my passcode.

Michael Ryan -

Hi Michael, though it is possible to only change the glass, I’d not recommend it. You might feel the same after watching this video (it’s a Series 4 but basically the same procedure for the glass)—or you feel empowered by it and will try that procedure (with success hopefully): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZYWzsB_...

Tobias Isakeit -

My Apple Watch screen is very broken and has lifted slightly. Is it still possible to repair it?

Dianne Waszak -

Hi Dianne, if the watch didn’t suffer from any water that might have gotten in, you’ll be definitely able to repair it with a new display. Just be careful with the glass shards. And if you use Apple Pay, make sure you delete any credit card information before removing the old screen to avoid any problems with the NFC chip on the new display (see introduction).

Tobias Isakeit -

Hi, where can i buy the screen for apple watch series 3?

Searched online, only whole unit is available and it’s quite expensive. So, i was wondering if i can purchase the screen only.

Rasul Rukhillaev -

Hi Rasul, here you can find the different Series 3 screens: https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Parts/Apple...

If you only want to change the glass you probably want to search for the procedure online if you’re up to the challenge ;)

Tobias Isakeit -

So I did this fix a while back (for my wife’s watch), and everything seemed to go well. But a week later, the adhesive failed and the face ended up popping off. I reheated and stuck it back on, but a few weeks later it again popped off. The watch is basically unusable for my wife, all bc the adhesive isn’t sticking. What now? Expensive repair to be thwarted by weak adhesive.

Robert Sarvis -

@isakrittl any comments/suggestions

should I just buy some regular glue (what kind) to make it stick better?

Robert Sarvis -

Hi Robert, congrats on the repair so far. Assuming you cleaned every little bit of remaining adhesive from the frame and the display and the new adhesive still won’t hold, you might want to try the E6000 glue. It’s an industrial glue and needs to be applied very carefully to not get on unwanted areas. I wish you a successful repair

Tobias Isakeit -


You guys should either include better adhesive or tell ppl to buy their own right off the bat. As noted above already, the weak adhesive led to her screen popping off multiple times. The repeated popping off apparently led to one of the minuscule clips holding the electrical ribbons from the watch to the screen breaking, so the screen doesn’t work and is now useless. So I'm out $170 bucks bc of the crappy cheap-o adhesive strip they provide (or possibly the clip was weak to begin with--only one of them broke). If I buy a new screen, I'll have spent more than the price of a new and better Apple Watch. FML. Apparently redditors are aware the adhesive strips suck and just buy separate adhesive. Why would iFixit not provide legit adhesive? It's $170 on the line! EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED!!!

Robert Sarvis -

hi, I broke my apple watch and I was wondering if you can use another series glass to fix an apple watch series 3?

If not is there cheaper ways to fix your apple watch?

Aria Nanayakkara -

as of today April 2020, you can buy the new screen for 200 bucks or buy a new S3 watch for 199.00. Why would I invest 200 into a used watch when I can buy a new one for 199?

Art -

Hi, I’m unsure of what parts to buy to replace my screen. I dropped my watch and the screen is fully cracked. The buttons still work but the touchscreen does not. Would it just be a new screen or the digitiser too?

Joana ॐ -

Dag, Ik lees dat bij het vervange van het scherm apple pay soms niet meer werkt.

Dat is bij mij dus het geval. Heeft u ook een oplossing om apple pay weer aan de gang te krijgen?

Mvg Folkert

Folkert -

Where is the guide for installing the new screen? I don’t see that anywhere….

Jerrod Eshleman -

See link in the conclusion box: Continue from Step 10 of our Force Touch Sensor guide to re-seal your watch and complete your repair.

Tobias Isakeit -

Also I was able to preserve the force touch gasket, so does that mean I don’t need to install the one that came with the kit? If so, then how does the screen adhere to the watch?

Jerrod Eshleman -

Will the Apple Watch (38 mm Series 3 Cellular) Screen work fine on the GPS version?

Ryan Simpson -

I have the same question

Amy Halfacre -

replace the screen but the new screen wont light up it turns on

josh -

I feel like this is $@$*!&. I tried everything and it still don’t work. I want a refund.

Savannah Tacy -

I have a series 3 GPS, (non cellular, at least, I assume its gps then). crystal is cracked and I can’t enter the PIN because of it. i wanted to just buy a new series 3 apple watch but the new ones won’t work with an Iphone 6, b/c the newest series 3’s require IOS 14! If I do the screen replacement as shown here, do the new parts dictate that the phone have an ios 14? (it says 12 here, but I’m skeptical, only because new series 3 watches won’t work with IOS 12). I assume it depends on other internals, and this should all work, but would appreciate confirmation. Thanks

joe -

I have a question about changing the LCD on my cracked Apple Watch series 3. All of the series 3 replacement screens I have seen are super expensive and are almost as much as getting a new watch. Can I use a replacement lcd for series 1 watch, on my series 3 watch?

Annajorg -

Tobias - I have a GPS only series 3 watch: I cracked the screen and I’m shopping around online, but I was wondering… are the screens the same for GPS and GPS + LTE? It seems very hard to find a GPS-only screen from the descriptions I’m seeing…..?

Amy Halfacre -

I purchased the GPS series 3 watch screen replacement with the force touch gasket replacement. I changed both the screen and force touch gasket, but the watch only restarts to the apple symbol. I have tried to do hard reboot and this didn’t fix it and I did a hard boot while it charged.

Do you have other suggestions?

Josh Robinson -

Will replacing the NFC have an impact on if the digitizer works (although I’m aware that that the NFC isn’t responsible for the digitizer). I replaced the screen on the 42mm Series 3 and it boots up fine but the touch doesn’t work. I contacted the company I bought the screen from and they told me that replacing the NFC will make the digitizer work, but I really don’t want to dink around with the NFC chip unless I absolutely have to…

Grace Wong -

Can the watch be repaired with a series 1 or 2 screen ?

hakarou321 -

Not with the Series 1. If you really want to try a Series 2 display on a Series 3 Watch, take a look at this user generated guide and its comments.

Tobias Isakeit -

I repaired my series 3 with an ifixit screen protector. Admittedly, I didn’t disconnect the battery first, the tutorial didn’t show how to do it for a cellular version. After finishing the replacement, I only get the apple logo. It was coming up on my FindMy, but still stuck on the apple loop after multiple resets. I decided to erase all content and reboot, and now i’m in the same position but I can’t see it on my phone or computer anymore.

I realized maybe it was something to do with my installation, so I removed the screen again, this time fully removed the battery, and reassembled. I’m in the same position being stuck in the apple loop. Does anybody have any suggestions? I’m letting the battery run out, but I don’t really know what else to do here. Leaving the screen connected but not sealed in case any tinkering may help.

Nik Carpentieri -

Hello, i have the same problem, did you manage to solve it? If yes then how?

Dacian Bujor -

Hi, I change the screen for a new one and now it just won’t turn on won’t do anything can you guys help me ?

hakarou321 -

I changed the screen and made sure everything was properly put back but now my touch is not working at all.

Essaud Hernandez -


I am looking to attempt this with a known good OEM display.

Can anyone confirm this is applicable and worked for them?

Replacing the display can cause issues with Apple Pay. If possible, to reduce the likelihood of problems, delete all your Apple Pay account info before the replacement, and then re-enter it with the new display installed.


James -

It’s say that this process was going to be bed hard and in less then 2 hours I replaced the screen of my Apple Watch series 6 and am just 15 years old

Andrew Cruz -

Has anyone tried replacing 42mm watch with 38mm lcd? any luck?

amiralli hemani -

I have a series 3 Apple Watch running watchOS 8.1 when I try to boot with the new display it hangs and shuts off but with the original display it works fine Edit - it started working after I waited a while while plugged I

Thing -

Trying to determine if this series 3 is fixable, obviously needs new screen but don’t know about this other part that appears damaged(top of inside watch gold connector above battery). What is it? Is it replaceable?

Samuel Coleman -